I put alot of hours into it on PC on original release. Plays well on console though, actually works nicely on controller. I stopped playing the Beta as soon as I read that progress doesn't carry on to the full release, absolute waste of time.
I've been really enjoying this game, certainly the most I have since D2...but, I've not really deep dived into the end game stuff yet so maybe that will be when the wheels come off for me..
I'll definitely jump back in see if I connect with the game more. I like the sound of the combat being a bit snappier , I thought it was a little bit loose when I first played through. I wish they would do something about the immersion in general though, hearing the NPCs in the city repeating the same lines constantly, day after day really impacts it for me. Also, aways found it weird that every single NPC in the game walked around by themselves, not allowed to have friends in night city apprantly.
@Triumph741 The repetitive NPC dialogue and general AI destroys any real immersion for me. A third person mode would be like a fart in a hurricane in that respect.
Writing has been on the wall for a long time with E3, don't blame Nintendo not showing though, must be a torture trying to flog more life out of Mario Kart, Animal crossing and Zelda. In all seriousness though, coms have changed so much now with timed independent showings on YouTube and gamers being introduced to titles in development much earlier in the development cycle. The big reveals of E3 just Don't occur anymore. It could definitely become more niche though, a greater focus on indie devs as well as a focus on titles and innovations over a longer timescale.
@Ambassador_Kong I'm tending to agree about Bella, I'm going to reserve my judgement until I've watched it all but so far she just doesn't seem to work as Ellie. From day one I was worried about that bit of casting and unfortunately it seems warranted.
Great episode, silly question asking if it's the best yet though..it was great but you obviously wouldn't want every episode to be like that. Good to see them injecting some originality into the show.
@BeerIsAwesome this hit the nail on the head for me. I really like the grind when it comes to car games, I played for about half an hour and I was flying about in Supercars which took the fun out of it for me. Can't knock how Forza looks though, graphics are outstanding. Looking forward to seeing what the Crew delivers next.
Enjoying it so far although I do wonder if I would enjoy it more if I hadnt played the game so much. Because its pretty much a carbon copy of the game in regards to main plot points (so far anyway) I don't really feel much tension, feels almost as if I had already watched the episode before because it felt so familiar. Not really a criticism but just my thoughts after finishing the first episode. Got to shout out the Set design and general ambience of the show though which absolutly nails the feel of the game.
I'm sure people will find a way to camp even on these small maps, hardscoping sight lines. I'm really hoping it's the maps which are making the game so slow and campy and as they change the experience will feel more like some of the older games . Not holding out much hope though.
If Sonys standard controller was less prone to issues such as stick drift I could consider this one more but I won't be throwing more money at them when they can't seem to get the current controller right. As it is way too expensive and in my opinion unnecessary.
Sonys customer support is already pretty much non existent. Although I own the Xbox I've been a pretty hard-core PS fan since they came on the scene. As every day passes and after every bad and in my opinion anti consumer decision Sony make I fall more out of love with them. Up to the point now where I hate to give them any money. The for the gamers tag line sounds more and more ludicrous each passing day.
Interesting that the Cinema approach is cited as a shining example of best practice . Cinemas are currently absolutely obliterated, the largest cinema chain in the world is about to go bankrupt. Whilst the netflix, subscription model is generally thriving. In theory I agree with Sonys principle but in the face of what Xbox is doing with GP and the already strained finances of people I can't see it working out for them long term.
In my opinion far better than dishonoured, had loads of fun playing through it with a really interesting DLC. The closest game to feeling like System Shock. I might actually have to play through it again
The worst part about all this has been Sonys coms throughout ,making people second guess about stacking subs etc. I genuinely only use my Ps5 for the exclusives which I am happy to buy. For all the other 3rd party stuff gamepass pretty much has be covered. I'll be happy to let my ps plus expire now I think.
@Dodoo I think the Switch Pro is a really poor controller. Feels unbelievabley budget to me. Only bought it because my GF plays Splatoon but I was surprised at how cheap it feels especially paid to the similarly priced competition.
