Comments 678

Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Will, Unsurprisingly, Have Near Instant Respawns


@leucocyte You can prove anything with facts, Haha. I get it and you're right about the £60 RRP (even though I don't think I've ever seen a game at that price barring digital), but it doesn't change the fact that £70 is a crazy amount to charge for a video game. I only comment on here to add to the dissatisfied voice in regard to the price hike in vain hope that Sony will be forced to reign in the price eventually. I know it's a losing battle and most will just give in and accept it, but if enough people act negatively towards business practices things can change as we've seen in some cases recently. Not many, but some.

Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Will, Unsurprisingly, Have Near Instant Respawns


@darksoul77 you might be right, but I simply do not believe that Sony hasn't made a huge profit from selling 100m+ ps4s and millions of copies of games at £40-45. I also think that the pricing is quite a gamble as I don't think they'll make more money but less from sales as fewer people will buy any of the games at that price.

Throwing around the term 'big-budget production' is silly too without knowing how much the game cost to make. It would take a lot to convince me that this isn't an attempt to blanket raise the prices for extra profit. Luckily I can't see them getting away with it for too long after most of the games flop and everyone else continues to release games at a reasonable price like Capcom with Resi Village.

Had they just gone for a slight raise in price here in the UK of £45-50 to £55-60 it might have been acceptable, but a £25 hike is taking the pi$$.

Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Will, Unsurprisingly, Have Near Instant Respawns


@Rob_230 pretty much this. I pre-ordered RE Village for £46 and as you say this can be found for £63 at the cheapest. I just can't see how Sony can carry on with this pricing and expect their games to sell well on release. I mean, seriously, what planet are they on? The more I think about it the more crazy or seems to charge that much for a video game.

Re: PS Plus Game Destruction AllStars Introduces Its Competitors in New Trailer


Why is everyone so desperate to see the game in action? It's coming to ps+ so it's not like you need to make any decisions about buying it. I'm happy to just wait for it to come out and give it a go. It doesn't seem like my kind of game though, I'm terrible at competitive online have games.

Just glad I get to try it out and probably move on without having to pay anything extra for it.

Re: Pre-Order Returnal on PS5 to Unlock These In-Game Costumes


@4kgk2 why should we? It's not about being able to afford it, it's because the price isn't justified. It's actually more like $95 for a lot of us too.

Also, can you show where you get your info on them not even breaking even? As far as I can see the industry is making more money than it ever has.

Re: PS5 UK Restock Targeted by Scalpers Again, Group Claims More Than 2,000 Orders Made


I think it's time Sony and stores set up some kind of waiting list. This way people can get an idea of when they will get their console and put a huge dent in the scalpers' plans to stop people from getting a console legitimately.

Stores and companies should be forced to stop wasting peoples' time for clicks and store engagement. Set up a waiting list and contact people when it's their turn to buy the thing they want. It's that simple.

Re: Soapbox: 2021 Is the Year to Tackle Your Backlog, Because So Many Games Are Going to Be Delayed


It's going to be fine for us lot, it's you guys in the media who will struggle with less to write about. The industry has become so saturated its started to eat its own tail in a way. Maybe a year of down time will be a good thing in the long run. The way content is being released with dlc and extra bits here and there games are demanding way too much of our time.

Looking at something like Man-eater for instance, I've enjoyed playing it this month while listening to podcasts and stuff, but then they've announced a load of paid dlc and all I can think is "Nah, I'm OK, it was fun but I've had my fill." I wish some developers would think more about making better, shorter experiences instead of just adding more fluff for a bit of extra cash to games that really don't deserve more attention.

Re: Poll: When Do You Think Sony's Next State of Play Will Be?


I'm not sure they'll have one for Destruction All-stars. Why bother? They're giving it away with PS+ and they've sold out of all the PS5s they could ship. I think the next one will be when they have something to say about Ratchet and Clank in Spring or maybe a bit later. They need the game to sell well and I suppose they'd like to wait for more PS5s to be out in the wild before they release it too. A fresh flux of console owners will help shift quite a few units at full price.

