One of my most anticipated games was Spider-Man and they even managed to make that look poor and frankly boring, QTE's relay its Spider-Man for Christ sake, let him do what a spider can.
I just found it boring and seriously lacking any atmosphere. The technical problems didn't help and there was no WOW factor at all, and it was too short, It started and next thing it was over. Only good thing was at least we didn't have to look at Mark Cernys smug face. No sucker Punch, ahh well Gamescom is next up.
@Sinton Thats the thing tho, Even though its the same size and so on, it just feels nicer to hold and more comfortable when you get used to using the paddles. I pretty much never need to take my fingers of the thumb sticks.
Maybe they could put the Thumb Sticks in their correct places as well ; ) But yea man I would love a premium pad on PS4 as well, and not that scuff monstrosity. I love the Elite pad on the Xbox One, so much so I got two of them. The standard Pad on Xbox One and PS4 just feel so light and flimsy in comparison.
But will they drop the season pass for Map Packs and just charge for Cosmetics, you know like what Titanfall 2, Halo 5 and the up coming Battlefronts 2 is doing, Oh my bad forgot its Activision lmfao its OK I take it back.
Its a great game, fun to play, and would love a sequel. Its a pity it didn't sell more. But regardless I would buy it on which ever platform it might release on.
@3Above "remember how less powerful the XB1 is than PS4" Yes I remember, marginally more more powerful. Both the Vanilla PS4 and Xbox One are underpowered to be a next gen in comparison to the PS3 and Xbox 360. Yes the PS4 Pro is a boost but not substantial enough, Scorpio is going to be a beast even if the leaked white paper is to be believed, Remember the leaked paper is from around E3 2016 there has been quite some time since then.
@Rafie I have 241 Games installed on my Xbox One, around 25 on my PS4 and a load on PC. PS4 is flooded with indie games a few of them are Great like Resogun I prefer to play AAA titles and for me Xbox exclusives are more up my street.
I play across both consoles and PC but some people on here need to remember, The last 3 years on PS4 have been a disappointment to say the least Exclusive wise, Xbox was smashing exclusives out, more so towards the end of last year. The PS4 eventually has some exclusives worth a sniff this year, and some off you seam to have forgotten this. The Scorpio comes out this year and you can bet on it that Microsoft have held games back fora a reveal at E3. I am definitely getting a Scorpio as its a big upgrade, I didn't bother getting the Pro as for me it didn't seam to warrant the cash for a smaller upgrade.
Face it, nearly all the stuff coming to PSVR at the moment are glorified tech demos, Still has not shown me one killer app. People keep saying its launching with loads of "games" NO it is not, this thing could have done with being delayed till it had content worth getting, not just £15 demos aka Batman.
LOLing at a lot of these comments. Yes I own a PS4 Yes I own an Xbox One, which one will I upgrade ? Xbox Scorpio is what its all about. The Pro is not enough of an upgrade and the slim is just not needed. At least the Xbox S is more of an upgrade to what the PS4 slim is to the standard PS4, and with Scorpio round the corner, that will be a beast of a machine. Difference is that I am older and have more of a grip on reality, and to say that Xbox doesn't have a good selection of games is just being ignorant and a fan boy.
LOL to the comments on here. Pure Xbox (R.I.P) was a great site when it was up and running, No saltiness and not just pushing the Xbox Brand down your throat. I prefer dedicated web sites for the ConsolesMachines I own as they are normally more impartial. I come to this site for my PS4 news needs, BUT man this place is starting to get as bad as IGN and Eurogamer.
@DaveIsAnAceGamer I take it that you are unable to take in things that are there in front of you in black and white. I own a PS4, I own an Xbox One, I am a PC gamer, how can I be an Xbox Fan Boy. You obviously have the intellect of a 10 year old. If anything you are the Fan Boy. As you are unable to understand the first point I was making I will just leave it at that. Trot on, and goodbye.
