Comments 506

Re: PS5 Coil Whine Becomes a Concern for Some Early Adopters


@LemonHaze I had the absolutely gorgeous PS4 Pro Spider-Man limited edition and I had to give it up. It had coil whine and even then I decided to keep it.

After 2 weeks the coil whine became grinding that can be heard even with headphones. I sent it for repairs and they told me it could NOT be fixed and they had to give me my money back.

After that I got the regular black PS4 Pro (last revision) no issues. But still I want that Spider-Man red beauty.

So those things are NOT non-issues.

This is NOT a PC setup. The manufacturers cut costs with cheap parts and we can actually HEAR that.

Re: PS5 Coil Whine Becomes a Concern for Some Early Adopters


@NEStalgia Come one! The coil whine was atrocious on 90% of the PS4s. And now this.

Cheap parts are cheap. Just ground those damn coils to stop them from vibrating and be done with it! Some people even douse them in silicone to dumb down the vibration.

One word for that.


Re: PS5 Review - The Future of PlayStation


@get2sammyb Thank you for the review!!!

Just some questions!

1. Can you skip the Internet connection in the initial setup of the console?

2. Can you install Disc based PS4 games on the PS5 without any downloads? (just from the disc).

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to Know About PS5?



1. Do you need to activate the console via Internet on the first boot or it is the same as PS4? Boot > insert disc > install > play?

2. Do you need to download the Backwards Compatibility games that are on Dics (like on the Xbox One) or you can just install them from the disc and play?

That is a ALL I need to know. It is mostly connected to Internet connection requirements.

Re: Live the Life of a Professional Gamer in Esports Life Tycoon on PS4


@JON22 And I never understood Soccer, Basketball, Chess and other sports that people watch. I guess it is entertaining to see who has the better skills.

So the same is with E-Sports.

As for gaming people like to watch others react to games they played and liked. Also if you can't afford the game or the console etc. you can watch it like a movie.

Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy


@mookysam @nessisonett Ok I will try to make myself clear.

I do not agree with participation of trans people in sports. Or using services that are made specifically for the one sex or the other like bank loans for Women business or things like that. That is what I mean by lifestyle. Probably I explained it badly.

Everyone could live as they like long as it is not making problems in someone else life.

I do not want to have another "hormone", "testosterone", "science" discussion. This is not the place for it.

Let's talk about the games people!

Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy


@Brydontk Never watched that movie. But even so I do not know what people want.

This representation issues are going nuts.

To say that trans and all other kinds of lifestyles should be painted only in positive light is ridiculous and I do not support it.

@NoxAeturnus I do not think that representation will fix those issues as it is very veeery small minority of people and catering to it will not bring anything positive.

If an author decides to make Buffalo Bill v2.0 it is ok. If people do not support it just don't buy it.

Also almost every book or media is made by either supporters of an ideology or those who oppose it.

This will not change as long as people exist.

@mookysam As I said it is her view and if you do not support it do not buy it.
Also biological men should not participate in sports with biological women. Am I transphobic for thinking that way?

Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy


@nessisonett So it is not ok to make a trans evil character but it is perfectly fine to make white straight evil character?

So if Voldemort was trans then it would be so outrageous because we all know that trans people can't be murderers or any kind of evil. How dare she create a murderer crossdresser!

Silence of the Lambs did it and it was ok. Buffalo BIll was a trans character that killed and skinned women to make himself a woman. Why is it not ok now?

"That creative fiction paints a minority is a bad light so it must be stopped." - this is what it sounds to me.

As you said many time the world is really going downhill.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Is an Open World RPG, Will Allow You to Become the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be


@nessisonett Sure some things are political as you described some people in the past influenced their works with politics but not everything should be.

Also why every time you try to make a point you end with "if you really think thay I fear for humanity" or some other variation of the phrase? That does not make your point more valid than others.

There are some things that I would never agree on just like you about your ideology and values and that is ok as long as we do not try to go at each others throats.

I for example would never support people who win medals in womens sports that are biologically males. My opinion might hurt people but that is ok as long as it is only and opinion and not act of violence.

Take care and happy gaming!

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Is an Open World RPG, Will Allow You to Become the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be


@nessisonett All I am saying is that the product is what matters to me. Not who makes it.

