Comments 678

Re: Poll: Which Xbox Franchises Would You Buy on PS5?


It says a lot that a large majority of these games/IPs were multiplatform games that Microsoft took away from other platforms, whilst generally overseeing a decline to most of the studios they poached. They really have added very little to the industry on the whole.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


Microsoft bringing games back to PlayStation after going to much effort to take them away means little to me personally.

I think that if both Sony and Microsoft put half the money, time and effort they've wasted on all this noise during this generation into making good video games instead, we'd have a hell of a lot more good video games to play.

What with Sony wasting a crazy amount of time on a load of live service games nobody asked for and Microsoft crashing about the industry like a bull in a china shop, whilst adding absolutely nothing, it feels like both companies have lost the plot.

Re: PlayStation Reveals Most Played Games of 2023 by Region, Is Basically a Waste of Time


Sad truth is these games will be the first to go independent of platforms and be playable straight from TVs eventually, leaving a huge whole in the market. This will accelerate the end of platforms as we know it, which was inevitable I suppose, once game streaming reaches an acceptable level anyway.

I'm sure there will always be passionate studios and designers that will continue making interesting games. I just hope they manage to get enough exposure when they make something fun.

Re: Site News: Our Game of the Year Goodness Gets Underway from Today


@Titntin I was talking more about the actual content of the games themselves. Yes they are sequels, but they have all brought in new ideas, mechanics and creativity. Spiderman 2 is the exact same game I've played twice already and that's all Sony had offered this year. My issue isn't with sequels, it's with creativity and I don't see Sony making any genuine GOTYs any time soon with their current strategy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying Spiderman 2 (mostly cause i didn't pay for it), but if it costs that much time, money and effort to make something so similar to the last two they're focusing on on the wrong elements in my opinion.

Re: Site News: Our Game of the Year Goodness Gets Underway from Today


@ChrisDeku I suppose I didn't want to let Sony and Microsoft off the hook for generally doing more damage than good for the industry in what has been one of the most amazing years for games ever. A lot of people have lost their jobs in 2023 due to greed and mismanagement.

In the spirit of the actual topic I'd say my top PlayStation games this year have been:

1: Armoured Core 6
2: Resident Evil 4 Remake
3: Spiderman 2
4: Final Fantasy 16
5: Jedi Star Wars: survivor

I haven't got round to Baldur's Gate 3 or Alan Wake 2 as I'm waiting for the physical releases next year and finding the time to actually play them.

Re: Site News: Our Game of the Year Goodness Gets Underway from Today


@ChrisDeku you make some valid points, but it doesn't change that fact that I feel like I've got so much more from a console on its last legs than one that should be at its peak and in full flow.

I'm not a Sony hater, I'm just disappointed with how complacent they've become whilst chasing the live service trend that no one asked for. Both Zelda and Mario have so many new ideas and such creativity that dismissing then as retreads isn't really fair.

As for Warioware, it's not a game I'm personally interested in, but I'm glad it exists and they still release something different from the rest of the market. I'm sure I'll pick it up for cheap one day and get a few hours of fun out of it with a few mates and some beers down the line.

Re: Site News: Our Game of the Year Goodness Gets Underway from Today


@naruball "Pretty sure Sony is far from embarrassed considering that it's dominating the market."

This is precisely my point, they should be. The fact that they feel like they're doing it right whilst laying off so many people across their studios is upsetting.

"Both brilliant games that hardly anyone played. Not sure what "would have gone a long way" refers to. At the end of day, other than a few hardcore gamers, everyone else couldn't care less about them (unfortunately)."

They would have gone a long way to actually adding something back to the industry whilst creating more jobs and raising their reputation for experimenting with some low risk new ideas. It's not all about realistic looking retreads of the same tired blockbusters.

Re: Site News: Our Game of the Year Goodness Gets Underway from Today


Armoured Core is probably the best game I've played on the ps5 this year. I borrowed Spiderman 2 from a mate and started it yesterday. It's fun, but nothing special, more of the same really. Sony should be pretty embarrassed about their output this year, as should Microsoft. Nintendo has wiped the floor with both of them. The sheer amount of quality games on the switch has be staggering.

The switch has had:

Fire Emblem Engage
Metroid Prime Remastered
Pikmin 4
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza Bayo Spin off
Advance Wars 1&2 remake
Warioware: Move it
A load of new Mario Kart dlc
Xenoblade 3 dlc
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Mario Wonder
Mario RPG remake

I'm probably missing a few others too. It makes you wonder what the others are doing. How can they mismanage their studios so badly while another can release so many good games in one year? The decision to close Japan Studio by Sony was so unbelievably short sighted. A couple of games like Puppeteer or Gravity Rush would have gone a long way.

