Comments 228

Re: Older Live Service Titles Take Up Over 60% of Overall Playtime, Report Says


@UltimateOtaku91 Yup, legions of younger gamers coming of age dramatically affects this ranking. They're playing what their peers are playing and as soon as you're old enough for GTA V, well VI isn't here yet so... I think older generations are generally playing a wider variety of games and when you're as old as me, mostly solitary single player games (with the odd Helldivers 2 dance here and there).

Re: Helldivers 2 Is Still Absolutely Killing It on PC, By the Way


There is so much potential for this game. There are plenty of folks who haven't even seen Starship Troopers and don't necessarily know HD 2's influences but it doesn't matter. The Dev's knew what would be fun and made in my opinion, the best live service game (of which I'm not generally a fan) to date. They introduced Mechs already, natural hazards and have plans for other enemy types going forward. The planetary liberation method is a fun reason to keep players engaged but at the end of the day it's just a well executed game that's immensely fun, spectacularly dramatic, hilarious and hugely satisfying, especially on higher difficulties with a full squad. Other developers should take notice of this exceptional and somewhat surprise success.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of PSVR2, One Year Later?


Promising and capable tech but poorly supported and implemented for example the OLED lenses with their rather small sweet spot. I returned mine and now have the mighty Quest 3 which is just an outstanding piece of hardware for the price, very well supported and compatible with PCVR too.

Re: Sorry PvP Fans, Helldivers 2 Will 'Never' Feature Competitive Modes


This game has been a revelation in what is quite the co op shooter drought. Halo, Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, and many more proved to be a golden age in my opinion before PVP took over. Warzone with friends is the closest it's come for me in recent times. As a big fan of the source material, Alien Isolation, Aliens Dark Descent, Terminator Resistance w/dlc, Robocop Rogue City and now Helldivers 2 (if you love Starship Troopers, Aliens and Terminator) have made the last few years in gaming truly memorable. If you are still on the fence, jump down, squish some bugs and bring democracy to the galaxy!

Re: Rumour: Call of Duty Games Will Feature Open World Campaigns Starting This Year


Yikes, people really aren't keen on this potential move but while I can't say I've played MW3, I am hopeful this could work for several reasons. Warzone with three mates is still one of the best online experiences in my opinion - it got us through the pandemic lockdowns. If a whole campaign could utilize a large map without the Ubisoft filler then I'd be onboard. While COD campaigns always look nice, they're essentially quite basic interactive films not to mention the paltry 4-6 hour runtimes. I know most people get COD for multiplayer but I think an evolution of a military campaign in video games is long overdue and a well executed non linear experience could and should be something to look forward to. Do I have faith in these devs? Hmmm.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Breaks 14-Year Call of Duty, Rockstar Streak to Become USA's Best-Selling Game of 2023


I've seen the films once, never read a book in the series but the game was one of my favourite gaming experiences of 2023. Simply great fun on a well realized world. I don't agree with the authors views but I want going to punish a development team but not buying this excellent game. How refreshing to not have a ten year old GTA or annual shooter generate the most sales for once.

Re: Modern Warfare 3 Set to Claim 140GB of PS5 SSD Space


For all the money this franchise makes, they still have the laziest (or just not so talented) developers. There is definitely a way to make these files sizes smaller and separate parts of the game install based on what people actually want to play considering available technology and their no doubt fat budget.

Re: US Retail Giant Best Buy Allegedly Binning Physical Media


Best Buy is on its last legs in my opinion. Unlike Target, Walmart, Costco etc, they only sell electronics. Their workforce has shrunk to the point where their customer service is frankly appalling in comparison to days gone by. There have been rumours of an Amazon takeover for several years but only for the benefit of having certain brick and mortar locations or perhaps the uniquely positioned Geek Squad home services. Either way I give Best Buy 5 maybe 10 years tops.