Love the Sony controller for its functionality, haptic feedback is amazing but I also really like the speaker which makes games more immersive. I find the Xbox controller comfier though for longer gaming sessions. Xbox really need to up their game when it comes to innovating with the controller. Overall though my vote is the Dreamcast controller
Difficult to rate in a way, some of the games are not strictly PS5 and I played them last gen but the improvements the Ps5 gave them have made them feel like completely new experiences to me for example GOW and Days gone (I'm in the minority for that last one I know) I'm playing Gran turismo now though and that really does feel next Gen, at least a 9/10.
@kingv84 definitely confused. You suggested someone "waited for reviews to come out before preordering" which isn't possible. Which is different than what you just said. Dont worry , thanks for your great input to the debate anyway.
@neon-xxiv ty this is a guy talking sense. Your right, no other product or industry could act like this and get away with it. The gaming industry not only gets away with it but the actual consumers which it blatantly tries to mislead and rip off clamber over each other to give sympathy to the developers and they put up with it. This is a massive industry which makes alot of money from us , the gamers. Theres nothing wrong in us demanding better. It's almost like gamers now have been conditioned to put up with this *****. Shrug it off, "dont worry it might be playable in a couple of months" and somehow those of us who deam it unacceptable and complain are made to feel in the wrong. Anyway , ultimately what really rubs salt in the wounds is that below all the glitches and bugs lies a bang average 6/10 game. I genuinely dont understand people who are talking such nonsense as GOTY contender. They must be playing a different game or have access to some next level drugs.
I bought it on Series x and feeling disappointed is an understatement. I think all the articles, reports and noise around the bugs are distracting people from the fact that the game just isn't that good. Combat is bland and clunky, the open world doesn't feel alive with so much opportunity missed to put in little bits of interaction. Referring to it as a roleplaying is also a bit of a stretch. This is an average game that was made for PC and the consoles were an after thought. I dont think any amount of bug fixing or patches are going to change the fact that the game is fundamentally average at best.
@thefourfoldroot . Got to agree with your logic in the posts you have been making here. From what I interpret your main argument boils down to the fact that Sonys communication has been awful and when you read the speculation on message boards like this I dont know how anyone can disagree, let alone argue the opposite! I'm getting a distinct sense from Sony this time around that the "for the gamers" message is getting very much lost. I have and have always owned multiple consoles so I dont have a dog in the race , I just want clarity around the console & business model so I can make informed decisions around how to spend my money. There can be no denying that Microsoft are treating their customer base with more respect right now.
But of a lazy offering this month
On the face of it seems like a good deal , two triple A games but let's be fair if your a moderate gamer you have had them both already or with even a fleeting interest picked them up for a few quid each in CEX. I would personally prefer some good quality titles which I may not have heard of . For those who some how haven't played COD , you are in for a treat though, great campaign & multiplayer.
Psnow continues to disappoint me which is a real shame. I split my gaming between playstation and Xbox and I think the quality of Gamepass has probably spoilt me and it makes the offering on Psnow look all the more dire. Far few stand out games and the ones that are quality already widely available on Gamepass for months. Spiderman is great but in reality what gamer wouldn't have already played that/have it in the collection. I've also noticed that that amount of "filler" on Psnow is just crazy, tons of awful games available just to make up the numbers. I love my playstation I just wish this service was taken a bit more seriously by Sony and they would raise the bar around what titles they made available.
Comments 44
Re: Reborn RPG New World: Aeternum's Open Beta Is Out Now on PS5
I put alot of hours into it on PC on original release. Plays well on console though, actually works nicely on controller. I stopped playing the Beta as soon as I read that progress doesn't carry on to the full release, absolute waste of time.
Re: 14 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Coming Next Week
@Blaze215 Why can't you wait for it to lapse?
Re: Diablo 4 Patch 1.2.0 Sounds Like Another Solid Step Forward for the Criticised Action RPG
I've been really enjoying this game, certainly the most I have since D2...but, I've not really deep dived into the end game stuff yet so maybe that will be when the wheels come off for me..
