Comments 33

Re: Review: Detroit: Become Human (PS4)


Only a few hours in but I am really enjoying it. 7 seems low for the ambitious nature of the game + overall polish and story line. Obviously all reviews are very subjective anyways so no worries.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Playing Monster Hunter: World This Weekend?


My first MH game and have really been enjoying it. I really had no interest and did not play the beta but all my friends bought it so I figured I would try it... its been really fun!

Lots to do with friends.. We would watch the cut scenes as single players and then jump in together for the actual monster fight.

Re: Quantic Dream 'Surprised' by Allegations About Studio Culture


I think there have been enough articles about game developers working in 'high stress environments' that studios probably do try and find ways to lighten the mood BUT people need to start being very careful what they say and do because inappropriate behaviors will no longer be accepted.

Re: EA Removes Microtransactions from Star Wars Battlefront 2, for Now at Least


I sold my soul and bought a physical copy 3 days ago. It really is a great game. I am not a very good pvp player but haven't felt disadvantaged and have been steadily leveling up and crafting better cards.

DICE worked very hard on this game - very polished, lots of content and very fun. EA is always going to try and mess up our lives - I applaud everyone that stood up against it. This should also set a precedent for when other games do similar things and embolden the masses to stand up and protest.

Re: Poll: Is The Last of Us: Part II's New Trailer Too Much?


@ThroughTheIris56 Hi sherlock - when you advertise to a 'general audience' you cannot promote mature content...

Now this is the story all about how in the new world we can subject our youth to unlimited amounts of porn, violence, sexual misconduct, greed, theft and everything else.... because family morals doesn't mean anything more... its about dems and republicans... snow flakes and alt-rights--- forget about respecting each other ( which is exactly what sony did not do - respect their customer base enough to warn them about mature content) and lets force everyone to be subjected to death, torture, hate ....

I love video games and really believe this is the golden age of playing them --- we need to take a stand and protect our youth against this stuff - if video games want to explore MATURE issues - simply give us a MATURE warning - so simple.... if they cannot even do that then we need to take a stand and tell them they must...

corporations only respect one thing - the voice and dollar of the masses - if you feel they have gone to far (ie. micro-transactions, violence without a warning- then you better speak up)

But I thought now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air

FREE Kekistan

Re: Sony on Unprecedented PlayStation Violence: We Trust Our Creators


Seems like there are some separate issues in the overall argument.

1. The level of violence in the actual video games
2. The showing of violence without a warning
3. The targeted audience watching the trailers

I would not have wanted to watch those trailers with my young children so that makes me realize I will not be able to watch Sony live events with children.

I do feel warnings are appropriate and respectful to your audience. I think it shows a lack of respect for your customers to show Mature content on a general audience live stream without taking 2 seconds to display a warning.