Re: 8 PS Plus Extra Games for October Leaked Early


Looking forward to House of Ashes, I always wait for a sale or PS plus with that series but it's fun. Disco Elysium is one of the best games of the decade in my opinion. I didn't think it would be for me and then I was utterly enthralled. I hope more gamers give it a whirl. Finally, if anyone with a passing interest in survival horror or the Alien Saga somehow missed Alien Isolation then now is as good a time as any! Scariest game ever made for me.

Re: Aliens: Dark Descent (PS5) - An Express Elevator to Hell Fans Won't Want to Miss


@ear_wig My advice is to consider custom difficulty options. The game even warns you it's going to be tough. When you've lost all your Marines that's it, 'game over man game over!' You can extract from missions at any point (if you can get back to the vehicle safely) and come back better prepared but each time you do this you skip a day and each day the hive gets more aggressive and the game ultimately tougher. You can't change difficulty during the game and restarting means running through the tutorial prologue again (I loved it though). Things to consider.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 483


@Alexface I was in the same position but ended up absolutely loving that game. Yeah it's weird and has plenty of what people would consider Kojima quirks but it really sucked me in, I did skip most side quests but since completing it last year I now enjoying coming back to do some here and there. It's a Marmite game and I was pleasantly surprised by what side I landed on

Re: Aliens: Dark Descent (PS5) - An Express Elevator to Hell Fans Won't Want to Miss


@BusyOlf I'm not a big strategy player, I really wanted to get into XCOM but likewise I couldn't. Aliens Dark Descent can be hard but there are custom difficulty options and a story mode if you mostly want to enjoy the atmosphere (you can't change difficulty during the game FYI). It's not crazy deep in terms of it's systems and I'm finding it quite accessible for an RTS rookie. If you're still unsure then certainly wait for that price drop but I think it's worth a look as a fan of the film.

Re: Aliens: Dark Descent (PS5) - An Express Elevator to Hell Fans Won't Want to Miss


Being a huge Aliens fan I just went for it and it's right up there with Isolation for me albeit a different type of game. It's incredibly faithful to all things Aliens, the score, the aesthetic, the level design etc. It really is quite terrifying considering the isometric RTS aspect. What this dev has achieved is testament to how passionate they are about the Aliens universe. There is another big console patch due any day now, they are listening to feedback through a Discord group. For $40 this game is a must if you have any interest whatsoever and a rare gem for the Aliens fans out there!

Re: Cricket 24 Rain Delayed Until 5th October on PS5, PS4


Maybe it's because I grew up in the UK but despite living in the US, these Cricket games keep me engaged longer than MLB the Show. Sure they lack the presentation and overall polish but the sport itself is so much more variable and action orientated (the latter being the short forms at least!).

Re: Final Fantasy 16 (PS5) - Final Fantasy's Triumphant Return to the Top


@ShogunRok Apologies if you've already answered this above but would you recommend this game to a Final Fantasy virgin?! Witcher 3 was my first fully fledged fantasy RPG despite gaming since the 80's. This game seems too good to pass up but I'm concerned I won't have any previous context for the lore/characters etc. Thanks in advance!

Re: Hideo Kojima Clarifies Involvement in Death Stranding Film Adaptation


I strongly feel this should have been a mini series instead of a film. HBO or Apple TV could have pulled it off quality wise. This story doesn't suit the feature length format whatsoever. It obviously won't be for everyone but could pull a lot of people into the world much like The Last of a Us did with non gamers. I've only played MGSV and DS when it comes to Kojima but the latter was an incredible experience only truly possible in video gaming. I hope the sequel is necessary.

Re: PS Plus, Game Pass Subscription Growth Has Totally Stalled in USA


I definitely got my money's worth with 2 years of Gamepass ultimate bundled with the Series X but recently cancelled while waiting for some better games to appear (Starfield). I've kept PS plus as my occasional online gaming takes place in PlayStation. I'm not against the sub model as it stands. Third party exclusivity periods are what really needs to end.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for June 2023 Announced


Trek to Yomi looks incredible but I tired of it after a few hours on Gamepass. Jurassic World is fantastic if you have an interest in park management and dinosaurs, it's got the original music from all the films too which is a nice touch. I'll give NBA a go but SSD space is tight and I have NBA Jam TE.