Comments 348

Re: Sony to Make PSVR2 Pads Usable on Apple Vision Pro, New Report Claims


I’d be interested to see how deep this partnership goes. Sony doesn’t view Apple as a direct competitor. They allowed the port of games like Flower, Journey and even Death Stranding on iOS whilst under Sony publishing licence for example.

As Sony happily release PlayStation games on agnostic devices like the PC and we know have iOS devices capable of playing PS4 titles I wonder if we will see games like Horizon or Spider-Man on Apple devices?

Re: Yes, Godzilla Roams the Map in Fortnite's Japan-Themed Season


Fortnite is at its best when it completely embraces its theme. Too many battle passes are just one or two matching skins and a load of junk. The best recent season was the Ancient Greek gods one because they went all in. Although the lack of Zagreus as the guest icon skin was grating, I’m a big Avatar fan so it gets a free pass.

This season looks absolutely sick. And for people that don’t want to play there is still Reload and the upcoming C1 OG cycle.

Re: Concord Cost Sony Over $200 Million, And Didn't Make a Single Cent


@nomither6 Clearly this is not true though. The Legend of Zelda is the biggest franchise in gaming and on a careful 5-year Dev cycle for mainline entries. We haven't seen a sequel to Mario Odyssey in 7 years because they're likely cooking up the next one for the Switch 2 launch.

How do we define AAA anyway? Technically superior? Games that last ages? Big open worlds? Regardless I would probably have listed Tetris Effect as the best AAA title of the last generation because of how bloody good it is. 10/10 from most places yet it's still just the Tetris.

I'm not trying to make out Nintendo as a better company that anyone else. I enjoy Playstation titles and only actually own an Xbox as my main console. But they had a plan for the Switch with regards to the ongoing release schedule and it worked.

Fact of the matter is this generation is weird. Sony are only beating Xbox because of the FIFA and Madden crown just wanting the next PS4 to play their annual games on, Microsoft have had way more exclusives out and aren't ahead in any way and Nintendo might actually topped the PS2 with a sequel to the WiiU.

Re: Fans Appear to Be Coming Around to PS5 Pro


The price for a niche, enthusiast device that wasn't meant to sell in large numbers isn't that bad.

The issue is Sony thinking they can get away with it going forward. Thanks in no small part to Apple, we live in an age of 'reassuringly expensive' that has gaslighted people into thinking cheaper products must be inferior. Taken from a cold start with no prior affinity I'd question for example whether anybody really needs a phone better than a Pixel 8a (say).

If Sony convince the market that £700 should be the going rate for the Playstation 6 then we're in trouble.

Then again the Switch may well go on to becoming the best selling console of all time so what do I know.

Re: Reaction: Why There Are So Many Unnecessary PS5 Remasters for Games That Don't Need Them


Sony doesn’t need to see growth in old franchises; it needs to keep its audience happy. There is nothing wrong with only having 3-4 tent pole first party releases per year if you have cheaper, smaller titles to fill the void.

Would it really cost that much to remaster Uncharted? Motorstorm? Wipeout 2097? How about porting some dead PS3 games whilst we’re there? I could go for a rerelease of Calling All Cars or Rub A Dub.

Re: 25 Years Ago, Square Released the Best Final Fantasy Game


At the time I really didn’t like it at all. They swapped anime for the cast of Hollyoaks and casting spells made your stats go down.

However time has been kind to VIII and it’s become my favourite game in the series! Triple Triad is a delight and you can really abuse the draw system by converting rare cards into powerful spells. The world is really fleshed out, with governments and politics. It’s less ‘videogamey’ than the nonsensical world of FFVII where a Totalitarian British Gas decided to make Captain America and as a result more believable.

The collegiate atmosphere is brilliant and yes, it has the best soundtrack in the series.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


"Sony needs a cash cow, because its single player games are costing too much and taking too long to make."

Its called smaller titles. Not every single player game needs to be Horizon or God of War. They funded the PS4 games through extensive remasters of old PSP and Vita titles and smaller games like PS All-Stars.

The PS5 has thus far been a letdown for those of us who loved Sony's quirky, smaller titles and its older franchises. WipEout HD proved that quality can be done on a budget and Omega sold 2.5m copies. Loads of PS3 games still languish: why not do a 4K remaster of Calling All Cars or Super Rub-a-Dub with loads of new levels? Remasters of Motorstorm?

Re: How Much Would You Pay for Your PS5 Games? Dev Says Industry Is Waiting for GTA 6 to Hike Prices


Does inflation really have an impact on game development? Wages go up of course as do the electricity bills. But it’s not like making a game uses some finite physical resource constricted by supply chains and shortages. Software and code is ‘infinite’.

Some people will say graphics cards are the fuel of game development, to which I would say only based on your platform of choice. Eric Barone didn’t use a cutting edge rig to build Stardew Valley.

That is to also say I paid £60 for Majora’s Mask in 2000 and £60 for Tears of the Kingdom in 2024

Re: Mini Review: TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (PS2) - Some Steps Forward, Some Steps Back for Final Entry in Famed Franchise


Timesplitters 2 wasnt really much better than the original, stringing together a loose campaign to pad out its exhaustive multiplayer.

Future Perfect gave it an amusing story and some spit and polish on top of the still top-notch multiplayer. Easily the best in the series.

And yet none of the trilogy have a multiplayer as good as Perfect Dark. I always found that curious.

Re: Netflix's Horizon Zero Dawn TV Show Reportedly on Ice


A better option would be to animate it. Get Studio Mir onboard to create the visuals and involve the original creators in writing the scripts. They could do a dual-timeline story fleshing out the world of Sobek and Faro alongside Aloy’s time. It would be a lot cheaper to make.

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficulty Put You Off Playing It?


I really wanted to love Sekiro. The setting and story looked wonderful. But the only way I could even make it past the boss in the prologue was to just leg it.

These games don’t need an easy mode to cater for crap players like myself. They need some cheat codes so we can practice without dying! It wouldn’t hurt to put an invincibility cheat in there would it?

Re: Random: What Happens to Your Digital PSN Library When You Die?


Section 50A of the UK Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988:

“It is not an infringement of copyright for a lawful user of a copy of a computer program to make any back up copy of it which it is necessary for him to have for the purposes of his lawful use.“

Sony’s EULA isn’t worth the bytes of the .txt file it’s typed on.

The law doesn’t just suddenly change because the software code is written to a server instead of a disc of some sort. If I have paid for software and have the receipts to prove it its mine to pass on as I see fit.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game from State of Play?


@SuntannedDuck2 Sony just about bodges their way through the PS4 era with lots of PSP ports and remasters in between the main course titles and they were all welcome. They also bankrolled titles like Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture.

The PS5 has since seen studio closures and not half the investment in ‘palate cleanser’ titles. Yeah some indie games have worked out but none of these are first party and if you’re not going to release your own games then gamers may as well buy a PC.

The reason the PS5 is doing so well is because casual gamers (who are still a vital part of the market) just want something to play FIFA, CoD and GTAVI on.

The Switch has decimated all the other platforms because Nintendo are committed to a release schedule of one big title per month. This isn’t necessarily a first party title and it might be a niche title that only interests 5% of players at any one time. However it also shows that no audiences are getting left behind.