Comments 678

Re: Sony Sounds Shook by Xbox's Activision Buyout, Says Call of Duty Has No Rival


I'd actually be happy to see the back of it. Sony should really be focusing on providing an alternative to what mainstream gaming has become instead of trying to keep up and compete with it.

They need to stop considering themselves as the major player and aim to follow Nintendo's lead by providing more top quality adult based games like Returnal, Last of Us, God of War and the like. They may not make all the money, but they could carve out their own niche and still make a profit. Looking at From Software and following their model on a larger scale could serve them well in the long term.

If the MS x Activision deal does go through Sony might be wise to take a brave step and drop support for COD, and push their own titles instead. Relying on your main competitor as a major hand that feeds you is only going to end badly.

Re: There's 'No Comparison' Between The Last of Us on PS5 vs PS3, Says Dev


Sony is coming across mighty spineless in this whole affair. All this negativity and bad pr is happening because of their bad management and absurd pricing. I think it would be more productive to channel the complaints in their direction instead of Naughty Dog to be honest.

Why on Earth they didn't price this like a mid price game in the vein of Miles Morales is beyond me. The model was there, they've just chosen to ignore it for some reason.

Re: The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay Is Next to Leak


Cheeky b******

I always thought it was a p*** take at £70, but I never thought on this kind of scale. I thought they would have at least redesigned the combat areas with TLOU2 mechanics, improve physics and controls. I don't usually care to suggest what people spend their money on, but please don't give them full whack for this. It's... well... whack.

Re: Gaming Spend Will Continue to Decline in US as Living Costs Increase, Says NPD Report


In Sony's case they only have themselves to blame. I've gone from buying all their first party games day one, when they were £40-45, to not buying any since Ratchet and Clank. It's not even that I can't afford it, I just feel like a mug paying that much for games, especially in the current economic climate.

I've moved on to some retro games and switch back log for the time being. Haven't even turned the PS5 on since finishing the trophies for elden ring. I might come back when I can find games for a more reasonable price, but I only see Sony pushing on further away from what I want out of the hobby. In two years Returnal is the only Sony exclusive I've been genuinely excited and thrilled by. I expected much more to be honest.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for June 2022?


It's very sneaky the way Sony have slowly diminished the quality of offerings on ps+. Now they are including the new more interesting games like stray with the new more expensive plus tiers and the media is giving them a pass, acting even happy or complementary with it, saying that finally Sony are competing with Gamepass with exclusive 3rd party indies when they were already doing this with Bugsnax, Maquette and Oddworld. It's so frustrating seeing these blatant slight of hand tricks working so easily.

I haven't been interested in a ps+ game for over 6 months now. Done with it to be honest. It's time for them to drop what was ps+ and make online play part of the original cost again, especially after raising the prices of games this gen.

Re: Reaction: Why You Shouldn't Worry About Sony's New Strategy


It's unfortunate for me personally that Sony are doubling down on the type of games I don't have time for and no interest in anyway. I can't help but feel it's a waste of time and resources from a personal standpoint. you just need to look at GT7's gross monetisation to see the direction this is heading.

Thinking it will help improve the single player output seems a little naive too. As we've seen, companies will chase the money and double down if it works. I do not for one second believe this new direction will result in more conventional high-quality single player content if they succeed with GaaS. It's already detracted from the pot with Naughty Dog spending considerable time and effort on TLoU GaaS entry coming up.

I recently came back from Japan with a Sega Saturn and a bunch of games. It's been so much fun playing games that are designed to entertain and nothing else. I've barely switched my PS5 on in the past month outside of NG+ on Elden Ring. I simply cannot see the new output from Sony being designed to entertain the player instead of going for addictive tactics and intrusive monetisation first and foremost. I'm sorry, I just can't see it going any other way.

I'll be happy to be proved wrong though.

Re: PS Plus Members Will Have the Option to Upgrade to Extra, Premium


I'm still amazed that this kind of thing actually works on people. It's all so messy and confusing, all this has done is push me further away from buying in to the subscription model. I've got the + sub sorted for the rest of this gen after buying multiple years in a sale, mainly to make the annoyance of paying to play the games I've already paid for online go away. But after that I'm out, with ads creeping in too now, which will probably end up in all games eventually, let's face it, I think it'll be time to move over to retro + pc after PS5.

Re: The Witcher 3 PS5 Version Delayed as CDPR Moves Development In-House


CDPR need to stop announcing games so early. You'd think they'd learn and wait until they know when a game will be ready before announcing it and building unnecessary unwanted expectations. But no, not only have they disappointed with a simple Witcher 3 upgrade twice they've also added Witcher 4 to the mix, so they can waste everyone's time for the next 8 years and probably delay and disappoint with that game too. Talk about not learning from previous mistakes.

Re: PS Plus Deal Devastates Oddworld: Soulstorm Developer


This is the "games lost to piracy are equal to lost sales" on steroids. To be fair, he doesn't actually try to say it would have sold the same amount. However, the unfortunate truth is the game was simply average, bordering dull, and sold badly because of that probably.