Re: Here's What You Get with the Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition


@CKFilms Yeah, but it's a mess. I got Hitman 1 on ps+ and it was really confusing with all the missing content and dlc you needed to buy for the complete game. Then Hitman 2 is the same with the base game missing loads of stuff. Now it looks like 3 is going to be similar if you buy the base version. I'm just going to wait for a physical version with all three games and all content.

Re: Here's What You Get with the Hitman 3 Deluxe Edition


@DualshockInfinit I'll do exactly the same. If anything this deluxe edition has put me off buying the game completely. I don't want to pay £60 for an incomplete game and I'm not paying £80 for a game with cut content.

You just know there'll be a complete trilogy version with all the content and patched as well for a fraction of the price in a year or so.

Re: Returnal Gets Brand New PS5 Gameplay Trailer, Details on Combat


Have to say I agree with most people here. It looks like a good game, but it's a high risk at the new £70/$95 price tag here in the UK. It almost feels like Sony need justify why we should have to pay this much money for each or even any game.

I suppose it's really just a case of "let's charge a high price and catch the people who'll pay it, then sell it at a lower price to the people who can wait for a sale later on.". My new PS5 console hype has fallen off now and I have plenty to play while I wait for the cheaper pipeline of games, patched and ready to go, to come along in six months or so.

It might seem silly, but had this been a launch title I probably would have got this instead of Miles Morales and Remastered. Now I can wait.

Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Gets New Gameplay Footage in Latest Dev Diary


@KilloWertz I never usually pay £60 for any games. I paid £40-45 for Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us 2 on release last year. This is why a sudden jump to £70 is such a kick in balls. I'll admit I paid £60 for Demon's Souls, but that was based on new console hype. I can afford to pay £70 for a game, but I chose not to because I think it's unjustified.

I've already seen a drop from £70-£60 for PS5 games, so the price is clearly not selling as many games as expected. A few more flops will only help to bring the prices back to something more reasonable. We have a lot of power as consumers, and to act like we have no choice and have to submit to price gouging is pretty defeatist.

Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Gets New Gameplay Footage in Latest Dev Diary


It looks really good and I'm so excited to play it, but to add an extra beat to a horse of the dead... I can't afford to pay the £70 asking price. I want to support the devs but I also don't want to encourage the high price that Sony are trying normalise.

I'll make sure to buy it new so they get some money from me, but I'll wait until I can find it for a more reasonable £30-40.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for January 2021?


So far the PS5 games have all been ones I'm slightly interested in but would never actually buy which is exactly what I want from the sub, so no complaints from me. I hope that this trend continues going forward. Getting shorter unusual Indies or online multiplayer games are much more preferable for me personally as I can mess around a bit and not feel like I've wasted my money. It should be good for creativity in the industry too.

Re: Happy New Year from the Push Square Team


Happy New Year! Thanks to all you guys at push square, your hard work is very much appreciated. And a special mention to everyone in the comments section too, it's one of the nicest communities I've found on the internet and definitely plays a big part in me coming back regularly. Even when is gets a bit weird or goes too far, as most comments sections do, I find it to be an interesting read and a solid source of entertainment. I hope 2021 brings a lot of joy to everyone here.

Re: Game of the Year: #4 - Demon's Souls


It's always been in my top five games ever made and this remake has only reassured me that it's my favourite soulsborne game. There are so many interesting things going on with the various tendency events, more archaic multiplayer and NPC interactions.

While a lot of the changes made in future entries were done for convenience, doing so has taken away elements of mystery and discovery that this game thrives on.

Remake or not, it's easily the best game released this year. I'm so glad it's come out at the start of this new gen and I'll be playing it on and off throughout the whole generation. There's not many games, if any, I can say the same for.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Single Biggest Disappointment of the PS4 Generation


Must be an awful game to review. A 3/10 is a ridiculous score really for what is a good but not great game. However, I'm playing on ps5 and have been lucky with crashes while I play it at a slow pace.

