Comments 454

Re: Hands On: The Crew 2's PS5 Patch Feels Better at 60fps, But There's a Catch


@get2sammyb ??? I didn't read you directly mentioning one was better unless I missed it. So i gave my opinion on one being far superior.

How about this for helpful.. You can get xbox's weakest/cheapest console and still get a better experience and visuals than crew 2. Yeah sure some people only own a ps console. But some are by choice rather than just being broke. You can even play them through the cloud I believe and Samsung tvs are being implemented with that feature. There's many ways to play it.

Re: NBA 2K23 Celebrates the WNBA for a Second Year with Diana Taurasi, Sue Bird Cover


@nessisonett Damn this is the problem with the internet. I give you actual women sports that I like (that are actually relavent) and you somehow seem to still label me the same way.
Lets put this into perspective. Your original comment "FIFA don’t even attempt to push their women’s football mode. They could have done something for the women’s Euros starting tonight but apparently not." My response "Because they don't sell. Just like wnba". Why do you think that is? In a global sport where football (specifically mens football) puts asses on seats world wide. Why would a company push something that is liked by a very miniscle amount of people? You're stuck on one stadium when your original comment had nothing to do with one stadium. It's addressing a general problem with girls football. It's.not.popular. That's a basic fact. When boys go get football cards or memorabilia they get mens collectables. It has nothing to do with being sexist. People just like certain things more than you and the other 69,999. Just like this wnba attempt which pretty much almost nobody cares about. If you put micheal jordan on one cover, and these girls on another, and they had the same features guess which one would sell more? That's what companies care about.

Re: NBA 2K23 Celebrates the WNBA for a Second Year with Diana Taurasi, Sue Bird Cover


@nessisonett "It’s selling the same amount as men’s football" In what world do you live in that 70,000 people equal an entire planet of people who enjoy mens football over something a very small percentage enjoy.
Also Jacko covered that pretty well huh? You seem to stay shut when have no argument towards facts.
"Your colossal misunderstanding of basic facts in an effort to assert male dominance speaks volumes." please cope harder bro. You're talking to somebody who enjoys womens wrestling. Those girls actually can put butts in seats and have main evented shows with bigger audiences than a girls soccer team.

Re: Lollipop Chainsaw Remake Revealed for 2023


This is concerning. I'm glad the old team is working on it. But censorship is a very high probability on ps. Pso made it through so who knows? Maybe this has a chance? But these guys don't have the same pull as sega so it's going to take a miracle if this catches sonys eyes.

Re: Jane Foster Joins Marvel's Avengers Roster Today


@Northern_munkey You should have moved on ages ago or not bothered to respond since you added nothing. Saying "The haters are simply louder, as usual" is condradicting on what was said after. There's no this part is good but endgame bad therefore game is good. That's not how video games work. They are reviewed as a whole.
Also this part "but the haters just have to say it that little bit louder and cruder than your average person (its their nature)" Yeah it's not like they spent 60 plus dollars on an avengers game that flopped hard. Totally unwarranted /s. On top of generalizing. Literally why this whole thing started.

Re: Jane Foster Joins Marvel's Avengers Roster Today


@Northern_munkey Seriously dude learn to read. I've literally given you an example but you want to graze over points and just pick ones that fit your argument. I'll let you figure it out by scrolling up and re-reading very slowly and carefully this time. Then come back to me. It's not that hard. That or move on because you're clearly feeling some type of way.

Re: Jane Foster Joins Marvel's Avengers Roster Today


@Northern_munkey See now that's ironic. Especially considering you could have done the same exact thing yet YOU responded to me. I also like that that was the only thing you took from what I typed. You're definitely consistent on your lack of reading I'll give you that.

Re: Jane Foster Joins Marvel's Avengers Roster Today


@Northern_munkey Seems you clearly just want to jump in mid converstaion without reading any prior responses. I'll help you out since you seem to struggle with that.

Naruballs comment "Don't worry. Many of us feel the exact same way. The haters are simply louder, as usual."

As for liking the game in general. You can like something all you want. When did I say you can't? Saying something is good and enjoying something are two different things. People like to smoke that doesn't make it good right? I have played many games that I've enjoyed, and I know they are utter trash. i.e. Aliens colonial marines, code vein, mass effect andromeda, avengers etc. So if you want to continue the white knight stuff you're more than welcome to, but context helps doesn't it?

Re: Resident Evil 2, 3, and 7 PS5 Versions Available to Download Now


@OrtadragoonX All the games I mentioned already run at 60 on pc with exception of the arkham remasters which ran at an unlocked framerate without the patch that locked them at 30. Day one release they all ran at 60fps.

Its really not that hard for the games I mentioned. And the tiny cost it would take to make it happen is outweighed by people who would be interested in them.

Re: Resident Evil 2, 3, and 7 PS5 Versions Available to Download Now


@WallyWest Not sure if sarcasm. If it is, I have no idea why you insist on brining up irrelavent things towards my comments.

If it isn't then I don't see why not? A company making a game 60 fps makes people want to go back to play their games, and it attracts new players. Mad max, shadow of mordor/war, re1 re, arkham series all still trapped at 30 fps.

Re: Falcom on Bringing Kuro Trails Games West: 'Of Course We Intend To'


Of course we're getting them. That was never a problem really besides crossbell being a major if back then. The problem is the snail pace they come out at that makes you want to just move on from this series altogether.

On top of the fact geofront already translated the crossbell games. There's almost no excuse for how long those are taking, and why it took this long until geofront finished the translations is just beyond stupid and too coincidental.

Re: Reaction: Sony Kickstarts the Summer with Sizzling State of Play


@GorosBat I like how you speak as if you know anything when you know nothing. Your initial point was pc gaming is too expensive. I pointed out the steam deck as a good entry point. It behaves like a console while still being a pc. It basically removes all the hassle of a gaming rig but is still a pc. You then flip flop with "but it's not comparable to pc gaming" Maybe that's the god damn point? A pc device behaving like a console is the perfect thing for the market. Need I forget to mention how much the index sold? A niche product that requires a gaming rig? Now imagine a system that DOESN'T require a gaming rig. If we judge it as a switch. There are loads of games you can play on there that are on switch that look far better and run far better. I never once said it would replace pc gaming either. I said it was a good entry point. And already know somebody who is getting one and doesn't own a rig. Don't know how australia is relevant here but alright.

Also avoiding a debate like that makes you look more wrong than anything.

Re: Reaction: Sony Kickstarts the Summer with Sizzling State of Play


@GorosBat "The minority" Would like to know where you get those numbers besides thin air. Also I like how you said ps4 quality games when that's what the majority are known to be playing their pc games....a huge majority on pc still game at 1080p. "most people who get one will already have a capable PC" Right but most don't. Which makes it a great entry point without spending too much. Which was my initial point but now that there's a solution you want to backpedal with your own "experience". And FYI that dock has more features than just using regular usb-c but okay.

Re: Reaction: Why You Shouldn't Worry About Sony's New Strategy


The new strategy is terrible. TV shows nobody asked for. Only prioritizing expensive ass games that are "huge successes". Abandoning japan. Censoring anything japan related. Being political in their games. Half assed way of putting their games on pc. We still don't even have uncharted 4 yet ffs. A ps premium subscription that makes nintendo version look far better. Abandoning their legacy and threatening to shut down ps3/vita stores. Terrible games of service titles like gt7.

Yeah how about no? I love my PlayStation but there's no way any sane person who actually cares about it would applaud anything sony is doing unless you're a die hard fanboy.