Comments 218

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Still Winning, Adds Coveted Hugo Award to List


@gollumb82 I would recommend the Pathfinder games if you are looking for another big RPG. Wrath of the Righteous especially is in my opinion a better game than BG3, purely from a roleplaying perspective. The production value is obviously a lot less, but most cRPGs are budget titles on some level or another, so it´s to be expected

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard October Release Date Rumours Backed Up By Removed Art Book


I´m very disappointed with what they´ve shown so far. The final DLC for Inquisition had me hyped for this game but that hype has died down after the gameplay reveal.

Why did they have to change the title of the game? Clearly the focus shifted away from big bad Solas to your boring ass companions

The action combat looks mediocre at best. I don´t know why BioWare thinks they can compete on this front. I didn´t want a medieval fantasy Mass Effect, I wanted a proper new CRPG (not that this shift to a more action focused game didn´t already kind of start with Dragon Age 2, but oh well)

I do hope they at least amp up the depravity in this one, considering the setting.

Re: The Monster Hunter Wilds Marketing Machine Kicks into Gear with New Gameplay Videos


@Nepp67 My point is rather that the highlighting completely trivializes any challenge the clue finding may have had. As it is implemented in World, it´s just busy work, running around in hopes of getting more clue points.
That is where my immersion is broken. My brain stops having fun the second it detects F2P-MMO tier fetch quests (in this case it´s not 100 bear asses, it´s 100 rathian poops)
Not that the mechanic would be much better without the scout flies, it´s just less annoying.
I think the concept is great but it´s just not enjoyable to play in its current state

Re: Two Star Wars Outlaws DLC Packs Set for Fall and Spring 2025


@MikeOrator What´s with the insult?

You literally explained it yourself in your first comment. Ubisoft is an incredibly mediocre developer, so anything they do will receive far more scrutiny than when actually "good" devs like FromSoft or Rockstar Games do it, since they have good games to fall back on and use to deflect from the criticism.
Your product isn´t worth the same just because you put in an equal amount of hours as someone else. You can´t charge the same or even more for a product, when yours isn´t even comparably good to the rest. Ubi still does it and that´s why people rightfully complain.

Re: Gothic Remake Teases Reactive RPG Setting on PS5


I´m pretty happy with what they have shown. Looks like it will be a faithful remake, which could be really fun
I´m especially interested in how the combat will feel and how they will make your character become more skilled over time. Here´s hoping it turns out well and other devs can use this as a template to go forward.

Re: Elden Ring 'Really the Limit' for How Large FromSoftware's Games Can Be


Elden Ring is far too large for its own good.

Remove 50 % of the map and 90% of the reused bosses and suddenly it´s a much better experience, with much less bland filler content. You can dress it up however you want, fighting cat gargoyle #30 or giant worm #10 isn´t enjoyable, especially if the reward is some useless spirit ash or crafting material

Instead, put all this time and money saved into making a few more really amazing boss fights. This is the memorable content that sticks with you, not exploring random dungeon #500

On that note, I´d say Dark Souls / Bloodborne have roughly the ideal "size". You can get pretty much anywhere from any point in about 10 minutes, without teleporting (but with shortcuts). I´d say that´s a good metric for judging

Re: The Monster Hunter Wilds Marketing Machine Kicks into Gear with New Gameplay Videos


@Colour You must have a fast brain then I guess. I do like the combat pacing as it allows you to think about your next move rather than having to just react to the situation with twitch reflexes. The monsters don´t attack a million times per second either like in some other games, which is a good thing I think.
What do you play, if this is too slow for you? Character action games like DMC / Bayonetta? Those are too hard for me..

Re: The Monster Hunter Wilds Marketing Machine Kicks into Gear with New Gameplay Videos


@Nepp67 There is no real immersion for me if you just get batman vision or those green flies that highlight every single thing you´re supposed to notice. Now you even get the bird mount that basically just tells you where the monster is, so I just feel like there is no real challenge involved anymore
In my opinion they went too far with player convenience in a lot of ways and it turned something special into a more generic action game

Re: The Monster Hunter Wilds Marketing Machine Kicks into Gear with New Gameplay Videos


I´ll definitely play this on release. Too bad it seems the underwater combat yet again didn´t make it
On another note, I really disliked the move towards single large open world maps with World/Rise. It feels like you spend so much more time running around the map, chasing after monsters like an idiot.
4U remains the greatest in the series. Here´s hoping they can top it

Re: Summoner (PS2) - Ambitious RPG Remains a Relic of the Past


@Dragon83 I don´t think it´s unfair. Based on the graphics, the game would have been something like an 8/10 20 years ago, now it´s a 5/10.
The way we look at video games has changed, so naturally the review score of the game would be different based on our changed perspective.
In fact, it would be unfair if the review score was higher because we glossed over certain flaws due to the game´s age. It just doesn´t reflect reality anymore

Re: Summoner (PS2) - Ambitious RPG Remains a Relic of the Past


@Dragon83 This is a bad take. Ugly games will be ugly and you can criticize them for it. As a reviewer, you can´t just disregard this important aspect simply because it doesn´t personally matter to you. Modern audiences want something beyond a compelling narrative or great gameplay and that should be reflected in a review. We aren´t judging the game by how it was when it was released, we are judging how it performs as a product right now.