@DaveIsAnAceGamer Nice try....?? You respond to my post by saying, and I quote..."Funny seeing as Xbox fans have made it clear that they don't want SFV" which was a totally made up response to a valid point that I was making. You yourself said, and again I quote "Couldn't care less, Xbox One can keep it.". You sound like a child so I wont be too harsh on you. But my original point, was to all that are complaining about the 1 year exclusive deal, as opposed to the PS4 (console) exclusivity of street fighter. I think you need to change your Gamer Tag mate.....Oh sorry, forgot Sony still haven't worked out a way in which to do that,. So as in your words..."Nice try"
@DaveIsAnAceGamer ahhh yea, and to quote yourself "Couldn't care less, Xbox One can keep it." So now who sounds like a but hurt fan boy. You see that's the difference, I have both consoles and a PC rig and a collection of Classic Consoles. Yes the Xbox is my main console but variety is the spice of life and all that.
@DaveIsAnAceGamer LMFAO. I must have not paid too much attention when Capcom was asking that question. Ohhhhhhh Maybe someone answered on my behalf. You do know that statement makes you out to be a complete clown don't you. ahhhhh but not to worry I do have a PS4 as well.
All this hate because of the Xbox 1 year exclusive. I have both machines but for those that don't and only have PS4 look on the bright side at least you are getting it. For Xbox only gamers what about Street Fighter. Before anyone says BUT BUT BUT that's different. Hell no its not, not at all.
last year personal I thought Microsoft nailed it, the Sony presentation had Horizon and that was all I was interested in I have never been a fan of FF.
Really looking forward to this game. Loved the original even though it was torture to play. Psygnosis have so may old games i would love to see given this kind of treatment, especially Blood Money and Baal. One of the great studios that got shut down by Sony.
@andreoni79 Upgrade to 10. I have upgraded some real piles of....lets just say some old PC's and they have worked OK I work in IT and have had a LOT to do with Windows 10. Best Op System Microsoft have made yet.
@SegaBlueSky True, I have kids, I call them kids but my eldest is married and has her own son, my youngest is almost 18 (both Girls) I have been a gamer since I was around 6, I am in my 40's but still game with a passion. I will just have to wait and hope for some proper facts at E3.
@SegaBlueSky My real problem is I moved away form PC as my main game platform as I was upgrading too much and I had to have the latest and greatest Graphics Card all the time, I am on good money with my job but still you have to get serious about money at some point in your life. A console is supposed to last a generation, or if you want buy a slim version of a launch machine if that floats your boat. I want PSVR, will the new PS4K (god awful acronym) have the VR processor built in ? see this is the sort of "insert expletive here" that is winding me up. Sony just need to sort their "oh man I need another expletive hare" out, and let people know what is going to happen. Then people will be able to move on and either buy the possibly soon to be OLD PS4 or wait and get the 4K enabled machine. BUT Sony only seem to be interested in Hardware Cash so I wont hold my breath. Oh Well, at least Uncharted 4 will be out soon.
@GraveLordXD Well said. I too feel this is just Sony milking the PS brand. The PS4 is a huge success and it has sold a shed load of hardware. Hmmmmm this thing sells like hot cakes, I know lets make all these Lemmings now have to go out and buy a new more powerful PS4 as the PS4 is the only bit of kit making us money. Well I wont be a Lemming I can live with my current PS4, same thing to MS if they decide to follow suit, I will stick with what i have.
Comments 164
Re: E3 2017: July's First Free PlayStation Plus Game Announced
Errrr NO
Re: E3 2017: New Crash Bandicoot PS4 Trailer Confirms Fully Playable Coco
Good old fashioned game-play, can not wait for this beauty.
Re: E3 2017: Yep, Coco Bandicoot Is Playable in All Three Crash PS4 Games
Cant wait for this
Re: Reaction: What Sony's E3 2017 Press Conference Got Wrong
@Paranoimia Even You Tube had the sound problems at the start. It was a technical issue across all streams.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's E3 2017 Press Conference Got Wrong
One of my most anticipated games was Spider-Man and they even managed to make that look poor and frankly boring, QTE's relay its Spider-Man for Christ sake, let him do what a spider can.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's E3 2017 Press Conference Got Wrong
@Lonejester nah man, when the camera panned to the audience hardly any were even showing any kind of reaction.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's E3 2017 Press Conference Got Wrong
I just found it boring and seriously lacking any atmosphere. The technical problems didn't help and there was no WOW factor at all, and it was too short, It started and next thing it was over. Only good thing was at least we didn't have to look at Mark Cernys smug face. No sucker Punch, ahh well Gamescom is next up.
