Comments 678

Re: Rumour: Sony's Allegedly Cut PSVR2 Production Plan by 20% in 2023


You know things aren't going so well for a hardware product when there are more articles about how badly it's doing than there are about anything being released for it.

It has also quickly become the sort of thing that when spoken about in presentations is going to be more of an annoyance that takes up time than something to be interested in. The discourse around it is already starting to get tiresome.

Re: Random: This YouTube Account Has Gone Viral for Unsealing Old PlayStation Games


There's a lot of 'cheating', as it's called in the industry, going on here. I'm not even sure the games have been re-sealed. It looks like clever editing and tearing off carefully placed plastic sheets to give the impression they're being opened. It's a bit misleading, but that's not the point I suppose. It's more about giving the feeling of opening a new game.

Re: Sony Denies Claims of PSVR2 Stock Cuts at Launch


Personally, I'm fed up with this murky, re-release / paid for updates of games from gen to gen. I don't want to have to keep reburying games I already own. I have a bunch of vr games built up from plus and other deals that I thought would be worth keeping for PSVR2, then it all become a mess of maybe-maybe nots. Add in the high cost and I couldn't be bothered in the end.

It's such an expensive risk to take too, not knowing if I'll get used to the dizziness or not. If there was a way to trial run the device for a few weeks I'd probably give it a go, but that's understandably not feasible. It has far too many roadblocks imo.

Re: Game of the Year: #3 - Horizon Forbidden West


@jrt87 @WallyWest I wouldn't dismiss bayo 3 too soon. I was up and down on it until I started replaying the levels for high scores and ignoring all the story nonsense.

Like most Platinum games, it really shines when you start to master the mechanics and achieve high scores. It's a great podcast game to play while listening to other stuff too.

Re: Game of the Year: #3 - Horizon Forbidden West


It's alright. Hard to argue against certain qualities it has, but it came at a time where I'd recently finished the first and can only take one Ubisoft formula mindless open world game every 3-5 years.

I'm glad it turned out well for those that get their kicks from it though. It's been a pretty stella year as a PS5 / Switch owner.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 3 Is In Development at Naughty Dog


I have to agree with others in the comments. The first two were really good games, but I don't need or want anymore. Five more years of tedious development for a series and world that has been rung dry and should be put to rest. The whole infected/zombie enemies thing is dull now. So much talent, why can't they move on? The studio has enough clout to make something new. Maybe Druckmann is still in control but spent creatively. I'm not even sure the original was his concept to begin with.

The only way I can see the series being worth carrying on is if the next game starts with the infected being mostly wiped out, with some big boss exceptions, and the story focusing on human conflict for territory whilst trying to rebuild society. That would actually be pretty interesting thinking about it.

Re: Sony: Xbox Wants Us to Be Like Nintendo, a Less Effective Competitor


All Microsoft have done this generation is take big hitting IPs away from people, and added nothing to the industry. What a waste of money. Just think what all these billions could have created if they worked on building some new talented teams to makes their own exclusives.

A large part of this is Sony's fault too. Paying for timed exclusive deals for multiplatform games was a d*** move, forcing MS to play dirty. All this buying of studios has produced nothing of benefit for any gamers outside a subscription service that will eventually charge whatever it wants and fill games with more in game purchases.

Re: God of War Ragnarok PS5, PS4 Reviewer Threatened Over Lower Score


I think an important aspect has been lost here, and that's the fact that this 6/10 review has not been included on metacritic. If ever there was proof that there's some backhand shenanigans going on with reviews scores and metacritic this is it.

Also, IGN US having more sway in the overall meta scores of games is all kinds of games media mafia bullsh@t.

Re: God of War Ragnarok (PS5) - A Dazzling Crown Jewel in Sony's Catalogue


I'm glad it turned out well for everyone who's excited, including some of my mates who won't shut up about it haha.

I'm gonna save this for Xmas. I probably would have given in and got this today if Bayonetta 3 hadn't turned out the better game😜

I never would have thought Bayo 3 would've trumped Elden Ring and probably this for my game of the year, but here we are.

Re: PSVR2 Launches 22nd February 2023, Costs $550


This is actually a massive risk, going in so hard on something so few want. If it does pay off, it'll pay off big, but I can't see it working at that price, especially with the PS5 requirement too.

It'll be interesting to observe either way. Not sure what outcome I'm hoping for really. I'm just not interested in wearing a helmet and having to set up a load of stuff when I want to chill out with a game. Until vr sets are like normal glasses I'm fine with steering clear.

Re: How Does the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro Compare to PSVR2?


@gaston whether there's a work around or not doesn't change the fact that I'd be expected to pay a lot more to play a bunch of games I already have in my library.

They will release psvr2 versions of all these games and they will charge full price again. I'm happy to wait for the headsets to drop in price and the games to be given away on plus again.

All I'm saying is I was very tempted to try it out and now I'm not so fussed. I'm not blaming anyone, just giving my outlook and opinion as a consumer who's on the fence about VR.

Re: How Does the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro Compare to PSVR2?


The big kicker of psvr2 for me is that the psvr games won't carry over. I've picked up a few over the years with ps+ and when they gave some away a while back, thinking it might be fun to pick up the new headset with a bunch of games ready to play on launch.

