Comments 454

Re: Video: Top 10 PS5 Platinums for Beginners


@pip_muzz Absolutely agree. I feel like sometimes unless I get the platinum I'm not done with the game. This happens on steam quite a bit too. I'm slowly trying to phase that out. As much as I enjoy the "ding" I miss the days without them. Just beat a game and move on or play it again for its story rather than the "ding"

Re: Soul Hackers 2 Launch Day DLC Detailed, Includes Bonus Story Arc, Costumes & More


@Milktastrophe "ok, so you just don't know how game development works" famous starting line from someone who doesn't know how game development actually works. Just because a game is "done" doesn't mean it's done. But for some odd reason you're so incredibly naiive that you think they didn't just pick stuff out while developing the game? Because Sega/Atlus has TOTALLY not done that before right?

Lets look at the content shall we? Costumes that take zero effort to make. Copy and pasted from other games. Extra difficulty something that takes testing the entire game. Something that is given away for free by many and I mean many other gaming companies including atlus which has included higher difficulties for free before. Bonus Demon Pack, Atlus has been doing this for years constantly putting SPECIFIC summons out of the game when it comes out, except this time its normal summons that have been a STAPLE in the series and have been included in each game without paying more (I'm guessing your "knowlegde" of game development doesn't extend to the smt/persona series). Bonus Story Arc, Again something so small that it reeks of being pulled out before release which also requires rewritting specific parts ahead of schedule before game comes out on top of translating it. Not to mention there's a pre order to top things off. Did they work on that pre order the day before the game came out too? Now if I were to buy an expensive ass deluxe edition I'd have to buy the "pre -order" seperatley whenver it's made available.

"This practice keeps the individual devs employed during this down time." This is not an indie company. This is a pretty big company with PLENTY of projects to work on and are owned by SEGA ffs. If it was indie you'd have some sort of case. But I'm sorry, take that innocent child like pov out of here. And you're right about one thing. It's not the devs screwing you. It's the people in charge. Which actually if you do a little research and look into how game development works with people who are in charge you'll see the pattern of crappy practices like this done plenty of times. It was so bad they some of them even stopped. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you hate EA. And it this game was under EA you'd have your pitchfork ready. But because it's "poor innocent" atlus you defend them with all your might.

Re: Digimon Survive (PS4) - Darker Digimon Story Carries Some Flat RPG Elements


My biggest issue with this game are its characters. Especially shuiji. The digimon carry this game hard.

This review is pretty spot on but I do disagree with this part "As it stands, combat mostly serves its purpose in providing respite from the dialogue-heavy plot, but it very rarely excites" When the characters finally start working as a group with their partners I found that really satisfying. Problem with that it's pretty far into the game.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Sorry, But Your Cute Cat Game Isn't That Great


I've played it recently. It's boring and it's not even a game to begin with. Press x the game then "opens" up to pressing square. This games popularity is overblown just because of a stupid cat that doesn't even look good. I applaud you for getting the platinum. Having to endure such a mediocre journey as a feline must not have been easy.

Re: In-Depth The Last of Us Remake Comparison Deep Dives PS5 Improvements


@BowTiesAreCool So they should pander to those who THINK it looks better? You can either be "objectively" blind or use your own eyes. To me they ruined the whole atmosphere of the game and like others have stated it's way too bright. And yes if you've ever seen a giraffe the original looks better.

New graphics doesn't equal better. The ps4 arkham "remakes" look terrible. Just becuase something gets a new coat of paint doesn't mean it's 100% better than what came before.

Re: Sony Posts Official The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Gameplay in Extended Look


@WCB I like how you put content in quotation marks even though I stated a fact. MP is missing which was a big component and very popular with the community. People even wanted it to return with part 2 but instead it is being sperated as some games of service crap.

As for graphics it's easy to see improvements and sometimes it's hard to see. Some of the shots in this very trailer I thought had more atmosphere in the original. Like the underground train area. It's hit or miss in some parts to me.

If they added some prequel dlc of joels journey to boston that could have been cool. I would have been down for that.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered PC Version Dated for 12th August


@TrickyDicky99 ???? Do you not see how much people are begging for spiderman stuff on pc? Marvel avengers people ARE STILL wanting to play spiderman on that trash. And now they get a better version. On top of all the spiderman games being removed along time ago. You severly underestimate pc gamers, on top of the fact that most pc gamers were from console first. This will sell more than horizon, days gone, and possibly god of war.

Re: The Last of Us: Part I's Emotional Intro on PS5 Has Leaked


70 dollars for the same game that was priced at 50 then 60 and now 70? With ps4 it made sense considering the issues of porting a game from ps3 and the bonus of 60 fps, all dlc, and multiplayer. But this game adds nothing besides pretty visuals (which for some reason are hard to tell apart sometimes) with worse looking characters faces. Doesn't even have multiplayer. I'd rather play the remaster. Still haven't finished my grounded run.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Has Its First GOTY Award Already


@middyone "something this new generation is not smart enough to figure out." Who are you talking about? My first console was an nes.

" both games will nuke elden ring if anything" Okay I'll play your game. Have you played/finished elden ring and know why it's such a big deal?

Assuming I only played 40 minutes huh? I played more than 18 hours and in that time the game NEVER hooked me. Especially with it's 10 hour tutorial. It's very easy to talk about something you haven't finished. That's been a thing for a long time. Gamers aren't going to simply force themselves through a game unless they are paid to do it or are like you apparently. Developers don't even want that. They want games to be fun always have. Something I guess kids like you don't understand huh? I can play that card too.

"I reject people opinions that have no value or anything to add to the conversation. go finish the game then come back dude." Very ironic. My comment has no value yet you're tilted over it enough to care. Don't have to finish the game. I'm not trying to fall asleep. And playing it more isn't going to fix the literal issue I have with the game. I rather play elden ring for the 5th time or gow for the 4th time. Much better games in every possible way.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Has Its First GOTY Award Already


@middyone Yeah I'm sure you've finished every single game you found boring or bad. I'm not going to force myself through something that I find as boring as ubisofts games. Also stop with your damage control. You reject people opinions that don't like your game but respond to all of them? Come on dude.

Re: Century: Age of Ashes Takes Flight on PS5, PS4 from 19th July


@Coolmusic Coming from someone who has played it. It's a fun game at first. But they removed movement features, and constantly create and remove modes with the hope that fomo brings players back. Also certain dragons felt just so op. But that last point was my impression what it first came out.