Comments 678

Re: EA Is the Next Major Publisher Tipped for a Takeover


I've said this in another post, but if MS want to take Activision and EA away into a pocket of the industry that I can easily avoid, them I'm all for it. If they could take Ubisoft with them while they're at it, that would be great too.

It is interesting to note that most of the studios MS are snuffling embrace the less pleasant side of monetisation in gaming, which suits and fits in with the gamepass model nicely. Something to think about.

If they start taking away more interesting and creative studios, then we have a problem. I'd probably just duck out of the whole thing if that were to happen to be honest. The more MS buys like this without adding anything to the industry, the less I want to give them any money.

It makes me really sad to think what could have been done with $70b going towards new studios and interesting projects that help progress the medium. Instead all that money has gone to the pockets of a few people who activity fostered an abusive workplace. Meh, meh I say.

Re: These Are the Franchises PS5, PS4 May Lose to Activision Blizzard Buyout


Odd situation for me, as I am not interested in any of those games personally. I do recognise that losing COD would be a huge blow to Sony's wallet, but this actually might be good for me in the long run.

So far Microsoft has poached all the companies and IPs I'm not too bothered about (maybe Doom and Shinji Mikami games), so it's possible that the Playstation ecosystem could be heading to a place that tailors more to my sensibilities. Hopefully anyway.

I actually think it might be nice if all the games as a service and full of microtransaction/lootbox nonsense will shift to gamepass and PC and Nintendo and Sony will be a place to buy quality games and escape all that funk in the industry. If they can take Ubisoft and EA with them next I'll actually be pretty happy about all this.

Re: Reaction: Activision Blizzard Buyout Is Devastating for PS5, PS4


Even by Microsoft's standards, I'm surprised they have done this. It's awful for the industry and I can't even imagine Xbox fans being that ecstatic about the move. They might act pleased, but I imagine everyone is thinking '****, this is a bit too much.'.

Buying Bethesda was a bit annoying and I have no interest in Activision games, but this feel like Microsoft are coming for my hobby. It has to be their way and I have no choice, like an annoying rich guy who wants to be your friend and won't leave you alone no matter how much you try to avoid them.

Re: Hands On: God of War PC Is a Great Way to Play a PS4 Classic


@get2sammyb aren't you a little worried that this might be the beginning of the end for sites like push square? I for one won't bother with a PS6 next gen if I know that all the games will come to PC eventually. Once the console platforms start to dwindle or fade out, where does that leave sites like this one? Not saying they will vanish, but if the exclusive hook is gone and the platform isn't there, what will you cover? PS studio games only?

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Leak Is Real, Full Game Could Be Spoiled, Says Report


Sony have spoilt more than anyone could by showing some of the new robots anyway, so this doesn't really affect me tbh, it's not exactly award winning storytelling. Aloy will get in a scrape or two, meet a few tribes, fight a few robots, save the world, but only enough for there to be potential for another sequel. The end.

Seeing new bosses, enemies and environments in Elden Ring is far more of a worry for me personally.

Re: Days Gone Also Sold Over 8 Million Copies on PS4, Claims Director


I did enjoy the game, but I don't feel like I need a sequel. I'm glad they're working on something different. Just because something was fun or successful doesn't mean it needs to be made into sequel after sequel. Especially with such story driven games. I feel the same about Returnal, and that was my GOTY last year.

I'm glad studios are starting to get recognition more these day. Hopefully it will lead to them being able create a wider variety of IPs based on their reputation.

Re: PS Plus' Deep Rock Galactic Has So Much Day One PS5, PS4 DLC


Sounds like the game should be free to play to begin with and not part of a paid subscription. Shows how conditioned people have become by how many just accept this as the norm now. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony didn't pay anything to include it with this month's games, simply offering exposure instead.

Re: Manufacturing Tittle-Tattle Tips PSVR 2 to Enter Production Soon


I still can't get over the fact that you really shouldn't have screens that close to your eyes and that it generally causes motion sickness if used for prolonged periods.

Add in the high cost of entry, inevitable lack of proper games and that I wear glasses that constantly steam up whenever I try VR, it would take some kind of massive fortunate event where I landed a free or at least very cheap headset for me to ever give it a proper go.

Re: New Uncharted Movie Trailer Shows Off Bombastic Action, Sully's Moustache


I agree with most here, they got the cast wrong. Even in trailer you can see none of them believe in what they're doing. They should have gone for no name actors ala the original Star Wars and been prepared to build a rep on good films. Heck, they could have started with a modest budget and just made sure they got it right.

