Comments 506

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 513


1. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Horn of the Abyss because of the new Factory town that came out just before the new year! It is awesome! (Steam Deck)

2. Castlevania III Dracula's Curse - really hard game

3. Castlevania 64 - still struggling but I have some progress

4. Gothic - just got it and I have only read and watched the game but never played it

Happy gaming!


Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 509


In the last weekend of 2023 I will play the following games:

1. Chipping away at Sekiro, every step is progress!!!

2. Finishing up Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance. This is SUCH a joy to play on a big TV! I am taking screenshots every 5 steps

3. Play 2-3 Orc missions in WarCraft II.

4. Try out Monster Hunter Rise. I am afraid to get sucked into the series.

Happy gaming!!!


Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 508


This weekend I've got some special games

My main focus will be Sekiro. It is the last Fromsoft game that I have not beaten

I've got the Castlevania Adbance Collection and I am starting with Harmony of Dissonance I have played all 3 GBA Castlevania games around 50 times each Castlevania is love, Castlevania is Life!

And on the Steam Deck I will play Clive Barker's Undying! Awesome horror game with chilling atmosphere!

Happy gaming everyone!!!


Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 506


This weekend I will play one of my favorite games Sanitarium! Absolutely stunning point-and-click adventure with phycological horror elements!

I will also try to get as far as possible into Castlevania Rondo of Blood!

And finally, I wanted to make some progress into Ocarina of Time. I admit it is a little hard for me to get into the game

Happy gaming!!!


Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 505


This weekend I will start some new journeys and relive some fantastic games!

Batman Arkham Asylum on the Switch! Absolutely brilliant game! And I love that at least AA it is ON the cartridge!

Singularity - this is a true forgotten gem! The game is a joy to experience!

Pokemon White 2 - I have only played White/Black so this will be a new adventure for me

Gotham Knights - also a new experience for me but from 1 hour of playing I appreciate the Arkham Series EVEN more!



Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 502


This weekend I will advance in Demon's Souls! So far, I have beaten Adjudicator, Fool's Idol, Armored Spider and Tower Knight!

I also got Black Mesa and started it because I love Half-Life and I have never played this fan creation. It is great thus far!

And for some chilling exploration I will play Metroid: Samus Returns!

Happy gaming everyone!!!


Re: GTA 6 Could Be Announced Later This Week for PS5


@Pimpernel For me the USA is crazy land now BUT I read somewhere that many people live far away from general security services and those easily accessible guns are their only way of protection is something happens.

Still, I think that there should be more controlling of the guns business there.

Video games have nothing to do with actual violence.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 501


This weekend I will do side missions (postgame) in Spider-Man 2!

Also, I will start a wizard journey in Kingdoms of Amalur on the Switch!

Continue with Half-Life on the Steam Deck. I am playing that masterpiece for the 20th time!!!

And I will try to advance in Castlevania 64, I will not let the controls get me

Happy gaming everyone!


Re: Blizzard Yanks Error-Riddled Diablo 4 Season of Blood Trailer


@REALAIS Diablo 4 fix would be to delete the game

But you are right about the start of Diablo 3.

Still, they make so many changes to the game with patches that you start wondering if they had a plan at the start at all. This is the curse with always online games. You play a service NOT a game.