Comments 452

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


@Scollurio I just don't relate that scene to a ""mandatory dog scene" that would be hard to stomach.

With regards your point on Joel's death being feels more than believable that Abby and a group of old fireflys would want Joel dead. Not only did he kill her Dad, in their eyes he is the reason the world doesn't have a vaccine. I don't understand why Joel already having been through bad things means he can't be killed.

Joel is not the hero. Ellie is not the hero. Abby is not a hero. These are complex characters in a complex world and things are not black and white. People seem to think Joel's death says something about the morality of his choice. For me TLOU2 hammers home more than ever how morally grey their decisions are. All you have to do is see something from different perspectives and something can seem right or wrong. Joel's choice to save Ellie is essentially the "trolley problem", it's not something that has an answer about right or wrong.

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


@Scollurio I'm not meaning this in aggressive way, but I feel like you're time would better be spent on another thread. Doesn't feel like you're hear for a discussion. In answer to your question though...what dog scene?! Not only did I "stomach" it, it wasn't enough of a big deal to register it.

I'd be interested to know the ratings of the game based on people who did and didn't see the spoilers. It's very anecdotal but it seems that people who didn't see the spoilers are more likely to have enjoyed the game. I feel lucky to have missed all the spoilers and ignored almost all marketing. I think this leads to a better player experience.

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


Quick summary would be that it's a fantastic game that with a bit of editing could have been perfect for me. I think I understand why people are annoyed Joel get's killed so early but I don't agree. Think it worked for the story.

  • Ellie, Dina, Joel, Tommy & Abbey all great characters and portrayed perfectly.
  • When Joel has his head caved in, I hated Abbey and that group. By the end I really liked her
  • Abbey and Ellie fight was so well done. I had no idea who to route for and felt uncomfortable.
  • Some of the set pieces in the game and incredible. Aquarium, football stadium, museum etc
  • Thought they did a good job of building on TLOU story
  • The tension I felt during some of the combat areas we insane.
  • Ellie and Dina <3
  • When Ellie get's PTSD in the barn I had literal chills.
  • The scene on the beach with Abbey and Ellie. I felt awful trying to drown Abbey and so glad she got away.
  • All the flashback scenes were great

Things I didn't like as much

  • The ending 2 hours felt sooooo long and unnecessary
  • The pacing was a little slow in areas. Playing as Abbey was great but didn't fit the pace the game was building too
  • The last 2 hours has so many "fade to black" moments where the game could have ended with an ambiguous ending
  • The scene where the Island got raided at the end felt out of place in TLOU. Not a major complaint but felt more like Uncharted

Re: The 2008 Devil May Cry Anime Is Free on PS4 US Store


Didn't even know there was a DMC anime, might have to look into this. Just started 5 and am really blown away by how good it is.

@FullbringIchigo Hey, I've been on the site and few years now too. Whilst you're right that there does seem to be an increase in those who aren't particularly friendly, I'd say the best thing to do is not bite or argue back. Just ignore their comments and interact with those who are engaging in a civil discourse

Re: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Spins Past 10 Million Units Sold


@naruball nice to see someone speaking a bit of sense on the matter. I think people struggle to remember that our hobby is a business and decisions will get made based on good business. Profitable business lay off staff in areas not making enough money to drive profits up more.

With regards Crash, it's nice to see it doing well. Now we've got CTR coming back my nostalgia for the franchise will have been served

Re: Poll: Do You Care About Cross-Play Now That It's Available on PS4?


Very puzzled by the seemingly anti cross play results by about 50% of pollsters.

"No, cross-play doesn't add anything of worth"...this statement seems objectively false. If cross play is implemented well, then it will give us a world where we can party up with our friends on any platform and game together. Surely this is objectively better for consumers?

EDIT: I'm referring to Cross Play as the ability to play with gamers on other platforms. I'm aware that cross progression and cross purchases are also being thrown into the discussion. Cross progression is something I can get behind but I don't see a world where cross purchase is viable for all games.

Re: Talking Point: How Much Does Cross-Play Matter to You?


Fortunately for Sony they have too many great games for me to think about jumping ship and cross play alone wouldn't make me do that. GamePass, Back Compat and Cross Play as a collective is a interesting package that I wish my preferred gaming platform would deliver. I have no idea what the correct business decision is but I'm not a stock holder so whatever benefits the gamer is best

I don't believe for one second that if Microsoft were in the lead they wouldn't still be doing all this if I'm honest, particularly not with Spencer heading it up. Sony and MS have vastly different business models so their strategies will be different.

Re: Destiny 2's Fall Expansion Will Be Revealed at E3 2018


I'll never say I'm not returning to Destiny but it's disappointed how much they've dropped the ball with this franchise as a whole. It has so much potential.

I'm sure the fall expansion will be great, but the Destiny road map needs some serious improvement if they want to put the franchise back in some positive light