Comments 218

Re: Sony Priming 'Even Less Exciting' PS5 Remaster for State of Play


@TooManyBrownies Why would I fact check when you´re here to do it for me? )

Considering that Bloodborne is a base PS4 title, wouldn´t the PS5 Pro provide enough of a boost to hardware?
Anyhow, I´m not sure I would rate the quote you cited as definitive proof that it isn´t coming this generation. That seems like a reach at best

Re: Wind's Howling Through This Netflix The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep Clip


@tameshiyaku I liked Cavill well enough. He seemed to want to do the role as well, it´s just everything around him that kind of dragged it down into nothingness.
Still, I personally don´t see a benefit between casting and filming Henry Cavill or just having 3d animators make some feature-length cutscenes with ingame graphics and have the game voice actors play their roles. I would vastly prefer the latter, and to be honest I don´t even know why they don´t do this more often, or at all. It can´t be that it would be more expensive than hiring some overpaid actors (nothing against Cavill, just generally speaking..)

If Yakuza ever gets an anime, I´ll only watch it if it´s in japanese dub and all the voice actors from the games make their return. I just can´t enjoy these games in English. For me, half of what makes Yakuza Yakuza is Takaya Kuroda's beautiful voice
Not sure that I wouldn´t rather have a feature length movie with the in engine cutscenes as base instead. Can you imagine? I think that would turn out well

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


@Nem I agree that it´s been achieveable for a long time. But it´s undeniable that better hardware will simply gloss over a lot of unoptimized programming. Considering how much of the weight AI is already lifting through supersampling and frame gen, it´s more easily achievable than ever to get a good stable framerate on PC. The next gen of consoles will certainly also make use of this incredible technology, as the PS5 Pro already shows. It might be more of a bandaid solution, but it´s a solution nonetheless.

I´m sorry if I stepped on your toes here somehow, but what do you mean "I have fought for 60FPS far longer than you have". Are we comparing age now? I´m sure you´re so much older and wiser than me. Thanks for arguing

Re: Dragon Age: Inquisition Massively Oversold Projections, Remains BioWare's Biggest Game


I liked this game a lot when it came out. The ending story DLC was actually really good and really hyped me up for DA4.
Looking back on it now, DA:I has little on offer that other games don´t do better in some way. Lots of big open worlds with meaningless MMO tier content, a relatively mid main quest line, relatively mid combat, some really bad looking animations and other graphical issues. Lackluster loot (the ending DLC kind of fixed this, for the DLC at least..), forgettable opps, choices barely mattering in the grand scale of things.
What carries this game nowadays in my opinion is the (mostly) decent companion writing, the "Dragon Age" branding/theming/whatever you want to call it, and the pretty great art style. It also manages to create the feeling that you´re doing something big as the Inquisition, which is good.

I´d give this game a 6.5 / 10 (slightly above average), thanks for reading my blog post

Re: Wind's Howling Through This Netflix The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep Clip


@Shepherd_Tallon I completely dropped live action Witcher after the second season, because the ending to that was so damn goofy and they character assassinated Yennefer by making her try to kill/sacrifice Ciri.
Not to mention the show runners/ writers displaying disdain towards the source material, instead of reverence. It just disgusts me a lot.

No idea why they keep hiring people to make shows about things they don´t like (see Amazons Rings Of Power as another prime example)

All these adaptions are playing it too fast and loose for my tastes. Anyone doing an adaption to target an audience outside of the already established fan base is an idiot in my book. People will flock to something great, not because it caters to them, but because it is fundamentally interesting

Re: Wind's Howling Through This Netflix The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep Clip


Honestly, the animated originals that Netflix puts out aren´t even that bad. A shame that the majority of people still prefer the live action drivel they constantly inflict upon us

Does anyone actually prefer "Henry Cavill" Geralt to the in-game one? I always struggle to see the point of live action adaptions. It´s the same with the upcoming Yakuza live action. Why? is the question resounding in my mind
I guess we´ll find out when it launches

Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations


@8bit4Life For me, Clive´s journey somehow just didn´t click.
It´s interesting because I found FF15 to be relatively mediocre and overall a much worse game, but the ending stuck with me far more than anything FF16 did.

