Comments 390

Re: Looks Like Apex Legends' PS5 Version Will Release Soon


Why would it be that big when this new version in theory should be smaller, owing to all that oodle stuff plus it being a new build that has the most current version of files and updates in the base game, as opposed to like the original version then getting multiple updates to change stuff over and over?

Re: PS5 Revision Teardown Prompts Cooling Concerns


@kingbreww Man i lost my sheet one time cuz i went to play ps4 (before i traded up good deal towards ps5) and it was hot + humid that day and my ps4 wasn't turning on OOF. Like never had it before. Guess the weather must have been just that sweet spot of hot + humid in my city in South Australia that the PS4 wasn't playing ball just for that little bit of time.