Comments 452

Re: Gamescom 2017: Destiny 2 European Deadzone Gameplay Shows an Improved Sandbox


@SMKpaladin I was never part of an active clan but using LFG I always found raid groups very quickly, I just watched them on youtube and then lied that I knew what I was doing and ended up being quite competent at them. In the later raids people weren't always asking for you to have certain weapons/armour etc.

Hopefully the new tools make it easier for everyone to raid though

Re: PSN Accounts Struck by Mass PayPal Chargeback


Not sure if you wanted to know but I have spoken to Sony.

They say it's a PayPal issue, they are in talks with them at the moment to try and resolve. I cannot clear my balance on the account as others have expected. All I'm able to do is wait, for an estimated 7-10 business days until the matter is resolved.

EDIT: Whilst not at my PS4, it appears my account is not banned anymore as can log into website. Conflicting info here.

Re: Destiny's Next Big Update Is Due In Spring


@gmxs I can almost assure you that with the current tools in Destiny...matchmaking would be a bad experience for players.

I'm not against the idea, but it needs to be implemented correctly for it to give players a good experience. I don't believe we'll see a good implementation in Destiny (1).

Re: Talking Point: Has Holiday 2016 Devalued New Games?


I certainly won't be in a rush to buy many games new any more...partly due to the incredible price drops we've seen this holiday period, but also due to feeling like games are in a better state a month of so after launch.

Saying that...I actually rent games and it's only £11 a month so the big AAA titles don't really cost me much to play anyway.

Re: Poll: Does The Last Guardian Dazzle After a Decade?


So after 8 hours of trying to play this "modern masterpiece" I decided to stop playing. I tried so hard to like it as the relationship between boy and Trico is special, but ultimately the gameplay was a big let down. I spent more times frustrated at the controls, camera and annoying AI than I did marveling at it's greatest moments.

The game looks great but runs terribly in most sections struggling to hit 30fps. This doesn't really bother me but was noticeable.

I'm glad some people have enjoyed it, but the gameplay just isn't good enough for me to consider this a masterpiece.

Re: So, There's This Kinda Crazy The Last of Us 2 Fan Theory


I saw people speculating that as soon as the trailer dropped but I just can't see it to be honest. I'd probably be disappointed if they decided to go this route, considering the relationship between the 2 characters is what I loved about the game. The more I think about it, the more I dislike the idea actually.

Re: Poll: Are You Buying Final Fantasy XV?


I've got it preordered but I think I'm fortunate that I don't really have the same "10 year" expectation others have. I'm pretty sure it'll be a decent game with a beautiful world so looking forward to it

I hope others can calm their expectations a little

Re: Soapbox: Skyrim Still Has Plenty to Offer Five Years On


Interesting article written from a different perspective to mine. I never really played Skyrim when it came out but absolutely loved TW3.

I'm playing Skyrim now and, surprisingly, I think it's fantastic. It offers something quite different to The Witcher, and whilst it has it's faults (combat, inventory, menus) it's a charming game that I can just get lost in!