Re: It's Utter Domination for PS5 in Europe as Xbox Continues to Lose Significant Ground


I wonder if any of those studios secretly regret selling out to Microsoft now. Not much point in security if there's no one to play your games. I'm kind of glad to see Xbox's underhand tactics not working as planned, but total domination from Sony would also be an unfortunate outcome.

Honestly, if I was Sony, I'd take Call of Duty off Playstation completly to negate the Activision buyout, and provide an alternative. A bold move, but maybe the best one in the long run, and a massive eff-u to Microsoft. If Sony don't have Bungie working on an exclusive COD replacement then they're doing it wrong.

Re: Physical Games Represented Just 4% of Sales for PlayStation Last Quarter


The major shift for me is that I now play a lot more of my physical collection and buy far fewer games than I used to in general because of the digital shift, so I imagine this is also affecting physical sales if other physical collectors are similar to me.

I still buy Nintendo published games on release, as I know that the game will at least be playable as physical media in the future and generally release in a good state. However, with PlayStation games in general and especially digital only releases like Alan Wake 2 and Balder's Gate 3 I just think I'll wait until I actually want to play it. This also means I get the games cheaper and patched in a better state, ideally as a physical game of the year edition.

I do wonder if I'm a complete outlier in this regard as well as a gaming fossil fogey. Either way, it's becoming clear that game players / collectors like me are on the way out. At least I'll finally get to see if I was right about prices of physical games going through the roof when the publishers start gouging us after they finally get complete control over game prices.

Re: GTA 6 Reveal Trailer Debuts in Early December, Rockstar Says


I think the lack of 6 being mentioned and the next grand theft auto instead seems to suggest they might drop the numbering system.

They could probably get away with simply calling it Grand Theft Auto and establishing it as a platform going forward, similar to Fortnite.

I am looking forward to it though, Rockstar usually release their games in a solid playable state and an excellent game to play.

Re: Bungie CEO Laments 'Sad Day' for Sony Studio Following Layoffs


Nintendo employees help them make great games and massive profits > increases pay across the board. There's a reason they are so successful in the long term and continue to put out games of such high quality. All with games that still cost under £50 new. Just saying.

Nintendo aren't saints, and admittedly their stance on unions and contract workers is shady, but at least they mostly realise that the people they employ and their customers are human beings and not simply resources to milk and exploit.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Director: This Game Is Worth the Money


No game is worth £70, even £50 is pushing it. I've completely stopped buying PS5 games on launch now. I wonder if the price hike was worth it in the end. One benefit of it being so short is that I'll be able to play it for free in a week or so thanks to being able to borrow a physical copy.

I especially like all the people on the media side of the industry larking on about how wonderful digital is and how unbelievable it is that people still buy physical games. Must be nice to get all those free game codes whilst helping to push up the price for the rest of us. Thanks for that xxx

Re: Poll: How's Your Hype for Marvel's Spider-Man 2?


I'll borrow it off a friend in the Xmas break. I don't really buy PS5 games on release anymore, if at all. I can't actually remember the last one I bought on release... Ratchet and Clank maybe. The £70 price hike killed all the hype I had. Just made me feel like a mug when I booted up a game after paying that much.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Armored Core 6?


I'm surprised how much I like it. I was expecting a solid 7 possibly 8, but it's an easy 9 for me. It rewards repeated plays on missions and feels great when you start tearing through levels and bosses like a knife through butter. If Zelda wasn't so epic it would probably be my goty.

Re: Square Enix Allegedly 'Slightly Panicking' About Final Fantasy 16 PS5 Pre-Orders


SquareEnix need to wind their neck in and focus on releasing a solid run of strong games. They're a long way off being a publisher that offers day one games for me, mainly cause I've learnt that there will be multiple releases of every game they make and I know I'm better off waiting to get a definitive, compete copy for much cheaper a year or so down the line.

The market is saturated and hopefully publishers will learn that if they want to stand out they need to treat the fan base with a bit more respect. This unfortunately means that a few great games have to suffer lower sales while they get people back on side. If a company takes the pi$$ for long enough they start to smell of it.

