Comments 228

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@get2sammyb I could yet be proven wrong but this is the type of tech where I don't see a price drop in the foreseeable future if at all. I was lucky to have the PSVR for a two week trial courtesy of Sony when it originally released but sent it back as I wasn't quite onboard despite a few great titles. This time I pulled the trigger. I like games and gaming tech and want to experience what Sony have clearly invested significant capital into. Of course VR will be better in the near future but as I get older I want to experience what is, like you said, cutting edge now.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing The Witcher 3's PS5 Upgrade?


I'm not starting until they fix the expansion issue. I had the original base game then bought the expansions on PS4 however they aren't downloadable from the PS5 store for me and some others. I can play the base game on PS5 but when I try to load a save file it says it can't load as the expansions aren't installed. See...

Re: EA Sports' College Football Reboot Returns to the Locker Room Until 2024


This series will make a ton of money and that's great news for the real life players - they deserve to finally be earning considering they put their bodies on the line for a 0.1% chance of making the NFL while the colleges and networks make billions. As a British transplant and having lived in the southern US for over eight years, the fandom is just incredible. Biggest stadiums in the world filled every week however it's really uncompetitive. Many games are hugely one sided unless big programs are playing each other which they do 2 or 3 times a season.

Re: God of War, Sony Exclusives Dominate The Game Awards Nominees


@Hindenburg I only got through 10 hours of Elden Ring before realizing the grind may not be for me however, I've got absolutely no issue with it winning game of the year. It's brought From Software games to the masses and clearly does a very specific type of game incredibly well, so much so that many developers are imitating the formula. I might continue with it when my backlog is somewhat cleared (probably impossible as an adult!). I'm yet to play Ragnarok but I know it'll be bloody tops.

Re: PSVR2 Launches 22nd February 2023, Costs $550


I'm curious to know if Sony are making as loss selling at this price point. That's generally the case with consoles with Phil Spencer recently suggesting Microsoft subsidize $150-$200 per Series X. If they are making a loss then this is simply the current state of production costs in tech. If they aren't then shame on them as software should make up for the loss long term.

Re: A Plague Tale: Requiem (PS5) - Asobo Studio Levels Up in Fantastic Narrative Treat


Loved the first game, it was a bit of a hidden gem although Gamepass surely helped it reach more gamers. The atmosphere and music was excellent, gameplay somewhat linear but perfect for the narrative. I played with French dialogue and English subtitles (same with Japanese in Ghost of Tsushima). I think it helps with immersion and somehow offsets weak or irritating dialogue! I'll be waiting for a performance patch on this new installment however.

Re: Despite Scrapping PS4, Gotham Knights Is Just 30fps on PS5


A lot will come down to the talent of the development team. I personally am fine with dynamic 4K 60fps if native is going to mean playing at 30fps. It's hard to look back with action games. They look stuttery and it's off-putting. I just started Forbidden West and the latest patches have the performance mode almost matching graphical for fidelity. No one expects consoles to keep up with PC but with the right developers and graphics options continuing the way they have been with most games, we should be in for a good generation of lovely looking games. RE Gotham Knights - this just looks like an amateur and rushed cash grab on the whole comic popularity thing.

Re: Death Stranding 2 Speculation Amplified As Sony's Marketing Bigwigs Visit Hideo Kojima


Death Stranding was my second Kojima game after MGSV which I thoroughly enjoyed. It took me until 2022 to try DS but I ended up absolutely loving it (I mostly did the main quests only). His games aren't for everyone for sure but he's telling stories in his own unique fashion and DS was amazing if a little convoluted. It would make an epic miniseries with the right budget but I'm not sure it needs another game?

Re: Horizon Forbidden West's Lance Reddick Outs Mocap Work


@jrt87 I'm admittedly not too far into Forbidden West yet but it's been underwhelming thus far with a lot of verbal hand holding (and generally lame dialogue) like the developer expected a lot of people new to the franchise. Zero Dawn was my favourite story of the last generation and didn't really need a sequel. It seems like I'm playing through a graphical showcase and not much more. I'm going to stick with it for now but it's somewhat of a disappointment.