Re: PS4 Pro Controller Still Very Much Being Considered by Sony
@Sinton Thats the thing tho, Even though its the same size and so on, it just feels nicer to hold and more comfortable when you get used to using the paddles. I pretty much never need to take my fingers of the thumb sticks.
Re: PS4 Pro Controller Still Very Much Being Considered by Sony
Maybe they could put the Thumb Sticks in their correct places as well ; ) But yea man I would love a premium pad on PS4 as well, and not that scuff monstrosity. I love the Elite pad on the Xbox One, so much so I got two of them. The standard Pad on Xbox One and PS4 just feel so light and flimsy in comparison.
Re: Looks Like There's a Silver PS4 Slim on the Way Too
Sorry but the Gold and Silver just look cheap. Much prefer the Black.
Re: Delve into 12 Minutes of Darksiders III Gameplay
Looking good to me so far. Loved the first two, Happy that they are continuing the franchise.
Re: Call of Duty: WWII's Map Packs Will Deploy 30 Days Early on PS4
But will they drop the season pass for Map Packs and just charge for Cosmetics, you know like what Titanfall 2, Halo 5 and the up coming Battlefronts 2 is doing, Oh my bad forgot its Activision lmfao its OK I take it back.
Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War Meets New Nemeses in First Gameplay
@Mr_Alejo Yea man cool my bad.
Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of War Meets New Nemeses in First Gameplay
This looks "bloody" awesome. Can not wait, only 6 months away.
Re: Sunset Overdrive Could Grind Again on PS4
Its a great game, fun to play, and would love a sequel. Its a pity it didn't sell more. But regardless I would buy it on which ever platform it might release on.
Also, yes I would love a new Resistance game.
Re: Review: Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
Birthday on the 25th and payday on the 28th so I cant wait to get my hands on this.
Re: PS4 Pro Is a 'Half-Assed Upgrade' Compared to Scorpio, Says Xbox Dev
@3Above "remember how less powerful the XB1 is than PS4" Yes I remember, marginally more more powerful. Both the Vanilla PS4 and Xbox One are underpowered to be a next gen in comparison to the PS3 and Xbox 360. Yes the PS4 Pro is a boost but not substantial enough, Scorpio is going to be a beast even if the leaked white paper is to be believed, Remember the leaked paper is from around E3 2016 there has been quite some time since then.
Re: PS4 Pro Is a 'Half-Assed Upgrade' Compared to Scorpio, Says Xbox Dev
@Rafie I have 241 Games installed on my Xbox One, around 25 on my PS4 and a load on PC. PS4 is flooded with indie games a few of them are Great like Resogun I prefer to play AAA titles and for me Xbox exclusives are more up my street.
Language -Tasuki-
Re: PS4 Pro Is a 'Half-Assed Upgrade' Compared to Scorpio, Says Xbox Dev
I play across both consoles and PC but some people on here need to remember, The last 3 years on PS4 have been a disappointment to say the least Exclusive wise, Xbox was smashing exclusives out, more so towards the end of last year. The PS4 eventually has some exclusives worth a sniff this year, and some off you seam to have forgotten this. The Scorpio comes out this year and you can bet on it that Microsoft have held games back fora a reveal at E3. I am definitely getting a Scorpio as its a big upgrade, I didn't bother getting the Pro as for me it didn't seam to warrant the cash for a smaller upgrade.
Re: Rumour: December PS Plus PS4 Games Leaked on PlayStation Store
I hope not they both look rubbish. At least Xbox is giving great titles for December.
Re: Soapbox: Gaming's Greatest Fireworks Display Still Resides Inside the PS2
@Crimson_Ridley Yea man, was thinking the same thing. Boom Boom Rocket all the way.
