Comments 348

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


@knowles2 Whilst the lack of infrastructure and manufacturing plays some part what we have with online stores is server space, perpetual rental, SDK funding and the like.

The chances of being able to walk into a store (if you can find one) and buying a new copy of Wild Arms from the PS1 are pretty slim yet I can log onto the store on my PSP/Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5 and buy it.

Re: Interest in Destiny 2 Reportedly at an All-Time Low


Destiny 2 started out great because it massively streamlined a lot of game mechanics and added in an action packed, focussed campaign.

Fast forward a few years and they're back to square one with a game collapsing under the weight of its own lore and mechanics.

What is needed is a reset. I still think Destiny can be salvaged as a property but remade as a single player RPG like Starfield. Set it across the whole solar system, allow us to fly the ships and tell a new story. Heck, send us back in time to when the traveller just prior to the collapse when the human race is at its zenith to prevent the Darkness from ever winning.

Re: Bungie CEO Laments 'Sad Day' for Sony Studio Following Layoffs


@thefourfoldroot1 the layoffs and cancellations make me think that the GaaS idea won't ever pan out. PS5 is selling like hotcakes based on classic single player Playstation titles rather than the promise of a Fortnite competitor; whilst the layoffs are a shame they are also probably cuts of an overhiring of staff for projects that no longer exist.

Re: Community: Push Square Readers Narrow Down Best Game of All Time Vote to Two Classics


I would argue strongly that Final Fantasy VII is in fact the worst PS1 FF game. Despite still being a bloody good title in and of itself (don’t forget I said that!) VIII and IX had much more believable, cohesive worlds and IMO better battle systems.

No effort is made in VII to really explain how the heck an evil utility company came to replace all world governments and why their endgame was in fact cheaper bills for their customers.

Re: Poll: Is 'Live Service' Becoming an Excuse to Release Unfinished Games?


As Shigeru Miyamoto once said: “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.”

I think this maxim is still true even in an age of instant updates. I can’t think of one live service title that was crap at launch that eventually became something actually worth playing.

Even the poster boy for post-launch updates. No Man’s Sky was still a good game at launch; it just wasn’t what was promised. That’s a very different thing. If it wasn’t for Hello Games’ push to make it better it would have been another indictment of entitled fans.

Re: Square Enix Bafflingly Backtracks on Final Fantasy 16 Sales, Blames 'Slow' PS5 Adoption


Despite being a big name franchise in gaming and always being marketed well FF is still a niche title. 3m sales is pretty bloody good on a console the majority of players are buying just to play the next iterations of Call of Duty, FIFA and Madden on.

This isn’t a knock on those players; it’s just PlayStation is a mass market brand. Had the game come out on the Switch I imagine it would have easily don’t 5m by now because those players buy into more niche titles.

Re: Reaction: What Happens to PlayStation if Microsoft Buys Activision Blizzard?


Not a lot as it happens. Microsoft know that the CoD market on PS is massive and will be wanting some returns on that deal.

At the same time there isn’t really anything else from Activision they’re going to miss. Overwatch 2? Crash Bandicoot? Spyro the Dragon? Do me a favour.

Microsoft’s big play was King, because $80bn is a small slice of the console pie but a big one on mobile. Those are the revenues they want streaming into their coffers.

What will be interesting is seeing if Sony retaliate. They already took away their only chance of redeeming Halo. I do wonder if they will start to sew up the Japanese market a little more. Square Enix have got to be awfully tempting. Promise to keep releasing games on Nintendo platforms and that will sail through regulation.

Re: Xbox Insinuates It Bought Bethesda to Block Starfield PS5 Console Exclusivity


Microsoft still have themselves to blame. They wouldn’t let Square launch FFXIV on the Xbox because they didn’t want them to have a way around taking 30% of that sub fee which Sony were happy to accommodate, for example.

In that case it was a combination of MS burning that bridge and the 20% sales share of FFXV on Xbox. (Stats from UK, not Japan)

Microsoft could have done their homework. It took Nintendo 2 generations to recover from the loss of FFVII to the PS1.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 (PS5) - Final Fantasy's Triumphant Return to the Top


Not unexpected at all. It sounds like they’ve gone back to the 16bit era of warring nations, dungeons and battles. VI is still considered the best in the series and it has no mini games, logical side quests and a compelling plot.

Some will see this as the series moving forward; I see it as throwing off the goofy shackles of the PS1 era once and for all.

Most welcome.

Re: 27 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Confirmed for Big June Update


I know Sony want to drip feed older titles from the PSN to the top tier but it wouldn’t kill them to offer some big PS1 titles, would it?

They’re just porting over games you can buy on the PS3. They’re sat on Suikoden 1+2, FF1-9, MGS, WipEout, Motörhead, Castlevania, Alundra, Front Mission 3, Parasite Eve 2 and a pile of other games.

And we get Herc’s Adventures.

Seriously Sony.