Comments 333

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


Sony got lucky with the PS4. They were able to support the expensive single player adventures with HD ports of older quirky portable titles to maintain that unique indie feel the PS3 brought to things.

But the PS5 era has seen Japan Studio shuttered and an over-investment in obviously now-cancelled live service titles that the market never asked for. Hoyo pull in the money by meeting players where they are on the hardware they already own rather than needing a dedicated console and the markets are very different.

In other words Sony need to keep spending the money on the big single player titles, which Nintendo have proven can be evergreen with solid update support. Who knows how much they’ve raked in by supporting Mario Kart 8 with ongoing DLC? But they need smaller, cheaper titles to fill in the gaps and remind us why we love PlayStation in the first place.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


I reckon this isn’t as innocent as made out. If Microsoft do stop making consoles it means Sony could be claimed to be a monopoly on high-end consoles and the EU might get the platform to open up to 3rd party stores.

Now having the Epic Store or Steam on PS5 would be pretty great but it would also allow Microsoft to bring Game Pass to PlayStation with impunity.

Re: Bungie Will Finally Let You Change Your Appearance in Destiny 2


As from their website:

“To change their appearance, Guardians must hunt down Isha Torus in the Tower. From here they will be able to pick up a new series of quests which will grant them ‘image marks’. Players get 10 marks per quest and it costs 200 per edit. To initiate an edit players must also have harvested 500 Fractal Crystals from the game world. This is available on a time limited part of Nightfall Raids from Feb 1 - Feb 13th.”

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


@Terra_Custodes The point is that those classic games are all under a tenner and still available nearly 20 years later. Horizon Zero Dawn is nearly 7 years old and also under a tenner. I am sure when 2028 rolls around Forbidden West will also be available on the PlayStation 6 for under a tenner.

But to circle back to the original point: videogame prices haven't risen with inflation and digital preservation is easier than physical.

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


@Terra_Custodes My point is that whilst the prices for some digital titles might seem high given the lack of physical infrastructure to manage, they stay in place for decades. I can still download a new copy of Wild Arms on any PlayStation platform made in the last 20 years but I cannot walk into a store and buy a new sealed one. And where a sealed copy might exist it is a lot more expensive than the digital one because it is a collectors item.

Somebody further up the chain was saying how digital prices should be lower than physical because there are no store shelves to think about but the presence on those shelves is a fraction of the time it exists in a digital store.

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


@Robinsad Due to inflation that £500m for Forbidden West in todays money is only worth. Based on £1 in 2000 equating to £1.80 today like for like its £300m vs £150m. It also cost £100m to develop Forbidden West whereas Perfect Dark was probably a lot cheaper.

The point is that videogames have not risen in cost due to inflation. A £60 videogame today is tremendous value for money.

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


@knowles2 Whilst the lack of infrastructure and manufacturing plays some part what we have with online stores is server space, perpetual rental, SDK funding and the like.

The chances of being able to walk into a store (if you can find one) and buying a new copy of Wild Arms from the PS1 are pretty slim yet I can log onto the store on my PSP/Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5 and buy it.

Re: Interest in Destiny 2 Reportedly at an All-Time Low


Destiny 2 started out great because it massively streamlined a lot of game mechanics and added in an action packed, focussed campaign.

Fast forward a few years and they're back to square one with a game collapsing under the weight of its own lore and mechanics.

What is needed is a reset. I still think Destiny can be salvaged as a property but remade as a single player RPG like Starfield. Set it across the whole solar system, allow us to fly the ships and tell a new story. Heck, send us back in time to when the traveller just prior to the collapse when the human race is at its zenith to prevent the Darkness from ever winning.

Re: Bungie CEO Laments 'Sad Day' for Sony Studio Following Layoffs


@thefourfoldroot1 the layoffs and cancellations make me think that the GaaS idea won't ever pan out. PS5 is selling like hotcakes based on classic single player Playstation titles rather than the promise of a Fortnite competitor; whilst the layoffs are a shame they are also probably cuts of an overhiring of staff for projects that no longer exist.

Re: Community: Push Square Readers Narrow Down Best Game of All Time Vote to Two Classics


I would argue strongly that Final Fantasy VII is in fact the worst PS1 FF game. Despite still being a bloody good title in and of itself (don’t forget I said that!) VIII and IX had much more believable, cohesive worlds and IMO better battle systems.

No effort is made in VII to really explain how the heck an evil utility company came to replace all world governments and why their endgame was in fact cheaper bills for their customers.