This just reeks of disappointment.

Re: Game of the Year: John's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2021


Finally, someone giving Returnal the recognition it deserves. I don't feel too bad about getting the Platinum at around the 130 hour mark now too.

I think that most people who managed to get to the credits would pick this as GOTY and the rest are either lying or just enjoy being wrong.

Along with Elden Ring, I see myself playing Returnal throughout this whole generation. It's genuinely one of the best experiences I've ever had with a video game.

Re: Rumour: PS Plus January 2022 PS5, PS4 Games Leaked Early


Colour me surprised, an actual good month. Shame it's a selection of games that don't really interest me, but happy to admit I was wrong about them offering a load of old tat again.

I don't mind them offering games I don't like so much, it's when they try to give out freemium games and demos veiled as full games with cheap tricks to get us to spend more that annoys me.

@michaelf you know you can play p5 as part of the ps+ collection, right?

Re: PS Plus Version of Final Fantasy VII Remake Can Be Upgraded to PS5 Version for Free from Wednesday


Hahaha, this is blatantly because so few people even bothered to play the version they originally gave. I'm tired of all this nonsense to the point where I can't even be bothered to play it anymore. Maybe when it's all complete as a full game.

They have kind of shot themselves in the foot, as the sales of part two will be mainly dependant on how many played part one. I hope they don't drag it out too long and the next part is the last with everything else included.

Re: Not Everyone Had the Fortitude to Finish Returnal on PS5


Shame, as it's not as hard as it first seems. It's more about unlocking better weapons and upgrades. I think the mistake a lot of people make is dying a few times on the first boss and thinking it won't get easier, so they give up.

Truth is every run brings new stuff to use that make the game more manageable.

Re: PS Plus Games for December 2021 Are Available to Download Now


Such an awful month again, full of stripped down demos and inferior versions of games with no PS5 option. The only thing I can think is that Sony are not shipping the copies of games they hoped, so they're are hobbling PS+ for a while to encourage sales. Honestly, it's been awful for the past 6 months now.

I have also got into a habit of seeing games like Yakuza: Like a Dragon for £20 and thinking 'Nah, I'll just wait for it to come to PS+'. Whereas, before I would have bought these games (Yes, cheap, but at least new) to go in my collection.

To be fair, I haven't bought a new game since feeling ripped off by Ratchet and Clank and it could be over a year before I buy another PS exclusive, as I'll wait for the prices to drop now. I wonder if others are felling the same.

Re: Poll: What Is Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year 2021?


@Rhaoulos agreed it's a bit strange. I think it should only be one. Personally, I picked four other games I knew wouldn't win so I don't add points to games that might beat my first choice (Returnal) like Resi Village or Ratchet and Clank.

Re: Soapbox: I Think I'm Over Trophies


It's not so much the trophies I care about, but I do care about getting platinum trophies for specific games I love. I'd rather have a neat collection of great game platinums than as many as possible.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


I'm officially off the new console hype train now. Returnal and Demon's Souls were the only games worth the £50 I paid on release.

£50 for Ratchet and Clank left me feeling like a right plonker after I finished it a couple days after I got it. It's definitely the game that has made me realise I can wait for a year or so for definitive versions of the big releases at quarter the price.

Ironic really, as I image Sony see R&C as a huge success that justifies the huge price tag, but for me it's the game that made me spend less on other releases going forward.

Re: Deathloop Update 1.2 Has Improved Enemy AI


I need to go back and finish it at some point, but this doesn't sound like it fixes the issue I have with the AI. If you can still just stand outside a room and kill everyone as they politely queue up to get shot then it's still not the game I'm looking for.

I dunno, I wanted to like it, but spent the whole time playing it thinking I should have been enjoying myself more than I was.

Re: PS5's Returnal Wins Its First Game of the Year Award


This was clearly the best game released this year with Metroid Dread a close second. Glad that it's getting some recognition. I think it's main issue is that not enough people have played it due to the high price, ps5 availability and emphasis on difficulty.

Re: Talking Point: Did You Enjoy Sony's Latest State of Play Livestream?


I have to say as a PS5 owner, what the hell has happened? Where are the games... any games that show off what the console can do? Are there actually any PS5 exclusive games announced to look forward to at the moment? If it wasn't for Elden Ring I'd probably think about selling my PS5 and coming back in 3 or 4 years when there's actually something impressive to play without being fleeced £70 for cross-gen and rereleases. Starting to feel like I should have gone for a PC this gen.

State of Dismay more like.