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


@theMEGAniggle I get that games take time, but when I see decisions like Japan Studios being shuttered cause they don't make crazy money, I just feel bored of what's on offer. A few titles like Puppeteer, Bloodborne or Gravity Rush to break up the monotony would really have gone a long way these past couple of years. I think Jim Ryan's been shortsighted by ignoring the impact of innovative games, even if they're developed at a slight loss.

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


After playing a game like Tears of the Kingdom for the past 10 days I think Sony should be worried. Their games look so dull and devoid of any inspiration. It's all the same old stuff with shiny bits tacked on. It's just won't cut it for me anymore.

I'm sure they'll be fine with the loyal fan base prepared to buy anything they release, but it's time for me to sit their games out for a good few years. I'm so bored of it all, especially at £70 a pop. I'm sure GTA6 will be worth it and a few other titles, but man has this gen been stale as all hell when it comes to Playstation. Shame, as it started quite well with Returnal.

Re: Sony Says It's Too Early to Judge PSVR2's Popularity


I'd rather save the money for whatever the Switch follow-up is at this point. I almost gave in a bought one for the hype, but I'm glad I didn't. I don't want to put a big plastic thing on my head to play games. I know it's more comfortable than before, but I'm happy to give it a miss for now and possibly pick up a cheap set on discount down the line.

Bit of a weird situation, but I kind of hope it fails real hard and gets a heavy discount when retailers try to get rid of stock. Not a nice sentiment I realise, but it's probably going to be the only thing that gives me a chance to try vr out in any substantial capacity.

Re: Soapbox: I No Longer Think Subscriptions Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Are the Future of Gaming


Been saying this since the beginning of all the subscription models coming in. Most people don't have enough time to play all these games and having too much choice can be stifling when trying to chose a game. I've got a huge library of unplayed PS+ games, why would I want to pay more for hundreds of even more games I'll never have the time to play? I only have PS+ cause you need it for online, if I could, I'd drop it in a heartbeat.

The number of games to play has never been an issue for most people, it's the quality and innovation in gameplay and AI that needs to be addressed.

Re: Activision Poised to Pocket a Cool $3 Billion if Xbox Buyout Breaks Down


I've been saying this from the beginning of MS's assault on the industry with the Bethesda buyout. All they've done is take established IPs and games already in development away from people in an attempt to hobble Sony. If only they'd spent a fraction of all this money on building some new studios and fostering fresh young talent in order to bring some new games to the table as their own exclusives, the whole industry would have benefited. I might have even been tempted to buy an Xbox if they made some new, interesting games, but now I'm completely put off by them and won't go near anything they make or release.

Re: Elden Ring Dev's Armored Core 6 Rated for PS5, PS4 Release in Korea


This has got 7 out of 10 written all over it. I'm sure it'll be good and I say this as a huge From Software fan, but this series has always sat in the 'not quite' sphere. It's probably a good thing for them to release a good but not great game now in order to bring expectations down to earth a bit.

If they do somehow manage to work out how to make a great mech game and release yet another banger, it'll be some feat. It will also give them some room to step outside of the Soulsborne genre a bit more often, which I think is needed before it becomes tired.

Re: Soapbox: Watch Another 20 Minutes of Final Fantasy 16? You Must Be Mad


I relate to this in a big way. It's the same with Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I wish they wouldn't show so much of anticipated games like this. It's hard to not give in a watch some of it, let alone avoid thumbnails and articles discussing this and that.

I managed to mostly avoid Elden Ring stuff and FFXVI, but I fell off Final Fantasy around XII, so it's been easier to ignore everything about it so far. I'm hoping to go in blind and get a nice surprise.

Re: Resident Evil 4 Fans Aren't Exactly Thrilled with Microtransactions on PS5, PS4


@LeeHarveyOzgod your comparison is deeply flawed I'm afraid. A grocery store doesn't charge $50+ dollars to simply get through the door.

I'll make a more fair comparison of monetisation in full price games for you if you like. Imagine going to a book store to buy a book, say... Catcher in the Rye, that should be right up your alley. You sit down in a nice cafe to read your book only to find the book store clerk has followed you and abruptly places a menu between you and the book you have already paid for and are trying to read. This menu has a wealth of options offering you a quick explanation of all the book's plot points, including the ending for an abundance of small separate fees. There's one big difference here though, you would be able to tell the clerk no thank you and that you don't want to be bothered and want to focus on the book you've already paid money to enjoy.

I was simply suggesting it would be nice to have an option to say no thank you in games in general when they pester you with microtransactions. This game might not be as bad as others, and it's not a major burden for me or anything, but the option to hide the store link or any monetisation would be nice.