Re: Deal: Get Great Discounts on Top PS5 Games at Amazon UK


These prices are exactly why physical releases and a healthy, competitive secondhand market are so important. If the publishers are able to control prices through digital only access it will only get worse.

An agressive secondhand seller to keep Cex in check would be a godsend right about now. Having spent some time in Tokyo recently, they still have a buzzing secondhand and retro market that's such a pleasure to engage with and sift through. It's like it was in the UK 10-15 years ago, where you can go out with £50-60 and come back with a bunch of interesting titles that'll keep you going for while. It's crazy that that won't even get you a new current gen game here.

Re: PS Store Sales Charts: Gran Turismo 7 Laps Elden Ring in Europe as Horizon Falls Off a Cliff


Both games are great, but have different approaches to how they learnt from breath of the wild imo. Horizon Forbidden West decided to take some mechanics like the glider and climbing, while Elden Ring took the exploration and essence of discovery from Breath of the Wild. Personally, I will always support From Software as long as they continue to treat gamers with the respect they do in terms of quality and value.

The real deciding factor here is the price I think. When you can get Elden Ring for £40-45, why would you pay £60-70 for Horizon Forbidden West? Unless you're a super fan it makes sense to buy the cheaper of the two and wait for the more expensive one to drop in price. HFW is already down to £50 at most retailers.

Re: Best RPGs on PS5


It's awesome to see that Demon's Souls and Elden Ring are regarded so highly by the readers.

I'm also looking forward to going back to Horizon Forbidden West at some point and experiencing the moment where is suddenly switches into an RPG. I had no idea 😝

Re: This Week Could Be Big for PlayStation, Say Swirling Rumours


@lolwhatno not really. It's just stuff based on speculation and rumours that leads to what's already covered here. I'm more interested in why Schreier and Miller are the ones allowed to blow the whistle early, while other journalists have to keep quiet and pretend to feed off them, even though they've probably known just as much about it for months. It's like these two have become gaming journo mafia heads or something.

Re: Xbox Game Pass Inspired PS Plus Reboot Reveal Rumoured with Splashy Lineup of Games


I'm on the "I wish they'd make online play free again, so I can drop the annoying sub." train. I don't need more games to play, I need more time and better quality games that don't try to take over my life and suck every penny out of me. If they try and double the price of plus just to play to online, they can do one.

I've got over 100 games in my ps+ library and I've probably played 5 at most. That's a pretty awful hit rate.

I know I'm old and out of touch, but I really just want to go back to picking a game I like, paying for it, playing and enjoying it and moving on to a new game.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Currency Rewards to Be Increased Following Player Backlash


To be pleased with an in-game currency payout of value that is set by the company itself is pretty foolish. Let's be real here, they have still got away with charging over £50 for individual cars and an always online model in a £70 premium release. They simply came in hard with the fullest, dirtiest approach, before slightly retracting and everyone laps it up (pun most definitely intended). Sigh.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 PS5, PS4 Has Been Offline All Day


This should have been a free to play game. With all the in game ads and car sponsorship, it makes me sad that people keep giving money for and encouraging this approach. I was actually really hyped to play a new GT7 when they announced it, but the always online single player campaign and massivetransactions put me off. Looks like I made the right decision. Shame.

Also, on a side note, it should be illegal to release a physical version of a game that is always online. What a waste of resources. I know most games don't work from disc these days, but this is pretty irresponsible.

Re: Elden Ring IP to Expand 'Beyond the Realm of Games'


It's great news that From Software have had such a big success. However, I hope they don't lose sight of what makes Miyazaki's games so important. I'm really not that bothered about any of the IPs themselves, it's the gameplay, world and level design that are the main reasons they've got where they have.

Re: PSA: You Can Kinda Sorta Pause Elden Ring


Eh? You can just exit the game at any time and it will start you off exactly where you left off. If you're really in a bind to stop, then you can also just hold the home button and close application. I don't know why this is such an issue for everyone.

Re: Elden Ring Easy Mode Isn't Happening on PS5, PS4


Once again, here we are with this pointless debate. The souls games do have various difficulty settings, they are just baked into the games themselves. If you want the game to be easier, just search where to find the best equipment and summon other better players to help you with difficult bosses.

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn: Full Story Recap


I'm currently finishing off the the Frozen Wilds dlc after finishing the main game last year. It's pretty impressive, but I'm not in love with it as an IP. It doesn't help that Elden Ring is coming a week later, unfortunately for Horizon that ring will rule them all! I'll save Forbidden West for the summer slump. I hope it's great for all those looking forward to it though. Some mates are squeaking about all over their chairs waiting for this to come out.

Re: Xbox Boss 'Trusts' PlayStation Not to Damage Gaming Industry, Cautions Against Tech Giants


@Shepherd_Tallon interesting read that. I don't think it's a coincidence that MS are going for companies that embraced in-game monetisation. This is how they're hoping to make Gamepass sustainable in my opinion.

Hopefully the talent behind the creative studios caught in the crossfire will leave and start their own like that article suggests. It's certainly an interesting development, and after a few days to take it all in, things don't seem as dire as they initially did.