Comments 452

Re: Talking Point: How Can Sony Sell You on Project Morpheus at E3 2015?


I just still can't imagine it being a big seller...I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I game in my front room whilst I chat to my partner etc and therefore this would be very strange.

I'm still not sure VR in this form has big commercial purpose. I'd prefer the idea of arcades/gaming centres being set up with these things. I'm sure some will love this but I can't see many with families taking this on.

Re: For Your Own Safety, Don't Try to Slaughter Cows for Cash in The Witcher 3 on PS4


@Gemuarto Yeah I'm about 2 hours from the end now and it feels a little too easy but earlier on I had some difficulty...I always find one and one so much easier than for example a pack of bloody drowners! On my second playthrough I'm going to try and create a video for each monster

I have heard it's not that hard compared to other games...I suppose I'll get a real test when I eventually get Bloodborne or Dark Souls!

Re: Sony's Readying a 1TB PlayStation 4 Model


@Vorlon @A1RB4G I have mine set as my Primary console and when someone else logs into their PS4 as me (my brother, my friends) logs me out and tells me I'm logged in using another PS4.

So I personally don't think 2 PS4s can be logged in using the same PSN account. However, anyone can log into your Primary PS4 and play the games you've downloaded on their account whilst you use the other one.

Hope that makes sense.

Re: This Week's Free Witcher 3 DLC Has Been Detailed


@BAMozzy I wouldn't trust the in game timer as it's been known to be incorrect, tells me I've played for 125 hours but it's more like 50 or 60. I'm level 21.
To change Yen outfit, on the initial options menu, go to DLC and you can change the setting in there.

I do agree that the DLC hasn't been implemented that well and it's very easily missed. I do wonder whether it will all be level static armour DLC that may render it useless for certain people.

Fortunately for me, the game is so damn good without DLC that it doesn't bother me Happy monster slaying.

Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Framerate Issues Being Looked into by Dev


@Splat Yeah I've noticed the play timer is wrong, mine keeps jumping around and currently says 5 days and 8 hours. Unfortunately, I've not actually had that much's probably more like 50.

I'm level 20 and am being pretty thorough. I want to do pretty much every side quest, contract etc before I finish. I've also recently discovered how much I enjoy Gwent so now got another 10 hours of enjoyment from that I think.

Re: Top the PS4 Rocket League to Earn a Platinum Trophy


@icarusdreams as with all my trophies, I try and obtain them correctly and I shall do with this. Not to say from time to time I don't obtain some using a work-around.

This game is really fun so I'd be surprised if it didn't drop naturally at some point The thing I loved about the game so much, was how no matter the score or how I played, I still enjoyed it. Great game to play with my friends

Re: Top the PS4 Rocket League to Earn a Platinum Trophy


I played the Beta and all the feedback from it was how FUN this game is...and that was only with one game mode.

I can't wait until it's released and I believe they've already indicated it will be around the £20 mark.

Not saying I would...but if you can earn that trophy in private online matches it would be easy to boost with friends.

Re: Expect Plenty of Meaningful PS4 Firmware Updates in the Future


@ztpayne7 I've used it quite a lot. Without Fibre Optic it doesn't really work though. I have an upload of about 5mbs when tested on the PS4 so it works for me. So far, I've mostly used it to show other people games I have. They have all said that the quality there end is as good as if it were being played locally. I've SharePlayed...The Witcher, Trine 2, Diablo, Infamous and Flower.

Re: As Expected, You Need to Pre-Order The Elder Scrolls Online to Play as Any Race in Any Faction on PS4


Can see why they've done it, most fantasy fans will be playing The Witcher at the moment with no real incentive to go out and buy ESO just yet.

I do however think that they've added a pre-order bonus that impacts on those who don't pre-order it too much. I'm happy for them to add a little extra content but to add something that affects you entire experience...NO!

Re: Guide: Which Skills Should You Pick in The Witcher 3 on PS4?


@rykkchii Yeah I do see your point, maybe they will improve on the saving system. Although it could have been a choice to make the game seem more difficult.

I actually started playing Skyrim the other day, and I went to save after about 5 hours of playing to notice that I couldn't...and I lost 5 hours of my time. So pre-patch Skyrim was not so good lol

Re: This Is What You'll Be Doing in Destiny's House of Wolves DLC


@Scollurio You make some great, well constructed points which is pleasure to see as it's quite rare on gaming websites.

After putting over 200 hours into the game I also grew tired of it. I do however follow all the news about it in the hope that one day I will want to pick up the game and play it again and when I do, I want to know what awaits for me

Re: Review: Toren (PlayStation 4)


@blah01 Considering a decent amount of "AAA" games have game breaking bugs...I don't think we can expect Sony to not allow an Indie game because it has screen tear and a few animation issues. There seems to still be a few people enjoying the game and maybe they can learn for their next one.

Re: Review: Toren (PlayStation 4)


Well...I gave the game another ago and once I had gotten past the screen tear, this is actually quite a wonderful game that has had me very engaged.

If you think you can see past the issues, I would recommend giving it a go but I wouldn't be rushing out to buy it.

Re: Ratchet & Clank's PS4 Debut Stumbles into Spring 2016


Not sure why anyone is personally bothered whether Sony have a first party title out at Christmas.

I choose my games based on whether they look good, not based on whether it's an exclusive. I've never played Ratchet and Clank before so will be looking forward to the game when it comes out