Personally I´m kind of over the bloomer protags. I wanna see dark and edgy and depraved throughout. A really unhinged protagonist would be my ideal, not someone who´s heroic and brave but rather cruel and merciless. Too bad most devs don´t even dare come close to such an idea

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


@Nem What do you mean "strawmanning"?
I don´t believe it when you say "many people can´t tell the difference". If you´ve played a stable 60 FPS game for any serious amount of time, going back to 30 will feel incredibly jarring and off-putting. It´s still playable sure, but it´s a much lesser experience. Imagine your smartphone running at 30 FPS or the computer at work, you´d go insane having to deal with that

I also don´t think that 60 FPS will never be the norm. We are at the cusp of finally reaching this point. All next gen consoles will feature 4k 60 FPS as a fairly common feature (Switch not included, because it´s like 3 gen old hardware). If nothing else, for high end PCs 4k 60FPS IS the norm, hell some people even achieve 4k 120 FPS and it´s crazy how good it looks.
This is something you have to FEEL to really understand it. People who can´t tell the difference have not sat down and tried it themselves. Youtube and other streaming services do not do this any amount of justice

Re: PS Vita Fans Want Soul Sacrifice to Return on PS5, PS4 Next


Love this game. This was one of the reasons I bought a Vita in the first place. Super edgy and just so cool
I would love a full on remake for a big console.

The monsters being disfigured fairy tale characters was really cool. I loved the concept of literally murdering team mates during online play, just so you could get a big attack off.
The idea of sacrificing different body parts for some big damage, but also a permanent debuff, is cool as well.
Not to mention it actually had an interesting story with well written characters, and a great OST.
I think the biggest drawback is the mediocre combat, everything else is pretty great

Re: God of War Ragnarok: Is It Good on PS4?


I thought this game was good but it got pretty bad towards the end.
I kind of wish Kratos had another daughter instead of the tragedy we ended up with (i know this doesn´t gel with the lore they are trying to do, but who cares. I think the dynamic would have been more interesting, watching giga awkward Kratos try to parent a girl by himself)

Re: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (PS5) - Capcom Classic Still Shines 18 Years Later


@jrt87 Sounds great. There´s plenty of cool characters in the series that could do with some more screen time. I loved the fact that Mine generally got such a big role in Ishin and that they replaced some literal who´s with random characters from 0 and 7 in the remake.
Hell I´d love to see some Judgement characters get a chance for a cross over

Re: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (PS5) - Capcom Classic Still Shines 18 Years Later


Maybe it´s just me but I´ve always disliked games where your "weapons" break after a few hits. It just makes me search for permanent weapons or cheat them into the game.

Also, I wish someone would make a Dead Rising set in feudal Japan. Imagine cutting through swathes of zombies with a japanium blade that´s been folded a million times. It would be glorious.
Where are all my games with crazy dismemberment physics anyway? It´s 2024 and I still can´t chop peoples arms off without them instantly dying in most games, what the hell?

Re: Big Dragon's Dogma 2 Patch 2.01 Out Now on PS5, Boosts Performance, Balances Vocations


@Brydontk I guess I kind of agree. DD especially is in this weird spot, where they have a lot of these "realism" features that just feel like very barebones and just don´t add much to the overall experience.
I do like the stamina feature, I just wish it was implemented a bit better, kind of like the Souls series does.
I think a very strict stamina management system wouldn´t work well with the more arcade-y combat of DD, but to leave it out completely would probably require even worse systems, like cooldowns for abilities, to achieve some semblance of balance.
If these features were explored a bit more in depth, maybe with some kind of hardcore mode that forces you to eat and rest, else you get weaker and have less stamina, then it might be a bit more engaging. Right now it´s just kind of there, weighing down what is otherwise a cool power fantasy

Re: Big Dragon's Dogma 2 Patch 2.01 Out Now on PS5, Boosts Performance, Balances Vocations


It´s hilarious that they added a casual mode when almost everyone wanted a hard mode. Not to mention that almost all of these "casual mode" features are just neat QoL features that don´t really make the game easier at all.
I think the "easy" mode in DD1 actually lowered your stamina consumption during combat as well, which is obviously a huge benefit.

Man I do hope they have some big DLC announcements planned for TGS or it´s looking grim for this game

Re: The Game Awards Host Geoff Keighley and Parody Site Hard Drive Are Beefing


I like Geoff a lot. No idea if he is actually directly responsible for them actually taking place, but I like the shows he hosts a lot.
I´m still miffed that E3 is nothing more than a few boring pre-recorded streams now. Sure, actual games are at the forefront of these shorter streams, now more than ever, but they are so boring and safe.
Where´s all the wacky fake live gameplay gone? Why did all the big gaming companies just cave in and collectively say: "no, we won´t ever chance this kind of embarrassment again". So lame

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


Lots of games on the switch look good and are designed well, but they suffer due to the hardware they are on. Any game on the switch is automatically like twice as good when emulated on a PC with real hardware. Considering lots of switch games go for a more cartoony/cel shaded look, it´s a travesty that the console itself barely puts out 1080p at 30 FPS, because the visuals scale incredibly well

If we´re being realistic, lacking hardware just leads to worse games as most devs aren´t good enough to cope and ***** publishers don´t allow enough time or resources for this coping to even happen

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


@Arnna Your "it´s disgusting" says a lot about your prejudice regarding this. It is pixels on a screen. Are you going to arrest people for drawing stuff you don´t like? It´s ink on a paper, basically the same thing.