This score feels more like a punishment for the deceitful approach to the release and lack of attention to the Sony platforms. Then, if the reviewer can't finish the game due to a bug it has to be expected.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077's Multiplayer and DLC Not the Focus, As CDPR Preps Rescue Mission


@jmac1686 I have switched off the minimap exactly for this reason. I find I end up just staring at the corner of the screen most of the time in open world games like this. After playing Red Dead 2 without a minimap I won't go back. It forces you to actually look at the environment and you slowly start to recognise landmarks and stuff too. I also like the extra orientation challenge it provides instead of just following a yellow brick line.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077's Multiplayer and DLC Not the Focus, As CDPR Preps Rescue Mission


The real issue here is that they're stuck working on a game for the next few years that is full of out of date tropes and mechanics and ultimately not that great or much fun to play. The prospect of staying in this world to play a mediocre multiplayer that probably won't even work for the first year or so is not appealing in the slightest.

I'm enjoying it, but the NPC's AI in particular is embarrassing. If I were CDPR I'd fix the game, drop it and move on as soon as possible.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Pricing Is Setting Releases Like Returnal Up to Fail


Thinking about this, I'd like to see one developer try a different approach. I wonder if selling a game for £40 and then having an option to donate a kind of tip in the menu for more wealthy people who can afford it could work.

It might be a bit pie in the sky, but you'd get far more people playing the game and the ones who want to support the developer for future projects can do so. It would also encourage the industry on the whole to make better games in general too.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Pricing Is Setting Releases Like Returnal Up to Fail


I think the real aim here with £70 rise is to raise the overall price over a game's lifetime. They cannot realistically expect most people to pay £70 for games on release. I think they are hoping that the second wave of gamers will eventually pay the original £40-50 that games were instead of waiting for usually even lower price. PS games have a history of quickly becoming quite cheap after 6 months and this seems to be an attempt to change that slightly.

Honestly, who is going to spend that much on Returnal? They must know this. I won't even buy Ratchet and Clank or GT7 for that price. I was OK to pay that for Demon's Souls and Miles Morales with Remastered due to new console hype, but if they think people will spend that much on games and regularly they're in for a bit of a shock.

Re: Days Gone Is Trending on Twitter Because of Cyberpunk 2077


For me it's the highly selective group of people who have received a review copy and that none are allowed to use their own footage in their reviews that is a bit suss. I think we're getting to the point where all reviews need to specify exactly what has been given to them by a publisher or developer in a run up to a game release, including dinners, accommodation, merchandise, etc. These scores have buttered up and mates rates written all over them.

Re: Site News: Where's Our Cyberpunk 2077 Review?


So we're basically paying for a beta version of the game cause they couldn't hold off the wolves at the door anymore. It's a shame, I'll play it once for a laugh with all the bugs then put it away til it's actually ready.

Re: Feature: Our PS5 Predictions for The Game Awards 2020


With games like Elden Ring, Ghostwire Tokyo, God of War: Ragnarok, Horizon Zero Dawn: Forbidden West, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Gran Turismo 7, Resident Evil 8, Final Fantasy 16, Deathloop, Returnal and Pragmata (Wow! Just putting that together is a bonkers list of games to look forward to) coming for PS5 I'm not too bothered about PlayStation content, I'm just waiting for them to release. It's Nintendo I'm more interested in for announcements, they haven't released a top top game since Luigi's Mansion 3 for me (Animal Crossing aside) and we have virtually no idea what they have planned for next year.

Re: Soapbox: The Conversation About Games Moves Too Quickly


I've decided to wait for ff7 remake to be completely finished until I'll play it. Trying to keep up with every release is a fools game, expensive too.

I actually get a lot out of saving games I know I'll enjoy for a rainy day. I also find that I enjoy them more too. I tried to play God of War twice and wasn't really feeling it, then I picked it up a third time last Xmas and had a blast.

I also left Spiderman and benefited from that by getting the remastered version with all the dlc for cheap along with Miles Morales (which I'm saving for an Xmas game), making the PS5 launch pretty spectacular with Demon's Souls too.

I think there's a lot to be said for waiting for the right time to enjoy anything in life instead of trying to rush through it just to get to the next thing and rush through that too.