Comments 452

Re: Review: Resident Evil 5 (PS4)


@morrisseymuse Ooo not sure it's still an 8/10. I didn't play it first time round so looking at this from fresh eyes, a 6 or 7 seems about right. The gameplay is extremely clunky but overall I think it's a good game. I'm playing it with a friend and my feelings on it are summed up perfectly in this review.....

"it's a decent romp that's brilliant when it's not bewildering"

Re: Is Limbo Dev Playdead's Inside Coming to PS4?


@viciousarcanum Well PS4 will still be my main console and just wanted a cheap Xbox to play some exclusives. Waiting for a console that doesn't even have a name yet and likely to be in excess of £600 didn't seem like the right thing to do

Re: Review: Furi (PS4)


To be honest I actually like the thought of having these walking sections of downtime between the fights so I'm quite looking forward to this hope it's not too hard though!

Re: Sony Patents Elite PS4 Controller with Paddles and Adaptable Layout


Well that's it, Im done with console gaming! When I buy a console controller I expect it to last 5+ years, now my current controller is useless because they might be bringing out a new one. What's the point in having a console controller if I have go upgrade it every 3 years /s

Looks pretty cool although I'm happy with my current one.

Re: E3 2016: Who's Remastering Crash Bandicoot for PS4?


Perfect, exactly what I wanted at this point as I love the first 3 games. I hope this doesn't turn into another FF7 remake where everyone begs for a remake and then starts crying because it's different to the original. So what the character model will be updated....lets just wait to see what they show when they're ready!!

Re: Round Up: What Did Bethesda Announce At Its E3 2016 Press Conference?


Conference was okay but nothing special. Another CG trailer for a game that was sort of shown years ago, expansions for Fallout 4 and a remaster of Skyrim? Dishonored 2 we knew about but the gameplay they showed was good. I actually think upon reflection, EA had a better conference, but unfortunately presented it so poorly and announced their 2 big reveals a week or 2 early?

Whilst EAs conference felt slow and boring, they properly announced Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 both due for release this year...which should probably be applauded as they were only recently announced. If you're into Fifa then that section was probably good, albeit a bit too long. I just felt they dragged out a lot of other stuff and have clearly announced Star Wars and Mass Effect way too early as they have nothing to show us!!? It doesn't help that Andrew Wilson puts so much corporate language in the conference it can be a bit disengaging.

Re: Agents of Mayhem Seems Sort of Annoying Already


I personally found Saints Row considerably more annoying and childish than Gearbox humour. IMO this looks much better than any of the Saints Row games, although still not totally sold on it from this trailer.

Amazing people seem so hurt by the fact that one writer at PushSquare gives anything Gearbox a hard time...adds to the character of site

Re: There Are Some Interesting The Last of Us 2 Theories Flying Around


@Grawlog @waluigifan1 barely anyone who made Crash is at Naughty Dog any more so it wouldn't even be the same team. For me personally, the thought of ND in it's current position making a new Crash game seems like such a backwards step. I think I'd like a new Crash game but there are plenty of developers out there who would probably do a better job now.

Re: Poll: Which Uncharted Game Is the Best?


@TeslaChippie I don't know why but something about Tomb Raider I found a little boring. I will persist with it as the gameplay is good...but I almost feel like it shouldn't be compared to Uncharted as they are good for different reasons.