Where exactly do you see the problem here? It´s been proven time and time again that video game violence does not lead to real life violence. Are you somehow seeing a disconnect here when it comes to pornography?

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


I´m not sure if I want to replay this game.
I found the last third or so to be the most boring slog I´ve played in the last few years.
So much inane politics, so many MMO tier fetch quests, very little RPG. It doesn´t help that I thought Clive was a mid protag and my annoyance with the late game completely ruined any emotional impact the ending might´ve had

Re: Yoshi-P Pleads for Modder Restraint Ahead of Final Fantasy 16 PC Launch


@Arnna What´s cringe about that? It´s a natural part of life to want to look at tons of T&A, be they real or pixels

Have you seen how prolific the adult gaming space has become? It´s clearly something many people enjoy and want to support.
In fact, I think more triple A titles in the future will feature explicit sexual content, so the modders don´t even have to jump in. Some existing examples: Metro, Witcher, etc.

Re: Blizzard Reportedly Made $150 Million in Diablo 4 Microtransactions


I think microtransactions are completely fine.
In fact, I think it´s an alright model to keep game development afloat, as long as the microtransactions stay cosmetic and/or only provide very basic amounts of convenience (more extreme stuff that I find tolerable include exp boosts, this kind of ruins online ladders and such, but it doesn´t affect my gameplay)

My favourite example of "good" MTX is Path Of Exile. It´s a completely free game from start to finish, but it has tons of cosmetic microtransactions that only change your character´s appearance. I think there is an incentive here towards making the gear you find in game look boring and drab (and PoE is guilty of this, most equipment you find looks like complete ass, whereas all the mtx make you look like a cool guy), but it´s an okay trade off for getting a good game completely free.
In fact, I feel incentivized to spend some money on the game for practically no benefit to myself, just to support the developer, because the game is a lot of fun.

Considering Diablo 4 is a full priced title, I think a little less favourably about microtransactions, but I don´t mind them. My experience going through the game was barely affected as I didn´t engage with any of it.
Blizzard and its cohorts are pure greed, we´ve seen it with Diablo Mobile and we´ll probably continue to see it until the company finally shuts down. That doesn´t change the fact that the game behind all the bad practices is pretty ok

Re: Filming on Ubisoft's Watch Dogs Movie Has Wrapped


That´s crazy. What´s it even about?
Has there ever been a really successful video game movie adaption?

I have never understood the need to replace the characters I like with actual human beings. Live-action adaption is a mystery that remains unsolved in my mind

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


I think it´s fine if Sony wants to stay console focused. I have seen plenty of people voice their preference towards the ease of use a console offers. I don´t think it outweighs the benefits a good PC setup brings to the table (stable performance, mods, etc.), but it´s great to have options.

As it stands though, I only own consoles because of their exclusive titles. I do wish Sony increased their line up dramatically. Getting a console for like 5 games (there are more, but I´m not interested in all of those) is always just a little iffy

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


@Loamy I don´t think I misunderstood. You see 30 FPS as an option for devs to do whatever they want graphically, as they have far more leeway in terms of getting a good (in this case 30 fps) framerate.

I think it´s a fundamentally bad approach to "target" 30 FPS. Why not make a less visually impressive game that actually runs stably? Because it doesn´t sell as well initially

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


@Loamy Calling 30 FPS a choice is wild
It´s like you´re wedged in a rock crevice and the only way to survive is to cut off your arm. Great "choice"
Developers need to plan their games better, limit their scopes, stop getting messed up by greedy investors wanting bigger and more, etc. You can do 60 FPS on any game if you just work smart enough

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


@Th3solution I mean, considering very modern standards, a game locked to 30FPS is by definition an objectively subpar product. I see no reason not to boycott that
If a dev limited their game to only 30FPS on PC, you could be certain it would be blasted to hell by angry customers. People just stomach it on consoles because it´s always been that way

Re: PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims


@Th3solution Only if the game is good enough to warrant being played with terrible frame rates
I still had fun playing Fable 2 on an OG 360, and that game ran at a stable 2 FPS, that doesn´t mean I don´t avoid low fps/input lag and all the other feedback issues like the plague. It just ruins the experience by destroying the immersion