Comments 506

Re: After The Last of Us 2's Record Success, Naughty Dog Is Staffing Up for PS5


@Col_McCafferty So when the same YouTubers praised God of War, Spider-Man, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us 1, Uncharted 4 (just to name a few AAA titles) they were doing it for the clicks again?

I am confused?
Hate gets the clicks but praise does not?
How that changed in the last 1-2 years on YouTube?

Did they just became "BIGOTS!!!" only for this game?

Re: After The Last of Us 2's Record Success, Naughty Dog Is Staffing Up for PS5


@Commander91_YT I get what you are saying and I agree for the most part. However even educated (on the matter) people can still disapprove on certain lifestyles.

For example I do not like diversity for the sake of diversity. I learned a lot about the LGBTQ community and I still do not like it. I will never protest against it or something like that but I think it is ok for people to say that the do not like certain aspects like that in games.

It does NOT ruin the game or at least if it is done right. As long as everyone is minding their own business and not throw insults for others personal preferences I am fine.

But if someone say "I do not like that Ellie is gay." it is met with "OMG bigot! Go die somewhere! Stupid male gamer this game is not for you!". This is what is disgusting.

At first I did not like it either but now I do not care at all.

So understanding is NOT everything.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Outsells the Entire UK Top 10 Combined in June


For me the gameplay and graphics look amazing. It will never beat the story of the first game. People wanted to continue to experience the bond between Joel and Ellie. But instead we got characters that most people will not even remember because they do not serve any other purpose except for casualties.

Also why no article about how the sales went down by 80% after the initial burst? This is lower than ANY other PS exclusive this generation.

Also why market the scene where Joel tells Ellie "Do you think I will let you do this alone?" Where in the actual game Jesse tells her that in this exact moment. at the 2:19 mark. That is false advertising NOT clever positioning.

I definitely want to experience the gameplay only and the environments but not at the price tag of 60$.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Director Discusses Online Vitriol


From the dawn of the Internet people behave like that because they know (in most cases) nothing will come to them.

Attacking an actress just because you do not like a character is just madness.

But unfortunately there is no way to stop this so it is better to just ignore it.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Petition Demands Dramatic Story Alterations


I do not care about the petition as the story can't be changed but still ... the angry mob here is appalling.

This is a Sony fan site ofc people will love all exclusives but still ...

Negative feedback is NOT allowed anymore?! I mean real feedback not 0/10 reviews.

And do not act like those positive reviews are more real than the negative. I read them. "10/10 perfect game" is NOT real review.

90% of the independent reviews (streamers and people that played the whole game) give the game 5/10. It is fair. It is NOT fulfilling, just shock value.

Re: Of Course The Last of Us 2 Is Being Review Bombed


@Cloud39472 Critic reviews are also useless because the reviewers don't even finish the games.

The infamous video comes to mind about a game journalist/critic that could not finish the tutorial of Cuphead.

Those people just write what they have been told to.

So both reviews are useless.

Re: The Last of Us 2 - Essential Sequel Is Naughty Dog's Best Effort


I have watched 3 hours of the game so far and I am glad about it. I will watch the rest in YouTube as I care only how it ends but the story so far is very bad.

Nothing compared to the first one. The main characters are done so badly that I do not even care what happens to them after the 2nd hour (SPOILER: IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN).

The Last of Us 1 is still superior game. Graphics does not mean anything if you can't back it up.

Re: Feature: Why PS5 Has Got Us So Hyped


Those all features are really nice but I don't want that stupid rumour about the overheating to be true. I don't want another console that is loud, overheats or have coil whine. I would go as far as give them another 100$ on top of the price just to have it better engineered to avoid such issues.

Re: Animated Arcade Game Cuphead Skipping PS4


@eltomo @Lando_
In terms of games yes PS4 is superior to Xbox but in terms of hardware quality PS as at the bottom. It is true that the exclusives make or brake a console. But Sony should also commit to the quality of their console. I am talking about the PS4 Pro perfect games but loud hardware, coil whine etc.

Re: Animated Arcade Game Cuphead Skipping PS4


Everyone wins in this case.

If you can afford it:

Xbox for multiplats and superior build quality.

PS for exclusives. These are hitting godlike levels.

Nintendo for exclusives. Godly exclusives + portability.

At least that is how I see it at the moment.

Re: Hands On: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Fires Up Our Nostalgia with Gorgeous Remake


@Ypmud Because some people love complete collection on the physical media. That is all.

I know it is weird to some people but there is a difference in day one patch for a single player game that just adds bug fixes or HD graphics AND day one update that is with COMPLETE games.

Also I do not care about "dIgITaL iS the FuTuRe!!!". I just want the products I buy to be made with care and not rushed or made with "cut corner" tactics.

Also RDR2 shipped on 2 bluray discs and the whole game is playable from the start. This shows that some publishers care more than others.

That is ofc ALL MY take on the things!