Comments 418

Re: Feature: Is Fallout 4 a Broken Mess on PS4?


I've been having oodles of crashes when I try and go past HalluciGen, Inc. This really is unacceptable, and from what I've read online people have it much worse than me. It seems the writers here must have simply gotten lucky. Bethesda really needs to step their game up, because its simply old by this point.

Re: Review: Goosebumps: The Game (PS4)


That sucks, not that I planned on picking it up. I used to be a huge Goosebumps need when I was a kid, and I had hoped that the game would have done the series justice. But I suppose this really should be surprise by this. On the bright side though I think I might go and watch an episode or two of the old TV show after hearing all the references in this review.

Re: Paris Games Week 2015: You've Still Got to Wait Quite a While for No Man's Sky on PS4


Not surprised, I was quite excited for this game when it was first announced as I'm a huge space nut. But as time has gone on and this game has been pushed like crazy I can't help but feel jaded and honestly quite annoyed. This just seems to ambitious and I feel like it will end up in a similar situation as Watch Dogs. It takes supercomputers to accurately model the universe and the PS4 is certainly not that. I simply feel that it is impossible for this game to live up to expectations.

Re: Surprise! Sony Isn't Working on First-Party Titles for PS Vita


Not sure why anyone would have been surprised by this. As sad as it is, it's been a given for quite a while now. I still play mine on the daily as it as loads of great Japanese titles on it that have kept me quite busy. I really wasn't a big fan of the first party titles for the system anyway. If Sony were to continue to support the system with updates and third parties continue to publish to the system I'll be fine with it. It's sad though, the Vita had a lot of potential but it seems Sony was determined to kill it from the get go.

Re: Review: Corpse Party: Blood Drive (PS Vita)


@Flaming_Kaiser I haven't gotten to the end yet, but in past games there are plenty of different endings and wrong ends. I've encountered several wrong ends thus far in my play through but haven't been actively seeking them to see them all.

Re: Review: Corpse Party: Blood Drive (PS Vita)


@consolfreak1982 I played the first two and am really enjoying the third one thus far. Most of what was said in this review I disagree with, except the bit about load times, but I suppose that's the thing about opinions. ;3

Re: Review: XBLAZE Code: Embryo (PS Vita)


Lol this took quite a while to get out huh? And while I agree that the way you pick the in game routes is too ambiguous and the protagonist is fairly weak, I really enjoyed Code Embryo and would give it closer to a 8/10 based on the story alone. But that's just me. ;3

Re: October's PlayStation Plus Lineup Is Going to P*** People Off


@SeePablo Right, because we shouldn't be able to voice our disappointment with something we paid for. We should just take whatever Sony throws at us and, like you said, be happy they give us anything at all. Lol, get real.

And no, I don't care about the 'passion and hard work' that goes into making these games, all I care about is if I like it or not. You can take the scraps Sony throws your way and beg for more from your master, but don't act like a prick when others don't feel the same way.

Re: Store Update: 22nd September 2015 (North America)


I still don't understand why cross gen games cost extra money for the current gen version, i.e. Tales of Zestria costing an extra $10 for the PS4 version. >.>

Picked up SOMA on launch day and am loving it thus far. It's a bit buggy which sucks but I suppose that's to be expected. Frictional really did a great job with it.

Re: TGS 2015: Persona 5's PS4, PS3 Delay Is Due to Atlus Wanting to Make the Biggest and Best Entry Yet


@Matroska I agree, I really feel like this delay is really to set it up to dominate the summer months of next year. Releasing in winter is pretty pointless for smaller games as they have to battle it out with everything else for a spot in someone's home. I'm not mad about the delay, I'll always support delays if it means a better game at the end. But what does make me mad is the way Atlus kept insisting that it would release this year. It's not like they didn't know the game wouldn't be ready for this year but I suppose there could have been a disconnect between marketing and development or something like that. I would have preferred them just being honest earlier on rather than giving me a bait and switch. But it's whatever I suppose, Disgaea 5 and Xenoblade will be sucking up plenty of time by themselves.

Re: TGS 2015: Persona 5's PS4, PS3 Gameplay Trailer Is Downright Incredible


Wow, so why did they keep telling us that it was 'definitely coming 2015' when they knew that it wasn't? That really gets on my nerves. I'm fine with games getting delayed if it means a better game, but they shouldn't have continued to sell us on a 2015 release date.

I have no desire to watch this trailer though. I'm simply in a bad mood over the delay.

Re: Atlus Insists That Persona 5 Is Coming To North America This Year, While Europe Gets It Later


Good, I was beginning to get worried whether we were going to get it this year or not. Supposedly the NA and JP release dates are virtually the same, which is awesome. The wait for EO2U after it dropped in JP was pretty painful for me.

Sucks that our European brothers and sisters will have to wait unless their importing though.

@JaxonH This. Everyone has been really down on SMTxFE from what I've seen. In mean, nobody's played it yet so that seems a little premature to me. But I know I'll certainly be playing it on release day.

Re: Gamescom 2015: This Trailer Has Everything You Need to Know About Nobunaga's Ambition


I'll be picking this up, I love my strategy games. My computer isn't very up to date, so I can't play all the awesome new strategy games that have been coming out for the system. I've spent around 220 hours on Civ V alone, and other than that I get my fix from Total War Shogun 2 and Wargame: Red Dragon. So, while I would prefer to play it with a keyboard and mouse, a new, fun console strategy game is very much welcome. I don't think consoles have had a good strategy game(to my knowledge) since that Halo one, and that wasn't even very good.