Comments 65

Re: Antstream Lets You Stream 1000s of Retro Games, and It's Coming to PS5, PS4


What's the point of streaming retro games? Ten seconds of streamed video is going to use more data (and do more harm to the environment!) than simply downloading* the game to the player's device and running it locally, not to mention the increased latency, video feed quality and all those other streaming issues.
There's a case to be made for streaming modern games but any device in this day and age that can stream these games can play them locally.

  • PS1 excluded of course, but over the course of a completed game I still think streaming would use more bandwidth

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Producer Reckons One Gaming Platform Would Be Better for Everyone


@DennisReynolds What I'm saying is that ideally there'd be one platform to develop for (PC) with a handful of static devices (like the Steam Deck) to for developers to target. A single open platform covering every use case for every user. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because Sony and Nintendo (and MS to a lesser degree) have their brainwashed legions of fans who don't want things to be better.

Re: Diablo 4 Players Use 'Dopamine Tunnels' to Gain 40 Levels in 2 Hours


@NinjaNicky Should a good game need something to "work for"? Battlefield got where it is now off the back of games where you had every weapon unlocked when you started the game up and could play the way you want without having to play an arbitrary length of time first
@JohntheRaptor Well sure, if you beat the game and continue playing it of course it's going to be a grind. You can do the same in any game though

Re: Diablo 4 Players Use 'Dopamine Tunnels' to Gain 40 Levels in 2 Hours


Is Diablo really known as a grindy series? I beat D1 and D2 many times as a kid without really grinding.
@Northern_munkey When my friends got a week's head start I played my ass off to clear the game and try to catch up only to end up still a week behind my friends and still not able to play with them. I would've loved to be able to catch up with them in just two hours.

Re: Bloodborne Just the Beginning! The Order: 1886 Gets Unofficial 60fps Patch on PS5


Why are they limited to 60fps? Not enough juice to run them at 120? Glad it's happening though, if modders can do it this easily once they get access to the system hopefully whoever's in charge will pull their thumb out and make it happen for those of us with unmodded consoles.
I wonder if they could mod the aspect ratio to remove the black bars, IIRC the game was letterboxed so there were fewer pixels to render which is why they were able to push the graphics so hard.

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