Comments 506

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Will Be Free of Microtransactions


So it will be a proper single player experience ... this really seems like a dream come true.

Right from their website:

Q: Does Hogwarts Legacy have online or co-op gameplay?
A: Hogwarts Legacy is a single player experience and does not have online or co-op gameplay.

Q: Are there in-game purchases or micro-transactions in Hogwarts Legacy?
A: Hogwarts Legacy does not have in-game purchases or micro-transactions.

The 2 most important things for me are answered

A 100% day one purchase for me!

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Reaction GIFs Are Just the Best


Am I the only one that appreciates that the game is not focusing on romantic stuff or oversexualization and stupid forced relationships? It is all about the adventure.

At least that is all I have seen. Am I in the wrong here? There are no hidden romantic crap?

Re: Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City Trailer Is All Prosthetics and Strawberry Jam


@GeneJacket At the end of the day it is RE. I am not expecting much because they are mashing 2 games into one movie.

After I saw "itchy tasty" I knew this is not a movie for everyone. It is for the fans as "normal" people would not understand it

Also Leon is very generic guy that is just cocky. Maybe that is why I wanted for them to copy and paste his looks from the game. As RE games are not the best games for character development

Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store


@Kidfried No worries at all! I appreciate conversations that don't go out throwing slurs or buzzwords!

So in conclusion it is probably more on my side as I really dislike any form of sexual content or romantic notions in games

In some games like the later Assassin's Creed or the Witcher it is optional but I guess in heavy story driven game like TLOU2 it is more of an artistic choice from the writers.

But to be completely honest Druckman did not take it very professional on Twitter (for example) calling people bigots or the reports of reviewers being harassed by ND for giving the game below average reviews

Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store


@Kidfried Ok I get that you are getting angry or something like that. As I said that the game was emphasizing too much on intimate relationships unlike the first game. I knew Ellie was gay from the first game (which I really like btw!).

There were too many love interests packed in the game. 2 pregnant women one being cheated on, one turning out to be gay/bi so conveniently for the story. Which in the end turned out to be meaningless ...

Also I did not say lesbians are weird I said Ellie and Dina were weird There is a big difference! They could've just as easily make them friends that care about each other but they chose the romantic way .. even for promotion material. I am sure you remembered that when it came out and the reaction of the public. You may argue about it but it was intentional.

Anyway I cared more about how they treated Joel and on his place they put the things I mentioned above. Every time someone speaks about this game there will be 50/50 talk about it. There is no way around it

Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store


@Kidfried The fact that the game is labelled as progressive is a marketing on its own.

Also in a post apocalyptic world gender identity will be the last thing in the survival guide

The thing that put me off was the story in general The whole Joel thing was only half of the game and it was excuse for the plot. Druckman said that the theme was hate. Well he got the hate and he did not like it at all Not everyone that did not like his game is a "bigot".

Ah the other thing is the relationship of Ellie and Dina. There was zero chemistry. Why do it if it does not work? Just for the representation? Ellie and Dina were so stiff all the time and awkward!

Same with Lev, he is trans just to have an excuse to run away from his people.

Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store


@themightyant The only problem I have with it is that diversity is used as a marketing tool nowadays. And the fully part is that it markets to a minority not the majority from where the actual numbers come from

It's like those writers are above the rest because they are "good" adversaries of the so called scarce diversity in video games

I want to see diverse games without labeling them blindly with words like "brave" and "progressive".

Maybe I am too conservative for some games

But I am 100% with you on the adult discussion. Many people prefer to screech instead of participating in civil talk.

Have a nice workday!

Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store


@themightyant Just as there is praise for the game when article is made the opposite should be allowed as well:)

Also I did not care one bit if Lev(or any character) is trans. It did not add anything for the feel or the development of the character for me.

But that might be just me as I overlook any type of sexual/gender stuff in games or other media.

I do not care for representation is general. I do not identify myself with some made up characters

Also we can't have every minority represented in every big game like a meaningful checklist for the people that struggle to be seen.

Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store


@themightyant Because there is no universally good ideal that should be pushed.

If you play games to be barraged by real world issues and political agendas then good for you There should be something for everyone but that does not mean I personally should like it and praise it

Playing TLOU2 is really depressing if you really look into its things. At the end there was no satisfaction at all.

"Revenge , bad!" is just lazy and stupid writing. I preferred to look at the environments there as they are quite beautiful.

Diversity for the sake of diversity will not do any good

Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store


@themightyant "It is not the job of a game to change the World."

Also people are ONLY talking about it when a new article about it comes around. Those articles bring the bad stuff because many people recall it only for the disappointing stuff not the good graphics and animations.

The gaming industry should not force ideals, diversity etc.

But hey that is just me

It would be quite hilarious to see TLOU Part 3 with Abby on the cover and promo videos of her. I want to see the hype and the sale numbers then

Want to bet is would NOT go even near the hype and the sales of TLOU Part 2?

Re: The Last of Us 2 Celebrates First Anniversary with New Merch


@naruball I used the term "offended" because when stating my opinion people feel the need to respond directly to it instead of just posting their own.

Many times with stuff like "If people do not like the game they are bigots!".

And the yes the game is NOT revolutionary. It is shock value because before Abby did the golfing she was rescued by Joel and even survived together with him. She did not care why he did what he did and her group of people were just terrible. Each and every one of them had only negatives.

From the start I assumed that she thought Joel was simply evil drifter that killed her father for the LOLZ. Did she knew that Ellie was the one on the table? I also loved the fact when they asked him "What if it was your daughter?" when he pushed to kill the girl, and he had no answer. And that vaccine wouldn't do any good as humanity has long left the world and the Fireflies, WLF are just as horrible as the Scars.

But as Druckman said in an interview "the game is about hate". Well he got that right.

The fact that the ending was so unfulfilling was the real bummer. I seriously do not know what will they do to make the goal of Abby and Lev interesting.

Lets not forget that they did not only kill Joel, they also killed Ellie.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Celebrates First Anniversary with New Merch


@naruball No. My argument is that the game plays with shock value and nothing more.

I do not get why is it so "offending" that people do not like the game? Why the need to defend it so bad?

I did not like the story and the characters. Nothing can change that just as I can't change if people liked them.

This is what I call personal opinion. You don't like it? Well that is too bad.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Celebrates First Anniversary with New Merch


@Col_McCafferty so you think that people do not like the game just because it is an exclusive?

Wow! No console or game needs fans like you!

Also the game is NOT brave. It just delivers shock value and some people are impressed by it.

In the beginning of the game when you play as Abby, Joel should've just let her die instead of saving her life. That is how bad the writing is.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Celebrates First Anniversary with New Merch


"villain-turned-hero" hahahahah. Did you even play the game?

There is zero-hero in Abby. Some kids saved her and then she saved them. Much hero big wow!!!

At least we all know that the next game will not be about Ellie as she is no longer of any worth to the games.

Still I wonder what might the future hold for Abby and Lev in their search for the Fireflies.