Comments 678

Re: Promising PS5 FPS Deathloop Delayed Until 14th September


Being so close to release, tinfoil hat firmly in place, I can't help but think there's been some external pressure to delay this game to a busier period by Microsoft in order to lessen its impact on the PS platform. If I was Sony, I would force them to delay it until early next year when they need a game to fill a gap.

Got to feel a bit sorry for Sony, they helped fund two unusual games that would probably have never been made otherwise and now Microsoft has bought up both studios, with Zenimax, that have been working closely with them and had access to all their tech and dev kits for a long time. MS really are going for the jugular this gen.

Re: Returnal Gets New PS5 Gameplay Footage in Another Housemarque Dev Diary


@4kgk2 I mean... I'm not going to disagree with you that given the choice of universal healthcare or cheaper entertainment, I'd pick universal healthcare.

I was just explaining why people are complaining about the price of games this gen so much. Honestly, I don't think it will go away until there is a larger user base on PS5 and the prices can come back down to something close to reasonable. As someone who can afford £70, it's hit a point where I just cannot justify paying that much for a piece of entertainment, it's just not right.

It'll be interesting to see the reaction when they come back and say that they have to raise the US prices in parity with the rest of the world, cause it's only 'fair' or something like that.

Re: PS Store Spring Sale Goes Live with 500 PS5, PS4 Deals


Yakuza like a dragon, hitman 3 and godfall have been cheaper than this for the past month or more on most online retailers and even Amazon in some cases. The digital eco-system just seems like a way to trick people out of their money to me by offering falsely inflated prices to begin with. Digital future ftw! Games can become cheaper without a physical production cost etc... Blah blah blah... Bah humbug... Mumble mumble...

Re: Feast Your Eyes on New Footage from PS5's Returnal


@PlayNation5 not really, I've got Resident Evil 8 for £46 and switch games are still reasonably priced. I'll just carry on sending my money that way until I'm a year behind the PS5 exclusive curve.

The writing is on the wall though, I think I'll probably end up going for the PC/Nintendo combo after PS5. With all the negative press and silly pricing I wonder if Sony might be in for a pretty rough ride this generation.

Re: Feast Your Eyes on New Footage from PS5's Returnal


@theMEGAniggle I wouldn't buy any game for £70, it's an absolutely ridiculous price to charge for a game. The only thing that would tempt me is any new game from Hidetaka Miyazaki, but that's because I know I'll be playing it for years on and off. Even then I would be reluctant and do my best to find it closer to £60.

Re: Feast Your Eyes on New Footage from PS5's Returnal


@theMEGAniggle I think in my case it more about the principle. The most I paid for a new game last gen was £50 for Red Dead Redemption 2 at a midnight launch. To suddenly be expected to pay an extra £20 in the least extreme case smarts. I've gone from someone who bought pretty much all of the 1st party games on release at £45 to now not buying anything new in approaching six months when Resident Evil 8 comes out in May. Usually, I'd buy one game a month so long as there was something I wanted to play.

I really don't understand Sony's strategy this gen, they are simultaneously giving away a load of games and raising the price of new releases by a huge amount. All this has done has put me off spending any money at all for what could be the first whole year of the PS5's life.

Re: Feast Your Eyes on New Footage from PS5's Returnal


The game does look good and I'd love to be part of the conversation when it is released, but I have to stick to my guns. £55 is my limit for new games and I'll be firm with that rule. It's a great shame that the new gen has been essentially classed with a new tier of price. By the time new PS5 games become a reasonable price the hype will be gone and I'll probably just wait till they're even cheaper or included with plus.

This will also have a negative impact on media engagement too as far fewer people will be able to join in with the general discourse of new releases and will probably stop watching and reading most of the content and articles attached to them.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Has Turned Me Into a Total 60FPS Snob


After a few minutes I easily adjust back to 30fps, but 60fps is a nice luxury. The most important thing is a stable framerate at either. It seems like most people who go on about 60fps being the be all and end all just use it to try and make other people who don't have it feel bad.

There are some games I actively prefer at 30fps too, such as horror games or RPGs as it helps make them feel more cinematic instead of like a cheap TV movie. Fighting, action and racing games are noticeably better with 60fps though.

Re: Future Bethesda Games Will Ship 'Where Game Pass Exists'


@Dezzy70 It's possible that Insomniac could have made another Sunset Overdrive for MS, but I'm pretty sure most of their other games were completely funded by Sony and Spiderman was never going anywhere but PS.