Re: Hands On: Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 Update Is an Outstanding, Game-Changing Overhaul
I'll definitely jump back in see if I connect with the game more. I like the sound of the combat being a bit snappier , I thought it was a little bit loose when I first played through. I wish they would do something about the immersion in general though, hearing the NPCs in the city repeating the same lines constantly, day after day really impacts it for me. Also, aways found it weird that every single NPC in the game walked around by themselves, not allowed to have friends in night city apprantly.
Re: PS5 Sales Spike a Staggering 116% in Europe
@GreatAuk great comment, exactly.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.63 Out Now on PS5, Get All the Patch Notes Here
@Triumph741 The repetitive NPC dialogue and general AI destroys any real immersion for me. A third person mode would be like a fart in a hurricane in that respect.
Re: Embattled Ubisoft Sailing Sim Skull and Bones Forces PS5 Beta to Walk the Plank
@Bionic-Spencer I think taking the approach of never preordering a game and waiting to see how a game is on release is always the best way to go.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy, PS5's Spellbinding Harry Potter Spin-Off, Massively Exceeded Sales Expectations
Re: Hogwarts Legacy, PS5's Spellbinding Harry Potter Spin-Off, Massively Exceeded Sales Expectations
@Enigk another 6 copies at least!
Re: Xbox, Nintendo Reportedly Join Sony in Skipping E3
Writing has been on the wall for a long time with E3, don't blame Nintendo not showing though, must be a torture trying to flog more life out of Mario Kart, Animal crossing and Zelda. In all seriousness though, coms have changed so much now with timed independent showings on YouTube and gamers being introduced to titles in development much earlier in the development cycle. The big reveals of E3 just Don't occur anymore. It could definitely become more niche though, a greater focus on indie devs as well as a focus on titles and innovations over a longer timescale.
Re: Poll: Was The Last of Us - Episode 3 the Best One Yet?
@Ambassador_Kong I'm tending to agree about Bella, I'm going to reserve my judgement until I've watched it all but so far she just doesn't seem to work as Ellie. From day one I was worried about that bit of casting and unfortunately it seems warranted.
Re: Poll: Was The Last of Us - Episode 3 the Best One Yet?
Great episode, silly question asking if it's the best yet though..it was great but you obviously wouldn't want every episode to be like that. Good to see them injecting some originality into the show.
Re: Poll: Did You Buy the Dead Space PS5 Remake?
@Wowzer did you get it early because you preordered?
Re: Can The Crew's Sequel Finally Bring a Forza Horizon Beater to PS5?
@BeerIsAwesome this hit the nail on the head for me. I really like the grind when it comes to car games, I played for about half an hour and I was flying about in Supercars which took the fun out of it for me. Can't knock how Forza looks though, graphics are outstanding. Looking forward to seeing what the Crew delivers next.
Re: TV Show Review: The Last of Us (HBO) Episode 1 - Faithful Retelling Deviates in the Right Ways
Enjoying it so far although I do wonder if I would enjoy it more if I hadnt played the game so much. Because its pretty much a carbon copy of the game in regards to main plot points (so far anyway) I don't really feel much tension, feels almost as if I had already watched the episode before because it felt so familiar. Not really a criticism but just my thoughts after finishing the first episode. Got to shout out the Set design and general ambience of the show though which absolutly nails the feel of the game.
Re: Fortnite's Graphics Get a Huge Next-Gen Upgrade on PS5
@nomither6 wow got a chip on your shoulder much haha
Re: Elden Ring Wins Ultimate Game of the Year Award at Golden Joysticks
Loved Elden Ring, a worthy winner. Not sure about it winning Multiplayer award though.
Re: God of War, Sony Exclusives Dominate The Game Awards Nominees
Not finished God of War R yet but so far so amazing. Absolutly loved Elden ring, has to be one of those 2 for GOTY
Re: Modern Warfare 2's Revamped Shoot House Map Looks Like Classic Call of Duty Chaos
I'm sure people will find a way to camp even on these small maps, hardscoping sight lines. I'm really hoping it's the maps which are making the game so slow and campy and as they change the experience will feel more like some of the older games . Not holding out much hope though.
