Comments 506

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Lies of P?


I like the game, but I am 2-3 Bosses away from the end, and I hope it is over soon. Too many bad design mechanics choices that are keeping it from being above 6/10 for me.

I was too invested in a single build, and nothing prepared me for the hideous difficulty spike after Victor.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 490


@mcdreamer Game Maker Studio. Its language is very familiar to JS and C#. I am not good at programming ... yet but it is fun seeing your projects come to life!

Thinking about systems, loot and puzzles is awesome!

But I do not like the graphics, I have to step up and draw more and better!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 485


This weekend my main focus will be on getting some progress in Fallout 4.

In the meantime, I will play some Link Between Worlds as I want to get more into the game.

I will try Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas as it looks like a lovely Zelda clone.

And some Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance will scratch that Castlevania itch for this weekend



Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 484


This week I finished Fallout 3 and it was fantastic!

This weekend I will be following with Fallout 4

It is a shame that I have tried so many times to progress in Hollow Knight so I must try harder ... there are just too many games

And I will play some Castlevania Order of Ecclesia to take a break Yes! Castlevania is for relaxing! I really appreciate the pixel art of the game on the DSi XL. Those screens are PERFECT for pixel art games!



Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 482


Today (literally 30 minutes ago) I've got the best thing ever!

This weekend I will be playing THE EBST GAME EVER MADE!

Castlevania Symphony of the Night ...

This game is the reason we are not invaded by aliens! This game is the reason why humans exist! This game is why there is still goodness left in this world!

Finally, I have a physical copy of it



Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 480


Last week I finished Tears of the Kingdom and it was phenomenal!

This weekend I will play some Castlevania III Dracula's Curse as it is the only one of the NES trilogy that I have yet to play! (I am a diehard Castlevania fan so it is a little shameful as well )

I will also chill with some Mortal Kombat 11 as I find it really relaxing to play

And if time permits, I will dive into some old-school Quake on the N64.

Happy gaming everyone!!!


Re: Poll: Are You Playing Diablo 4?



As a HUGE Diablo fan this will be the one that I will not touch, unfortunately. I just do not like the way Blizzard approached this. Not everything has to be a MMORPG or some kind of variation of that genre.

Also, I watched the story online and it is so bad. So boring and uneventful.