I understand MS and why they would be stupid to not make BS game exclusive, but it just seems a bit off for people to celebrate others not getting games they were looking forward to. This comes from someone who fell of BS games hard after Skyrim too.

Honestly, I think Sony's worst move was to start going for timed exclusives. This benefits no one in the end and has put MS in a position where they felt like they needed to make a move like buying BS.

Re: Future Bethesda Games Will Ship 'Where Game Pass Exists'


@Dezzy70 This is a little different though. Sony and Nintendo made most of their exclusives from scratch with no suggestion of the games ever releasing anywhere else.

It's odd to see Xbox users so ecstatic about essentially getting a load of games they would have got either way. The only real change is that it looks like a load of people won't get those games as well now. Whatever way you look at it Microsoft are simply taking something away from the industry, not adding to it.

Re: Housemarque on Returnal's Price: We're Doing Our Half of the Value Proposition


This is not about Returnal costing the same as other games, it's about all games as standard costing 80€/£70 (essentially $95) outside of the US. I've got nothing against Housemarque and think their game looks great, but no game should cost that much money.

I thought that going digital was supposed to bring the prices down in general. Instead you've got the PS5 version of FF7 Remake up on the store for £69.99-84.99. Give an inch they take a mile, we've only got our selves to blame as gamers for encouraging all the little extras and whatnot. It's a losing battle, but I'll continue to voice my displeasure with the situation.

Re: Interview: Returnal PS5 Developer Housemarque Talks Story, Replayability, and Value


@LiamCroft your entering some dangerous territory here. Why even have a comments section if you want to control what the community is allowed to discuss? Hate speech and abuse is one thing, but discussing the main factor into whether we're going to buy the game in question or not because it's overpriced is another. This is the perfect chance for us to express our feelings about the price hike to the devs and Sony.

Re: Destruction AllStars Priced at $19.99 After PS Plus Inclusion


There's lots of strange contradictions going on with this game. You need PS+ to play it and it's been given away with the sub already, so surely nearly everyone who had a passing interest in this already has it in their library. Yet, now they want to gate any new subs with a price for a game that will desperately need as many people playing as possible to keep it going. The pricing, release and marketing for this has been all over the place.

If you do pay for it you should at least get everything that's behind the gross currency as part of that.

Re: Soapbox: The State of Play Branding Seems Confused


The main issue for me is it's hard to be excited for games coming when I now know that I won't get to play any of them until basically a year after release. The new price hike has ensured that all hype I have for any PS5 games has to be severely tempered. Because of this a state of play really doesn't offer me much no matter what they show.

Re: Talking Point: What Free March 2021 PS Plus Games Do You Want?


Pathless on PS5 would be cool, it's just gone down in price too which could be an indication. Sony have created a strange situation where I won't buy games anymore cause I'm worried they'll be on PS+. I won't buy the cheaper games for this reason and I won't buy the games at £70 either. Most of my budget goes on switch games while I play cheap PS4 and sub games on PS5. I hope for their sake I'm in the minority.

Re: Rumour: Konami to Outsource Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania IPs


I don't see how any self respecting studio could take on Metal Gear Solid without Kojima being involved. It's totally his creation would only ruin the reputation of anyone who tried to take it over.

I suppose some kind of spin off would be possible or a remake from someone like bluepoint with Kojima's blessing.

Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Is Another £70 / $70 PS5 Game from Sony


@DrClayman This is also spot on. The games you mention can all be found for under £50 if you shop around too. It's a bit like Sony and the rest all agreed to dress up for a fancy dress party and when they arrived only Sony bothered to make the effort to dress up (probably as Scrooge McDuck) and now they can't change back cause they committed to it.

I don't think it's working out too well with pre-orders though, the online retailers are slowly bringing the prices down a pound or so with each release.

Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Is Another £70 / $70 PS5 Game from Sony


@Floki you're probably right. Such a steep rise here in the UK and Europe seems like it hasn't been properly considered though. I'd like to see what it would be like if the US prices were raised to $95 comparatively.

It's a big shame really, as we should all be talking about how excited we are for a great new game coming out, but instead a large portion of the user base is just discussing how these games are not worth that much money. Most of my conversations with friends about PS5 releases come down to the crazy pricing and how we aren't as excited about the new games cause we won't pay the asking price even though we can afford it. It can't be a great pr system for Sony if other people are in a similar position.

Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Is Another £70 / $70 PS5 Game from Sony


I feel that if it was £45-50 I'd pre-order just for the hype. At £70 I will just wait and probably end up getting it for £20 much further down the line as I'll be so far removed from the release I won't care about playing it until I can get it for cheap. I don't understand how anyone can look at £70 for a game and not be totally put off. Every time I see that £69.99 (which still has content cut at that price too!) I wince in disbelief. I will never get used to it and I think I've found my threshold for how much I'm willing to spend on a game.

Re: Destruction AllStars (PS5) - A Confident But Flawed Start for Chaotic Car Combat Game


@UnlimitedSevens I've given up on the trophies now, which were the only thing keeping me enjoying the game really. It's a shame because I was enjoying going through the list until I saw the crazy requirements for some of them. It's so clear this game has had too many decisions made based on how they can squeeze money out of players, instead of putting most of the time into thinking about how to make the game fun to play. Oh well, just another tick for the argument against service games for me.

Re: Poll: What Other First-Party PS4 Game Needs a PS5 Update?


Has to be Bloodborne. An update similar to God of War would make that game incredible. I started playing GOW again last night and the difference is huge. It's strange that a last gen game is the most next gen game out if you know what I mean. I can see why Sony went for the controller stuff now as I'm not sure any graphical improvements are going to be noticeable going forwards.

Re: The Nioh Collection (PS5) - Backwards Compatibility Causing a Conundrum


Strange review score, are you scoring the games or the package on offer? Maybe better to put the original scores for the games with a separate note for the overall value for the remastered package.

After seeing what happened with the Ultimate Edition of Control there's no way I'd consider buying this. I feel that publishers will have to come out and actively say that their repackaged versions of PS4 games will not come to PS+.

Re: This Is Why PS5, PS4 Microtransactions Won't Be Going Away


I just wish there was a law that forced them to give an option to switch them off completely, so you don't see any of them or any content connected to them.

It's also pretty gross that most of that revenue comes from scamming kids in games like Fifa and fostering something way too close to a gambling addiction to my liking. Having worked in casinos in the past I know how it all works and there is pretty much no difference other than these games are offering even less than a casino does as a payout.

Re: Bugsnax Outselling Dev's Last Game Despite PS Plus Period on PS5


@Voltan @naruball I wasn't really making a statement as fact, more musing on the new approach. Since getting my PS5 with the PS+ sub I have been given a unusual amount of games that I would never normally spend money on. Also, I've enjoyed them a lot more than I thought I would and told numerous people so. I think it's a lot easier to forgive a game's flaws and speak positively if you haven't paid any money for them too. Multiply this by the odd few million people who have been lucky enough to get a PS5 and you've get a lot of free word of mouth endorsement, well, not free, but measured loss leading.

Re: Bugsnax Outselling Dev's Last Game Despite PS Plus Period on PS5


This basically follows the whole argument for piracy actually helping the industry on the whole. I remember one of the reasons that the PS1 did so well was down to the console and its games being so easy to pirate. Nothing helps something sell better than people talking about it. It looks like Sony is trying a new approach of giving games to early adopters to see if it helps sales overall. I'll be very interested to see if Control suddenly gets a big bump and the attention it apparently deserves.

Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Will, Unsurprisingly, Have Near Instant Respawns


@GREGORIAN that's probably their thinking, yes, but I probably won't bother with the games until they're much cheaper than I would have bought them new for £45-50. By the time I've waited 6 odd months I will be so over any hype I'll just wait to get them for £10-20 down the line and second hand too. Anyway, I get it, they will probably get away with it and people will just pay the extra money. I think there's a chance the UK/EU prices will be reconsidered though as the mark-up really doesn't match the US increase.

Re: Sony Delays Returnal to 30th April for Extra Polish


Sony have put their first party studios in a really awkward position now. All their games are up against stiff competition at a marked up price. It basically means that all their studios need to produce stellar games with really high review scores or they're scuppered. Either that or they reduce the price of some or give them away like Destruction All-stars which is basically admitting certain games aren't very good or they don't have faith in them. I wonder if they'll keep digging this greedy grave.

Re: PS Plus February 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


This makes the whole Control ultimate edition shenanigans even more bizarre. Why go to all that fuss to annoy everyone then just give it away with a sub? I'm not complaining as I bought the regular edition a month or so before they announced the new version, so it kind of rectifies the situation for me.

PS+ is creating an odd situation where I'm starting to avoid buying a lot of games cause I think they'll eventually just come to the sub. I guess in a twisted kind of way we have Microsoft to thank for the sudden upturn in PS+ quality. Gamepass has clearly got Sony and bit more rattled than I first thought.