Re: Sony Accidentally Sends God of War Ragnarok PS5 Bundle to Customer
Bit of luck, from arguably the worst cod release in years to what I imagine will be a GOTY contender in GOW
Re: Poll: Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?
To some extent it depends on the type of game, but generally 60FPS is really important to me and more important than the actual visuals.
Re: PS5 Users Unimpressed with DualSense Edge Controller's Premium Price Tag
Re: PS5 Users Unimpressed with DualSense Edge Controller's Premium Price Tag
If Sonys standard controller was less prone to issues such as stick drift I could consider this one more but I won't be throwing more money at them when they can't seem to get the current controller right. As it is way too expensive and in my opinion unnecessary.
Re: Sony Gates Customer Service Priority Behind New PS Stars Program
Re: Sony Gates Customer Service Priority Behind New PS Stars Program
Sonys customer support is already pretty much non existent. Although I own the Xbox I've been a pretty hard-core PS fan since they came on the scene. As every day passes and after every bad and in my opinion anti consumer decision Sony make I fall more out of love with them. Up to the point now where I hate to give them any money. The for the gamers tag line sounds more and more ludicrous each passing day.
Re: Ubisoft Seems to Think Far Cry 6 Was Game of the Year
Wasn't even game of the day. They really need to sort this series out. I actually really enjoyed Farcry 5 but 6 was absolutely awful.
Re: Call of Duty's Impressive Ambitions Unveiled, Warzone 2.0 Drops in on 16th November
I see the PC hacker videos are already doing the rounds on multiplayer. Looks like not much is changing
Re: Sony Reiterates Stance on PS Plus Day One Releases, Believes in Premium Launches
Interesting that the Cinema approach is cited as a shining example of best practice . Cinemas are currently absolutely obliterated, the largest cinema chain in the world is about to go bankrupt. Whilst the netflix, subscription model is generally thriving. In theory I agree with Sonys principle but in the face of what Xbox is doing with GP and the already strained finances of people I can't see it working out for them long term.
Re: Deathloop Free Update to Add New Weapon, Ability, Extended Ending, More
Put 5ish hours into and gave up. Extremely overrated imo. Shame because in principle the game play mechanics are cool.
Re: Video: Why Prey Is Arkane's Best Game
In my opinion far better than dishonoured, had loads of fun playing through it with a really interesting DLC. The closest game to feeling like System Shock. I might actually have to play through it again
Re: Mini Review: Chernobylite (PS5) - This Dark, Oppressive Survival Shooter Radiates Quality
How stealth heavy is this game? Not a huge fan of stealth games so not sure if I would get on with this?
Re: PS Plus Members Will Have the Option to Upgrade to Extra, Premium
The worst part about all this has been Sonys coms throughout ,making people second guess about stacking subs etc. I genuinely only use my Ps5 for the exclusives which I am happy to buy. For all the other 3rd party stuff gamepass pretty much has be covered. I'll be happy to let my ps plus expire now I think.
Re: Best Open World Games on PS5
@StuartMc1 completely agree with this. Looks amazing on PS5, overall a great game as well, super underrated.
Re: PS5's DualSense Dubbed the Best Controller of All Time in Public Vote
@Dodoo I think the Switch Pro is a really poor controller. Feels unbelievabley budget to me. Only bought it because my GF plays Splatoon but I was surprised at how cheap it feels especially paid to the similarly priced competition.
Re: PS5's DualSense Dubbed the Best Controller of All Time in Public Vote
Love the Sony controller for its functionality, haptic feedback is amazing but I also really like the speaker which makes games more immersive. I find the Xbox controller comfier though for longer gaming sessions. Xbox really need to up their game when it comes to innovating with the controller. Overall though my vote is the Dreamcast controller
Re: Poll: We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PS5 Games
Difficult to rate in a way, some of the games are not strictly PS5 and I played them last gen but the improvements the Ps5 gave them have made them feel like completely new experiences to me for example GOW and Days gone (I'm in the minority for that last one I know) I'm playing Gran turismo now though and that really does feel next Gen, at least a 9/10.
