Comments 454

Re: Insomniac Could Bring Down the Internet Adapting This 90s Homage in Spider-Man 2


@WallyWest Eh it could still end up being harry. In the ultimate spiderman series which this is solely inspired from it was harry I believe. Venom will tear himself away from peter and find his last host he was surviving from. Since harry is so weak he'll take full control of him and become the venom we know. Not to mention it seems they are setting up a game where venom, spidey and miles fight green goblin.

Re: PS Stars Guide: All Campaigns and Solutions (February 2023)


@AdamNovice The comments isn't the point as that flew over your head. The comments show what people are feeling about certain things and shows what has happened. This program is nothing but a flop and has under performed severely.

Your comment is only 4 months old lol you act like it was actually a year.

Re: Trails from Zero PS4 Update Teased


@jorel262 falcom doesn't want it to be updated like the pc and switch versions because for some stupid reason. It'll make their previous Japanese version look obsolete. Even though that too could have received an update. So they can't do much or papa falcom will get mad.

Re: Trails from Zero PS4 Update Teased


@GorosBat that's what I did. You can play the evo versions translated on a hacked vita or play the first two psp version on there. But the pc versions is what I went with. And honestly it was rough because they don't feel right to play on pc. But damn was it worth it though.

Re: Trails from Zero PS4 Update Teased


I wouldn't say it doesn't need a patch. The game is so out dated on ps4 it still is the vita version. Considering falcom is dumb when it comes to updating games this patch is probably just more qol improvements.

Re: Sackboy: A Big Adventure Has Proven Very Unpopular on PC


"R.I.P., reading comprehension. My argument wasn't about bugs, but a game not working on your platform and you needing to figure out why. It's one thing to encounter a bug, another to get a black screen and not be able to play a game at all."

I read it perfectly fine. What's ironic is if you actually ready my comment I addressed this already. RIP reading comprehension and hell RIP logic since bugs and a game not working are one in the same.

"You do understand the concept of an example, right?"

You do understand the concept of a lot of people finding problems regardless of what platform you are on yes?

"Again. Bugs =/= black screen"

Again skyrim is an old game and to make matters worse a bethesda game.

"Yes, many if not most work right out of the gate. But when you launch a game on PC, you don't know if it will work on your setup. It may or may not."

I've had zero issues with games not launching. Same with my friends, and same with the people who report issues, all report bugs that happen are after the game has started.

Even if lets say a game doesn't start. You have 2 weeks and 2 hours of playtime limit to issue a refund. That is something sony doesn't offer. There's no buyer safety on console. You always have to wrestle with them to prove a game doesn't work. And that's assuming you bought it digitally. Steam is no questions asked. So if those games you claim exist in this day and age. There's no worry when you could just simply refund it. PC is easy now.

Re: Sackboy: A Big Adventure Has Proven Very Unpopular on PC


@naruball When millions of people play a game on pc there's going to be a lot of bigger chances of finiding bugs and issues. You think the same isn't apparent on console?

What's funny is that video you sent has only 5k views and 16 likes compared to how many people actually play the game.

Skyrim is old. There's 3 versions on pc and has had issues since the ps3/360 days just like ANY bethesda game lol. You can even swap back to older versions if you're having problems.

I'll dismiss any game you want. There are games that come out with problems on pc. But what people are pointing out is a great deal of them launch and work right out the gate. Especially modern games.

I do value my opinion. What people don't value is someone who lacks any valid opinion on anything, using tired old arguments, and not wanting people to play "their precious exclusives" on pc. Hence why someone told you to grow up.

Re: Sackboy: A Big Adventure Has Proven Very Unpopular on PC


@naruball I've had like one game that has had no sound and it was fixed with a free upgrade to a remaster. The sound card part which I'm not letting go is hilarious and an insta fail for you.

PC gaming has become A LOT easier to work with. I have friends with almost zero knowledge doing just fine.