Re: November's Free PlayStation Plus Games Are Available Now
Sony even manage to mess up giving games away..Shocker. Well at least its only the walking sim that is knackered at the moment.
Re: Review: RIGS: Mechanized Combat League (PS4)
Face it, nearly all the stuff coming to PSVR at the moment are glorified tech demos, Still has not shown me one killer app. People keep saying its launching with loads of "games" NO it is not, this thing could have done with being delayed till it had content worth getting, not just £15 demos aka Batman.
Re: Review: DriveClub VR (PS4)
Glad I cancelled my PSVR pre order. PS4 just ain't got the grunt.
Re: PS4 Slim Sales Off to a Slow Start in the UK
LOLing at a lot of these comments. Yes I own a PS4 Yes I own an Xbox One, which one will I upgrade ? Xbox Scorpio is what its all about. The Pro is not enough of an upgrade and the slim is just not needed. At least the Xbox S is more of an upgrade to what the PS4 slim is to the standard PS4, and with Scorpio round the corner, that will be a beast of a machine. Difference is that I am older and have more of a grip on reality, and to say that Xbox doesn't have a good selection of games is just being ignorant and a fan boy.
Re: Talking Point: What Did You Think of Sony's TGS 2016 Press Conference?
Sorry but Sony just seem to be loosing momentum. Boring and predictable. No BIG announcements.
Re: Poll: Are You Happy with September's PlayStation Plus Games?
No. Sorry but I am not easily pleased.
Re: Your Free PlayStation Plus Games for August Have Been Revealed
Nothing to see here, Move along please. Awful month....just terrible.
Re: Rocket League's PS4-Xbox One Cross-Network Play Is Ready to Go
LOL to the comments on here. Pure Xbox (R.I.P) was a great site when it was up and running, No saltiness and not just pushing the Xbox Brand down your throat. I prefer dedicated web sites for the ConsolesMachines I own as they are normally more impartial. I come to this site for my PS4 news needs, BUT man this place is starting to get as bad as IGN and Eurogamer.
Re: Lara Croft's Tomb Raider Will Rise on PS4 This Holiday
@DaveIsAnAceGamer I take it that you are unable to take in things that are there in front of you in black and white. I own a PS4, I own an Xbox One, I am a PC gamer, how can I be an Xbox Fan Boy. You obviously have the intellect of a 10 year old. If anything you are the Fan Boy. As you are unable to understand the first point I was making I will just leave it at that. Trot on, and goodbye.
Re: Lara Croft's Tomb Raider Will Rise on PS4 This Holiday
@DaveIsAnAceGamer Nice try....?? You respond to my post by saying, and I quote..."Funny seeing as Xbox fans have made it clear that they don't want SFV" which was a totally made up response to a valid point that I was making.
You yourself said, and again I quote "Couldn't care less, Xbox One can keep it.".
You sound like a child so I wont be too harsh on you. But my original point, was to all that are complaining about the 1 year exclusive deal, as opposed to the PS4 (console) exclusivity of street fighter.
I think you need to change your Gamer Tag mate.....Oh sorry, forgot Sony still haven't worked out a way in which to do that,.
So as in your words..."Nice try"
Re: Lara Croft's Tomb Raider Will Rise on PS4 This Holiday
@DaveIsAnAceGamer ahhh yea, and to quote yourself "Couldn't care less, Xbox One can keep it." So now who sounds like a but hurt fan boy. You see that's the difference, I have both consoles and a PC rig and a collection of Classic Consoles. Yes the Xbox is my main console but variety is the spice of life and all that.
Re: Lara Croft's Tomb Raider Will Rise on PS4 This Holiday
@DaveIsAnAceGamer LMFAO. I must have not paid too much attention when Capcom was asking that question. Ohhhhhhh Maybe someone answered on my behalf. You do know that statement makes you out to be a complete clown don't you. ahhhhh but not to worry I do have a PS4 as well.
Re: Lara Croft's Tomb Raider Will Rise on PS4 This Holiday
All this hate because of the Xbox 1 year exclusive. I have both machines but for those that don't and only have PS4 look on the bright side at least you are getting it. For Xbox only gamers what about Street Fighter. Before anyone says BUT BUT BUT that's different. Hell no its not, not at all.