Re: Poll: Did You Request a Cyberpunk 2077 Refund on PS5, PS4?
@kingv84 definitely confused. You suggested someone "waited for reviews to come out before preordering" which isn't possible. Which is different than what you just said. Dont worry , thanks for your great input to the debate anyway.
Re: Poll: Did You Request a Cyberpunk 2077 Refund on PS5, PS4?
@neon-xxiv ty this is a guy talking sense. Your right, no other product or industry could act like this and get away with it. The gaming industry not only gets away with it but the actual consumers which it blatantly tries to mislead and rip off clamber over each other to give sympathy to the developers and they put up with it. This is a massive industry which makes alot of money from us , the gamers. Theres nothing wrong in us demanding better. It's almost like gamers now have been conditioned to put up with this *****. Shrug it off, "dont worry it might be playable in a couple of months" and somehow those of us who deam it unacceptable and complain are made to feel in the wrong. Anyway , ultimately what really rubs salt in the wounds is that below all the glitches and bugs lies a bang average 6/10 game. I genuinely dont understand people who are talking such nonsense as GOTY contender. They must be playing a different game or have access to some next level drugs.
Re: Poll: Did You Request a Cyberpunk 2077 Refund on PS5, PS4?
@kingv84 think you may be slightly confused with the concept of preordeing and its timeline in relation to when reviews come out.
Re: Poll: Did You Request a Cyberpunk 2077 Refund on PS5, PS4?
I bought it on Series x and feeling disappointed is an understatement. I think all the articles, reports and noise around the bugs are distracting people from the fact that the game just isn't that good. Combat is bland and clunky, the open world doesn't feel alive with so much opportunity missed to put in little bits of interaction. Referring to it as a roleplaying is also a bit of a stretch. This is an average game that was made for PC and the consoles were an after thought. I dont think any amount of bug fixing or patches are going to change the fact that the game is fundamentally average at best.
Re: Ghost of Tsushima Supports 60 Frames-Per-Second on PS5, Better Load Times
@thefourfoldroot . Got to agree with your logic in the posts you have been making here. From what I interpret your main argument boils down to the fact that Sonys communication has been awful and when you read the speculation on message boards like this I dont know how anyone can disagree, let alone argue the opposite! I'm getting a distinct sense from Sony this time around that the "for the gamers" message is getting very much lost. I have and have always owned multiple consoles so I dont have a dog in the race , I just want clarity around the console & business model so I can make informed decisions around how to spend my money. There can be no denying that Microsoft are treating their customer base with more respect right now.
Re: FIFA 21, Madden NFL 21 Will Use PS5's Controller to Heighten Immersion
@nessisonett this has made my day!
Re: All PS Plus June PS4 Games Available to Download Now
But of a lazy offering this month
On the face of it seems like a good deal , two triple A games but let's be fair if your a moderate gamer you have had them both already or with even a fleeting interest picked them up for a few quid each in CEX. I would personally prefer some good quality titles which I may not have heard of . For those who some how haven't played COD , you are in for a treat though, great campaign & multiplayer.
Re: PS Now June 2020 Update Adds Dishonored 2, Metro: Exodus, More
Psnow continues to disappoint me which is a real shame. I split my gaming between playstation and Xbox and I think the quality of Gamepass has probably spoilt me and it makes the offering on Psnow look all the more dire. Far few stand out games and the ones that are quality already widely available on Gamepass for months. Spiderman is great but in reality what gamer wouldn't have already played that/have it in the collection. I've also noticed that that amount of "filler" on Psnow is just crazy, tons of awful games available just to make up the numbers. I love my playstation I just wish this service was taken a bit more seriously by Sony and they would raise the bar around what titles they made available.