Re: Larian Studios' Next Two RPGs Sound Ridiculously Ambitious


That´s great. I´m still not the biggest fan of turn based combat (i prefer real-time with pause), but I can work with it since so much else about their modern titles is worthwhile.
Here is hoping they stop increasing the scope of their projects and do more focused experiences (by which I mean going back from the 100-150 hours it takes for a basic BG3 playthrough to something along the lines of 50)

Re: Preview: Star Wars Outlaws Thrives in Its Rewarding Open World


@riceNpea It probably just comes down to taste. I used to be a huge Diablo 2 style action RPG fan, but nowadays, watching numbers go up or my attacks getting flashier just doesn´t really do it for me anymore. I need some kind of context that gives real meaning to my in game actions. It´s also why I really dislike "find your own fun" games like Skyrim, everything just feels so meaningless and bland, I just can´t get into it at all.
On the flipside, I´m really enjoying the Yakuza series. Everything on offer there has this depth and even the most seemingly pointless interactions and minigames provide some sort of emotional satisfaction, as you get to know your player character better.

Re: Preview: Star Wars Outlaws Thrives in Its Rewarding Open World


@riceNpea It´s an interesting topic to think about. In a way, gameplay is the most fundamental aspect of a game, so it would make sense that it is the critical factor in determining whether a game is any good.
When I think back on it though, very few of the games that I really like are special to me because of the gameplay itself.
There is no real emotional draw to a game's mechanical features (in most cases anyway), so it isn´t memorable to me.
In conclusion, as long as gameplay is servicable, the other aspects of the game have much greater impact and importance

Re: Preview: Star Wars Outlaws Thrives in Its Rewarding Open World


I´ve come to really dislike games with big open worlds, because it mostly just feels so pointless. I can´t think of a single game with a big open world that wouldn´t be better if it was a more condensed and refined experience.
Some popular games include: BotW, Elden Ring, literally any Ubisoft game, Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, etc.
Cut 50% of the quasi-filler content these games are filled with and improve the rest by like 25% and you have severely better games.

Unironically the only open world game where the size makes sense to me, is Death Stranding.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Hogwarts Legacy Continues Winning Streak Amid Quiet Release Schedule


I bought this game without looking into it and I found it to be a big disappointment. It looks great and the combat is serviceable, but that´s about it in my opinion.
I´m by no means a huge Harry Potter fan, but I´ve watched the movies several times at this point.
Why are we murdering random strangers left and right? Why is there no quidditch? Where is the role-playing?
The only risk this game took was JK Rowling riling up the LGBTQ community, otherwise I found it completely bland

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


I´m unhappy with how focused on difficulty through twitch reflex recent Souls-likes have been. I always try to play these games solo and without any cheesy gimmicks and I have been getting pushed to the brink on several occasions. Elden Ring for example is too difficult as a solo melee character in my opinion. I can beat the game, sure, but I don´t find it reasonable if every boss takes me at least 15 attempts. Again, I could just take the L and just use summons, but for me that defeats the purpose.

I wish they shifted the focus of the difficulty just slightly further away from the action and more towards the RPG elements.

On another note: I did a pure mage run in Elden Ring and managed to solo pretty much every boss first try. It was a ton of fun creating the perfect scenario where I basically couldn´t lose because the boss just instantly died with the huge laser beam. I could really feel my thorough preparations paying off and it was really rewarding.

Re: Sony Signs Cel-Shaded PS5 Dark Fantasy RPG to China Hero Project


Looks ok, but the first 5 seconds with the prerendered cutscene give off the wrong impression. I thought this game would be really brutal and feature dismemberment of your character, but it seems to be another very basic action game.
Based r words calling everything that has lock on and dodge rolls a souls-like

Re: Random: Larian's Attention to Detail in Baldur's Gate 3 Remains Unrivaled


The attention to detail is nice, but they lost the plot with the overall game. The third act felt pretty barebones, with too little actual content (relative to the rest of the game).

What Larian accomplished is still great, but next time I´d rather they focus on a satisfying final act instead of spending all their time on the first half
Also, they cut mommy Minthara? I was saddened to hear it.