Comments 308

Re: Flagship First-Party Naughty Dog Will Develop for PS5 and PC Moving Forwards


Hardly doubt anyone who's been following Sony's trajectory the last few years could be surprised by this. We're just going to have to get used not being Sony's favorite anymore, and waiting that much longer for games as they continue to divert their resources away from PS5. I mean, I hardly doubt it's a coincidence that it's been ages since they've announced ANYTHING new for this damn console.

@truerbluer Hermen's narrative has shifted drastically every single year since they started doing this in 2020. I'm fully expecting this to be the year where he says all first-party games will come to PC day and date.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Be Worried by Live Service Implosion?


Sony's strategy is absolutely destined for failure. We've known from the beginning that they're trying to rush a whole bunch of stuff out the door to see what ends up attracting people, and they'll happily demolish anything that doesn't.

That said, I still expect Ryan to full steam ahead anyway, out-of-touch numbskull that he is.

Re: PS5 Exclusives Will Take at Least One Year to Launch on PC


So basically, once again, Sony's narrative on PC has changed in 2022 from what it was in 2021, which itself had changed from what it was in 2020, which had changed from what it was in 2019 (before they had decided to start courting PC gamers). Where last year, Hulst assured us that PlayStation would always receive the best version of Sony's games at launch, now he's admitting that actually won't be the case after all. That there WILL be day-and-date PC releases, as I've been continuously saying was all but inevitable, and that we PS owners will be getting the short end of the stick on top of paying extra for Sony's online paywall. And am I really expected to believe that this narrative isn't just going to change again, after it's already changed so radically so quickly? For crying out loud, we started this whole thing with Hulst stating that Horizon Zero Dawn just seemed like a perfect fit for PC. THAT WAS IT!!!!!! That's what got this whole ball rolling!!!! And look at where we are now! Just look how at how much escalation there's been in just two short years, because Sony took the complacency of those saying "just a few games, years down the line" as a green light to continue chasing the PC market with more and more desperation, practically forgetting that we (the PS community) exist in the process!

Well, in any case, let's all tune in next year, when Hulst admits that some (or hell, maybe even all) single-player games will be releasing on PC day-and-date as well!

Re: Sackboy: A Big Adventure's PC Port More or Less Confirmed


Gotta say, I honestly thought Sony would be focusing more on porting PS4 games over, but looks like interests have shifted and they're now fully committed to ensuring the PS5 does not build up an exclusive library of its own (not that Sackboy was PS5 exclusive, but it was nevertheless touted as a high-profile game for it)

That just tells me that the window is just gonna keep shrinking until it eventually becomes non-existent.

Re: Sony's Death Stranding Special Delivered to PC Game Pass on 23rd August


Keep in mind, of course, that ol' Jimbo has been saying lately that he's taking PlayStation "multiplatform." After all, Bungie isn't going to be making PS exclusive games despite their Sony ownership. So the idea of having PS games on rival services isn't too farfetched at this point. All the while, of course, Sony tells us that Gamepass isn't sustainable and we existing PS users are stuck paying full price for MLB: The Show, among what could be other things...

So maybe this wasn't so much a case of Sony negotiating a bad deal as it was Sony being more blatant in their waning interest towards the existing PS userbase.

Re: Returnal's Steam Page Getting Regular Updates, Reveal Seems Imminent


I’ll keep on saying it: As Sony brings PS5 exclusives to PC (which, lo and behold, is happening way sooner than the “years down the line” folks said it would), never forget that they forced you into using a DualSense for these games on PS5 because, so they claimed, you wouldn’t be getting the full experience without it. And yet this is a restriction that PC players inevitably won’t have.