Comments 452

Re: Film Critics Aren't Being Kind to the Ratchet & Clank Movie


I have to admit this doesn't surprise me too much, I'm finding the game so much fun but the cut scene humour isn't particularly funny.

I'm guessing they released a movie alongside the game to push game sales etc. Hopefully with the game selling well before the movie is even out, they'll make more without the need for a movie.

Re: Review: Alienation (PS4)


Nice review...I was unsure whether the added complexity of levelling, gear upgrades etc would detract from the core gameplay...but it sounds like it actually enhances it. My wallet won't be happy to hear this!!!

Re: Sony Is Making 1080p a Requirement for Neo Mode Games on PS4K


Whilst this is good...I still think we need to work toward steady and improved frame rates. I'm worried that as 4K becomes more popular...we'll continue a push into 4K gaming with barely 30fps. I really hope developers can sit comfortable for a while and start getting 1080p and 60fps as the normal...even if it's in the PS5 era.

Re: Soapbox: Why I Don't Think PS4K Is Okay


I can see why some people don't like the idea, but I personally don't mind. As long as they have the same games on both it should be okay. I would probably buy one if the performance of games was improved. I buy console purely for ease of use so don't mind refreshing every few years for something more powerful

Re: PS4 Firmware Update 3.50 Beta Codes Are Being Sent Out


@WARDIE the library is a mess, especially when you're in betas, demos etc. Would be nice to have an option to at least sort and filter.

With regards appearing offline, I have work colleagues on there so it'll be nice to not have them aware of my over excessive playstation use lol

Re: Podcast: Episode 0 - The Pilot


Will be listening to this on my way home tonight (after the VideoGamer I allowed to listen to competitors??)

It's my favourite gaming website so look forward to listening
Ps I did recommend the name in the forums, and yet you've given me no credit for my original idea

Re: Talking Point: Would You Upgrade to a Supercharged PS4?


@DualWielding The main reason I have a console is because it's easy. I buy a game and it works and no effort is required from me other than buying the console and buying the games. I'd happily upgrade consoles every 3 years because it still isn't effort on my behalf...just money lol

Re: No Man's Sky Will Carry An Intergalactic Entry Fee on PS4


I personally have no issue with that...I don't define the value of a game as the development cost of it. If the game is good and offers quality/quality content then I'm happy.

Indie...this as a term is becoming very clouded. Can we really compare a game like Axiom Verge to No Mans Sky??

Re: Fallout 4 Finally Drops a Bomb with DLC Details


@Plateface Depends how much content is there but £20 does seem a bit steep. I don't have much experience but a 15 hour expansion in ESO is about £15 and the Witcher season pass costs me £15. I personally think Fallout 4 is one the most "average" AAA game I've played so I may be a bit biased.

Re: Review: Unravel (PS4)


Been looking forward to this since E3 and I wasn't disappointed..managed to get my platinum last night too I'd give it a solid 8/10 personally

Re: Dragon Quest Heroes II Is Already Looking Lovely on PS4


Looks great, I'm enjoying DQH but there are a few things that really bug me about it. I'd agree with @Expa0 that the movement speed is slow especially as there is no sprint. The other thing I found clunky was everything outside of gameplay..crafting, picking up/completing quests, buying stuff all felt like it was taking too long and too many menus. Hopefully they'll improve this as the gameplay is great.