Re: For Some Strange Reason, EA's Releasing Titanfall 2 Within 3 Weeks of Battlefield 1
Great move. The games are different enough to justify this. I will get both Titanfall was amazing on Xbox and BF is well BF...great.
Re: Talking Point: Was Sony's E3 2015 Presser Really the Greatest Ever?
last year personal I thought Microsoft nailed it, the Sony presentation had Horizon and that was all I was interested in I have never been a fan of FF.
Re: Uh Oh, PSN Appears to Be Down
No just rubbish sony servers.
Re: Your June PlayStation Plus Games Have Been Revealed
Sorry still poor IMO, Basketball not my cup of tea, granted some may like it but no thanx. Gone home has already been home.
Re: New The Last Guardian PS4 Footage Will Give You Goosebumps
Sorry I know that I am in the minority but it looks rubbish still. It has a PS2 look to it, and totally looks dull.
Re: Talking Point: What May PlayStation Plus Freebies Do You Want?
@dryrain I take it that was some sort of sarcasm......!!!?
Re: Shadow of the Beast Finally Skewers a PS4 Release Date
Really looking forward to this game. Loved the original even though it was torture to play. Psygnosis have so may old games i would love to see given this kind of treatment, especially Blood Money and Baal. One of the great studios that got shut down by Sony.
Re: Competition: Prepare to Win Dark Souls III Gear
That Mug is pretty awesome.
Re: Guide: How to Use PS4 Remote Play on Your PC, Mac
@andreoni79 Upgrade to 10. I have upgraded some real piles of....lets just say some old PC's and they have worked OK I work in IT and have had a LOT to do with Windows 10. Best Op System Microsoft have made yet.
Re: So, the PS4K Has Been Under Our Nose All Along
@SegaBlueSky True, I have kids, I call them kids but my eldest is married and has her own son, my youngest is almost 18 (both Girls) I have been a gamer since I was around 6, I am in my 40's but still game with a passion. I will just have to wait and hope for some proper facts at E3.
Re: So, the PS4K Has Been Under Our Nose All Along
@SegaBlueSky My real problem is I moved away form PC as my main game platform as I was upgrading too much and I had to have the latest and greatest Graphics Card all the time, I am on good money with my job but still you have to get serious about money at some point in your life. A console is supposed to last a generation, or if you want buy a slim version of a launch machine if that floats your boat. I want PSVR, will the new PS4K (god awful acronym) have the VR processor built in ? see this is the sort of "insert expletive here" that is winding me up. Sony just need to sort their "oh man I need another expletive hare" out, and let people know what is going to happen. Then people will be able to move on and either buy the possibly soon to be OLD PS4 or wait and get the 4K enabled machine. BUT Sony only seem to be interested in Hardware Cash so I wont hold my breath. Oh Well, at least Uncharted 4 will be out soon.
Re: So, the PS4K Has Been Under Our Nose All Along
@GraveLordXD Well said. I too feel this is just Sony milking the PS brand. The PS4 is a huge success and it has sold a shed load of hardware. Hmmmmm this thing sells like hot cakes, I know lets make all these Lemmings now have to go out and buy a new more powerful PS4 as the PS4 is the only bit of kit making us money. Well I wont be a Lemming I can live with my current PS4, same thing to MS if they decide to follow suit, I will stick with what i have.
Re: Hands On: Platinum Demo: Final Fantasy XV Is Well Worth the Free Download on PS4
Well its a Demo, but lets face it, its better than what is on offer on PS+.
Re: Take Cover, Your April PlayStation Plus Games Have Been Announced
Sorry but I am hard to please. Poor.
Re: Talking Point: What April PlayStation Plus Freebies Do You Want?
@SonyInfinity Are u serious its a shambles. BroFarce is crap even without the glitches.
Re: First Impressions: Battlezone on PlayStation VR Will Blow Your Mind
FFS I didn't want to get exited about VR, but, BALLS, damn I am going to have to get this, I just have to.