If you do not want to pay for it just because the creator is against trans people fine. But do not judge people who do not care about progressive stuff and only want to enjoy the game.

I know you and how you care about trans and other minority stuff. I am sorry but I don't. I do not have trans friends or relatives and I probably never will. I am here and in NintendoLife for the games not the politics, agendas and lifestyles.

EDIT: So people are upset because some Man who dresses as a woman is a serial killer in her latest book? This is hilarious! This was done in Silence of the Lambs as well. So should I be outraged if some evil characters are white males? Ofc not.

Re: Poll: Will You Buy a PS5?


@NEStalgia Since I got the latest revision of the Pro it is quieter and I put it in a well ventilated cabinet.

Now I do not hear the console even on mute.

Re: Best PS4 Games


1. God of War - no contest AT ALL!
2. Marvel's Spider-Man - extremely fun game to play!
3. Bloodborne

Re: PS5 Completely Outpacing Xbox Series X in Terms of Popularity, Says New Research


I will give my opinion as well

Microsoft make a huge mistake with the Xbox One.

  • The start setup that can't be completed without online account was just dumb.
  • If you are not saving your screenshots and videos on a USB the console will delete them regularly if they are over a space limit.
  • And of course the exclusives ...

But for the record the Xbox One X is FAR superior in terms of hardware quality than the PS4 Pro. I mean it does not heat like crazy and it is quiet and more reliable than the PS4 Pro will ever be.

If Sony make the same quality of their hardware they will be the only ones on the market for home consoles (not hybrids or handhelds!).

I love my Xbox One X but if they shutdown the servers in the future and I have to factory reset it, which happened, I will end up with a brick instead of a console!

Either way the PS4 stole my heart with their exclusives this generation!

Re: After The Last of Us 2's Record Success, Naughty Dog Is Staffing Up for PS5


@Col_McCafferty No. I only watched it. I will wait for a lower price as I really like to world building of the game. As for the story I do not care anymore since I loved the first one.

I am one of those people that were affected by the "something else later on (which I don't wish to get into coz of spoilers)."

I am searching it also second hand in my local online community so in a month or two it will be worth my money.

Re: After The Last of Us 2's Record Success, Naughty Dog Is Staffing Up for PS5


@Col_McCafferty "Haha, just pointing out each of the games you mentioned has a white straight male lead. How on Earth is that disgusting?!"

You assume that those games are NOT hated just because they have white, straight male leads. Like that is something wrong and should be avoided for a game to be good.

Let's not turn the gaming industry in Hollywood where everything has to be represented just for the sake of it ok?

So Part one was liked because you play as Joel and Part two is hated because you play as Ellie (when people know she kissed Dina)? Is that really it? All the negativity for the game (or at least 50% of it) comes from that?

Are you really thinking that?

Is that why more people played Assassin's Creed Odyssey as Kasandra and liked her more than Alexios? Because they want "straight, white males" ?

In the end we have to agree to disagree. Some people liked the game, some people didn't. Yes there were trolls but not as much as people were led to believe.

Re: After The Last of Us 2's Record Success, Naughty Dog Is Staffing Up for PS5


@Col_McCafferty You are right it does not weight. That is why I wonder why people think that critics opinions matter as they just write about games the do not even play them. Their reviews are so generic that it hurts.

With youtubers you can see how they play the game and react to it.

"Well you can deny it but in doing so you're denying a truth." - this is extremely close minded.

Also "There's nothing controversial about God of War or Spider-Man, they're just both very well made games with a white straight male as lead." - this is actually disgusting. Why do you have to care about the race and gender of the main hero?

People loved Lara Croft, people loved Miles Morales AND most if NOT all are thrilled that he will get his own game on the PS5 (including me).

If "controversial" means the emphasis on the sexual orientation of a character well this is sad as I do not care with who the main character go to bed. It gives absolutely nothing to the story of TLOU2.

Also people do not care about that just the trolls. MOST of those YouTubers that you accused of being on the hate wagon loved Left Behind DLC of TLOU1 where Ellie is revealed to be homosexual.

Come on let's be objective and NOT use buzzwords just to be cool.