Now all those games are useless and you'd need to buy them all again along with the expensive headset has killed any thoughts I had of trying vr out. Seems like the worst decision on their part if they're trying to gain traction in the vr sphere.

Re: Shocking: Sony Doesn't Want Game Pass on PlayStation, Microsoft Has a Pop at PS Plus


I think a lot of people like to bleat on about how great gamepass is, but I wonder how many games they actually play in full on it. I've got over a hundred games from ps plus and I've probably only played about ten of them to the end over the past 10 years. There simply isn't enough time to play all these games properly.

With hundreds of PS4 games to choose from for so cheap secondhand I don't see the appeal. I suppose kids with no disposable income might get the most out of it.

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster for PS5 Reportedly in Development


Sony seem to have reached a worrying state of stagnation. My PS5 is fast becoming an unsightly paperweight. 14 months and counting since I bought a new Sony game on release for my new console. I might get God of War, but that's only cause I have store credit that'll being the price down to £45.

If it wasn't for the switch I'd have completely given up on current releases. Surely the heads at the company are asking why there aren't any new games being made anymore. Maybe they're the problem, looking at numbers only, without realising the damage being done to their reputation.

Re: Rumour: Massive GTA 6 Leak Posts 90 Videos Online


Huh, so it looks to like the story will be 2 player co-op. Nice.

It certainly doesn't look like a drastic leap forward in any way. I'm sure it'll be good though.

On reflection I don't think this is as big a deal as everyone is making out. It just looks like an unfinished GTA game. It's not like anything is actually given away and and there isn't really much of a surprise about anything in the footage.

If the source code was leaked that's pretty bad, but I'm sure some changes could be made and probably have been since this footage was made.

However, it is a shame that one person goes to such a length to wreck a lot of people's hard work and spoil something for so many others. It's also a shame the news sites can't be rewarded with the same number of clicks and traffic for not reporting stories like this, as all it does is encourage more of the same.

Re: Rumour: Lower Your Expectations for Tonight's State of Play


Honestly, this has to be the worst generation for Sony by a long way. Where are the games? Two years in and we've had three games and two remakes.

I suppose it's mostly a fallout from the pandemic, but the lack of originality or creatively is depressing.

Closing the Japan studios was the worst decision ever. They really helped to fill the gaps and offer something a bit different. Even if they didn't sell that well, the overall contribution was worth it and helped to raise their reputation in the long run. I hope these Japanese partners will offer something similar, but I'm not holding my breath.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Make of Microsoft and Sony's Call of Duty Quarrel?


@jamescrowx yes, Spider-Man was multiplatform, but Sony still made games from the ground up that were never intended for other platforms.

If MS were buying a license to something like, say, Batman, and then making the game from scratch to be an exclusive, it wouldn't be such a big issue. Instead they're paying through the nose to control huge chunks of the market and take away big titles, that would still be made either way, from a large demographic, and in the process adding nothing to the industry. It's quite a big difference that benefits nobody but MS, yet negatively affects many.

As someone who would actually be glad to see the back of Call of Duty, I still see this as a hugely negative development for gamers on the whole. It brings nothing to the table, yet potentially encourages stagnation and complacency if MS end up with no competition and no reason to try and make anything new or exciting. They'll simply focus on producing cash cow money-spinners and nothing else eventually.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Make of Microsoft and Sony's Call of Duty Quarrel?


Let's face it, Microsoft is spending huge amounts to control IPs and make a vast number of titles exclusive even though their platform was going to receive these titles anyway. They're essentially using their deep pockets to smother and kill PlayStation.

It's pretty ruthless when you stand back and look at it objectively.

I'm still waiting for anyone to put forward a case that MS have actually added anything to the industry since they began this full on assault. All they've done is spend an eye watering amount to corner stuff that would have been made either way. Imagine what they could have added to the industry by funding new studios and projects with all that money.

It's pretty awful when you think about it like that. What a sad waste of funds and resources.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Price Hike a Sobering Sign of the Times


Sony haven't had any money from me directly in over a year now, outside of Elden Ring. I'm not surprised their profits are falling.

I'll probably borrow God of War from a friend and won't buy anything new until Resi 4 remake next year. I can't put my finger on one particular reason why, but all these little things and a weird arrogant attitude have completely turned me off wanting to give them any more money. This is from a fairly big spender in the grand scheme of things. I wonder if others feel the same.

This price hike doesn't directly affect me, as I already have a PS5, but it certainly adds to the mounting bad feelings I have towards Sony.

I also wonder if it was really worth stubbornly chasing that extra £10 for their games when customers like me have gone from spending £40-50 a month to £60 in year.

Re: PS5 Price Increase Confirmed for UK, Europe, Japan, Canada, and More


Having an extensive retro collection and keeping all my games from days gone seems like a wise decision now. With the digital age upon us and the crazy prices of new games, I'm just glad I've got plenty to play for pretty much a lifetime.

I wouldn't be so bad if there were more great games to play, but the first party titles this gen, Returnal aside, have been pretty copy paste, not to mention thin on the ground.

The end is nigh! and all that jazz.