Comments 452

Re: Opinion: Firewatch's Paltry Five Trophies Prove That the System Needs Fixing


For me trophies can (not always) do the following:

  • something fun to collect
  • encourages me to try out different play styles
  • encourages me to experience all the game has to offer
  • something to look back on and see your gaming history
  • compete/collect with friends

I like to think that if Crash 2 had trophies it would have one for collecting all the coloured gems....which at the time I did anyway but now it would be a trophy too. With regards the topic, I wish there was more consistency but it's not going to stop me buying a game.

Re: Sony Reveals the PlayStation Store's Best Sellers For 2015


I think from a gamers point of view, seeing stuff like Call of Duty & Fifa at the top is surprising when games like Bloodborne and Witcher 3 are winning all the awards. I guess sometimes those in the gaming community forget about the more casual player and how many sales they account for.

Re: You Can Finally Play The Division Thanks to This Month's Beta


@wittypixel I didn't think anywhere actually charged you for the game before it released? Certainly in the UK you don't pay until it comes out, which means a few people will pre-order just for the beta and then if they like the beta probably will keep the pre-order.

I'm not hyped about the game, I need to know more about it and the beta is a good opportunity for me to do so and then make a decision.

Re: Go Lombax to the Future with Ratchet & Clank on PS4


One the games I'm looking forward to most this year...! Played some at EGX and it was brilliant.

And whilst I see people’s concern over this being released close to Uncharted…I’m not sure it will make that big an impact on sales. Out of all my friends, nobody is buying Uncharted but a fair few are buying R&C day one. We can’t be the only ones like this and I imagine there are lots of people who will buy both.

Re: Game of the Year: #4 - Fallout 4 (PS4)


I hope I'm not alone in thinking this game is pretty mediocre...I wanted to enjoy it but nothing about it stands out and struggles to take my time over the other games I have. Just to list a few things that I think are either okay or absolute garbage: Characters, story, side quests, building, loading times, frame issues in building, shooting, dialogue choices, dialogue, menu interface, soundtrack...

Obviously this is only my humble opinion...but unworthy of a spot in my top 10.

Re: Game of the Year: Sam's Personal PlayStation Picks


@Anchorsam_9 mine would have to be....
1) The Witcher 3
2) Rocket League
3) Tales of Borderlands
4) Elder scrolls online
5) Borderlands The Handsome Collection

Would be boring if we all had the same....IMO just shows what a good varied year of games it's been.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Be Fully Voiced


@godslayer1975 I think that's being a bit harsh but it is only your opinion so your obviously entitled to it. This was always going to be hard to please all fans. If this keep true to the story, characters, environments etc then is it really that bad? We get to see FF7 in a new light. For me...if you just wanted nostalgia then we can play the original release.

I personally can't wait to see what they produce...hope the voice acting is better than in the trailer though. I'll probably play in Japanese with Subtitles if it lets me.

Re: Review: Final Fantasy VII (PS4)


@kyleforrester87 Only about 6 hours in so been on the world map about an hour. I'm unfortunately aware of what becomes of Aeris at some point towards the end of disk 1 which is a bit annoying. Ah thanks that might be really good! I'll take a look tonight and see which one suits best

Re: Review: Final Fantasy VII (PS4)


I'm playing it through for the first time ever and personally really enjoying it. I'm not too far in at the moment but I can see myself perusing it until the end. The only thing I wish was different (not a major gripe) is that it isn't turn based as I expected as the only turn based game I played was Pokemon where you can think about your move a bit more.

Re: PSX 2015: Sony Should Never Demo PlayStation VR on Stage Again


I don't think I'm in the minority here but I think a lot of gamers nowadays have family or wives/girlfriend that we sit and chat to a bit whilst playing...I know that I'd never get to use a VR because it would totally isolate me from the outside world. Whilst I'm sure some will buy it, I think too many gamers need the ability to interact with both game world, and real world at the same time.

PS. VR demo was awful in my opinion.

Re: Review: Game of Thrones: Episode 6 - The Ice Dragon (PS4)


I personally thought it was great and cared about the characters. I clearly differ from the norm though as I think TWD is absolute garbage and one of the most boring games I've ever played.

I thought GOT was paced similarly to the show with some slow plot building and moments of action. One of the things I love about Game of Thrones is that it's not just constant action...

Its a solid 8 for me.

Re: Soapbox: Why the Industry Is Getting Greedy (And How to Stop It)


Good article and although I don't 100%'s a good topic for discussions I personally don't know much about the games industry but my possibly naive thoughts are below:
1) People commenting saying don't pre-order games...not sure why this is an issue? If we think a game looks good then we can choose to "reserve" it for a day one purchase. The same way I remember waiting in HMV for a new album to come out (before I read reviews)
2) Do games cost more to make? Should they cost more? Are companies keeping the cost of games lower by adding DLC, MicroT? Without analysing the figures it's difficult to tell
3) I think the real issue is that developers/publishers haven't quite figured out how to market the additional content to us in a way that we are happy with (although will we ever be happy!). Take Destiny for example...would they have been better just having a subscription? Should they have made people aware that their would be ongoing costs?
4) I feel with nearly every game I have that they are GREAT value for money. At a base game of £50, I maybe get between 10 - 200 hours from it.

I suppose without being able to study financials I'll never really know whether they're being greedy or trying to run a profitable business.