Comments 699

Re: Poll: What Is Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year 2021?


@Rhaoulos agreed it's a bit strange. I think it should only be one. Personally, I picked four other games I knew wouldn't win so I don't add points to games that might beat my first choice (Returnal) like Resi Village or Ratchet and Clank.

Re: Soapbox: I Think I'm Over Trophies


It's not so much the trophies I care about, but I do care about getting platinum trophies for specific games I love. I'd rather have a neat collection of great game platinums than as many as possible.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


I'm officially off the new console hype train now. Returnal and Demon's Souls were the only games worth the £50 I paid on release.

£50 for Ratchet and Clank left me feeling like a right plonker after I finished it a couple days after I got it. It's definitely the game that has made me realise I can wait for a year or so for definitive versions of the big releases at quarter the price.

Ironic really, as I image Sony see R&C as a huge success that justifies the huge price tag, but for me it's the game that made me spend less on other releases going forward.

Re: Deathloop Update 1.2 Has Improved Enemy AI


I need to go back and finish it at some point, but this doesn't sound like it fixes the issue I have with the AI. If you can still just stand outside a room and kill everyone as they politely queue up to get shot then it's still not the game I'm looking for.

I dunno, I wanted to like it, but spent the whole time playing it thinking I should have been enjoying myself more than I was.

Re: PS5's Returnal Wins Its First Game of the Year Award


This was clearly the best game released this year with Metroid Dread a close second. Glad that it's getting some recognition. I think it's main issue is that not enough people have played it due to the high price, ps5 availability and emphasis on difficulty.

Re: Talking Point: Did You Enjoy Sony's Latest State of Play Livestream?


I have to say as a PS5 owner, what the hell has happened? Where are the games... any games that show off what the console can do? Are there actually any PS5 exclusive games announced to look forward to at the moment? If it wasn't for Elden Ring I'd probably think about selling my PS5 and coming back in 3 or 4 years when there's actually something impressive to play without being fleeced £70 for cross-gen and rereleases. Starting to feel like I should have gone for a PC this gen.

State of Dismay more like.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Deathloop?


Sorry, but it's been highly overrated. The ai is incredibly stupid to the point where it spoils the game for me.

What's the point in doing anything when you can simply stand in a doorway and mow down waves of enemies while they run at you like lemmings? Giving this game a 10 in a review is a crime.

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that the 'finished' version of the game will be released on gamepass in a year's time.

Re: Poll: Your Last Chance to Vote For the Best Final Fantasy Game on PlayStation


The answer is 6 is the best, with 7, 8 & 9 also being pretty great.

I'm still amazes me that 10 is held in such high regard. The awful characters and voice acting made the game unplayable to the point where I gave up on it and pretty much the series. It also stands as the point where Japanese game companies thought that annoying whiny American teens are the standard voice actors for pretty much every rpg protagonist. A sad day indeed. It basically made me realise that the people who make final fantasy had completely different ideas about who the characters were and the way they came across. 12 is the only one I've played to completion since, which was ok, but still not a classic.

Re: Rumour: PS Plus October 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Have Leaked


PS+ has already given me more than the years sub price in value this year, but damn, the last few months have been pretty lackluster.

What happened to all those neat little Indies we were getting on PS5 like Bugsnax, Oddworld, Marquette and Maneater? Getting one game like this every month was more appealing than Gamepass for me personally.

Re: Poll: Do You Want Even More PS5 Marvel Games from Sony?


Not really, I'd rather see more games like Returnal, with new protagonists. In a recent questionnaire they asked if I'd like to see more of Selene from Returnal, which completely misses the point. I really liked her as a main character, but that doesn't mean I need to see her again in another game. What I liked most was it was someone new. The Marvel stuff is fine and everything, but it seems to kill anything else from getting a chance in Cinema. I'd hate to see this happen in games too.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's PS5 Ray Tracing Will Be Restricted to Replays


So you're telling me that the whole hook they were presenting and selling this game on in the PS5 showcase won't actually be in the game when you're playing it? How is this any different from a CG trailer? Why is this OK?

With the PS5 exclusive backtracking and the upgrade nonsense, Sony have really been applying some questionable marketing tactics recently.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


@MakersMark I wouldn't feel too bad for us, ha ha. We've had Demon's Souls, Astrobot, Returnal and Ratchet and Clank which have all been excellent games. I was hoping for more innovative new titles though.

The Switch/PS5 combo is working for me pretty well with a bunch of great Nintendo games to tide me over until some of the future PS5 games drop a bit in price. But, if I'm honest I think Sony are making some arrogant and downright greedy decisions going forward and it's putting me off wanting to support them now.

I thought the £70 pricing was to cover the lower customer base, lack of PS4 versions and would eventually come back to earth after a while, but it appears not. Now they've backtracked on PS5 exclusive games it's obvious that they want to charge us a premium to use the features of a £500 console we've already paid for at £10 for every game we buy. I'm not OK with this at all.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's PS5, PS4 Campaign Requires an Online Connection


I've just realised that this is so they can constantly update with adverts. Oh dear, if that's the case then the game should be free to play. It's one thing putting in ads for realism and taking advantage of that, but hobbling a game with online only so they can shove more and more ads into a £70 game. Gross.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's PS5, PS4 Campaign Requires an Online Connection


Shame, I was quite excited for this when I first got the PS5. Now it's become an online only game it's lost all worth to me as something to look forward to and get on release. Now I'll wait until I see it cheap.

I thought that the whole Sony Studios thing was to offer solid, complete experiences that avoid all the microtransaction, online only nonsense. Wasn't this the whole base for the argument for charging £70?

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


@daveofduncan I did say personally and Ratchet and Clank wasn't exactly innovative. In my opinion Returnal is an exceptional game that I will continue to play throughout this generation. I was done with R&C after 25 hours and one playthrough. It simply doesn't compare in regards to gameplay depth.

I would bet that Returnal will still be spoken about in 5 years whereas R&C will barely be remembered.

Re: Bethesda Heard You Want One More Deathloop Trailer Before Launch


I wonder if Sony regret ponying up for that sweet sweet timed exclusivity now. Neither game will make back the money they probably spent and it'll be Microsoft that benefits the most from them eventually.

With the relentless desperate marketing and the Bethesda buy out, the interest has really died and that deal to seal these games had seriously backfired. Part of me thinks that Sony should have brushed them under the carpet or given them away with PS+ as a little up yours to Phil and crew. I'm sure the contract wouldn't allow that though.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase Was Good, But Not Good Enough


It was OK, but nothing mind blowing. One thing is for certain Sony first party really aren't going for innovation. All the games will be good though I'm sure.

If it wasn't for Returnal this gen would have felt very stagnant. I'm not sure I'll get a better first party Sony game this gen personally.

Re: Soapbox: After a Year of Silence, Today's PlayStation Showcase Can't Afford Dead Air


With Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild 2 (games of a generation) coming for me next year it really doesn't matter what they show. I've decided to leave all the £70 exclusives a few years going forward, until I can find them for a more reasonable price with patches and dlc included.

I guess I'm lucky that I get two games in one year which will pretty much do me for a couple of years. Anything else is a bonus.

Still, it would be nice if they did come out with some genuine surprises. A GTA6 reveal is the only thing that would cause a serious ripple in the industry. Especially if they get some kind of exclusivity.