Re: Assassin's Creed Finally Goes to Japan as Ubisoft Takes on Ghost of Tsushima


The main thing that has prevented me from playing recent Ubisoft RPGs is that they are set in the Assassin's Creed universe. They clearly have a talented development team despite perceived flaws in recent titles. Why can't they leave AC behind and come up with something original?! Saying that, I can't wait for the next Witcher saga, CD returning to their strong suit.

Re: GTA 6 Needs to Exceed Players' Expectations, Rockstar Admits


Rockstar is almost an afterthought for me nowadays. If they go in the multiplayer/online direction I'll be less interested but I may be in the minority in 2022. We have to understand there is a younger generation of gamers who eat up the online stuff and that's ok. If they update the mechanics and gameplay then I'll perhaps take a look. There is some excellent writing in the gaming industry today so Rockstar have their work cut out but you can guarantee they'll have an unbeatable soundtrack.

Re: Apex Legends Is Pulling in Insane Revenue


@Ryany In that case I'd consider myself to have lived through the golden years of gaming. Everything nowadays (not just games) seems to be leaning toward short attention spans and more of a distraction than fulfilling escapism. I've enjoyed a few live service games to be fair but it would be a shame to do away with all the other wonderful genres and types of games.

Re: PS5 VRR Support Finally Coming This Week, Select Games Receiving Extra Optimisation


You don't need HDMI 2.1 for VRR. HDMI 2.1 won't even come into it's own early this generation most likely as AAA games won't be running at 120fps in 4K (on consoles). Some online games and indie games will be the only beneficiaries. My TV has VRR and 120hz up to 1440p - it works brilliantly on the Series X. I hope Sony offers a 1440p option eventually but at this stage in the generation, many AAA games can't even hit 60fps with maximum fidelity settings.

Re: Video: Is Live Service Really the Way Forward for PlayStation?


@OrtadragoonX I can really relate to all that. For me it started with Halo 2 at University and the Lan parties where I'd meet friends of friends, sometimes in different countries when travelling and living abroad. You're spot on about staying in the same lobbies with the same people too. It's a shame they no longer work that way. The closest I've come to that was playing Warzone maybe 5 times a week during the height of the pandemic and then keeping in touch with friends of friends to this day. I'll still dip into Warzone here and there but with many friends having busy lives as parents now, it's becoming more of a seldom nostalgic treat for most of us hence my preference for good single player games. Finally and randomly, I'm a Brit living in the deep south!

Re: Video: Is Live Service Really the Way Forward for PlayStation?


Multiplayer games are great for a bit of mindless socializing with friends. Very very few, even the best co op games come close to the better single player experiences in my opinion. Going by the sales figures Sony amasses with it's exclusives, there is surely room for both for the foreseeable future. I'd argue the bulk of multiplayer games become a muscle memory situation hence the aforementioned 'mindless' description. I for one still want to be cerebrally challenged and enjoy a good story.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS5) - Dark Future RPG Is Finally Ready to Rock


@ShogunRok I'm finally enjoying the game on PS5 having owned it on PS4 but not touching it due to all the issues. My biggest takeaway however is that it feels dated in terms of certain gameplay mechanics - something it has in common with every Rockstar title in my opinion. No matter how good a story or the characters may be in these titles, 6/7 years in development ultimately leads to some aspects feeling dated by current gaming standards. Just an observation!

Re: Days Gone's Reported 8 Million Sales Not Necessarily Accurate


@Jimmer-jammer I came to Days Gone late via backwards compatibility on PS5. Brilliant game deserving of the PlayStation exclusive moniker. It doesn't need a sequel however and considering how talented Sony Bend clearly are, I'm more excited for new IP. Too many sequels and remakes out there nowadays. We need originality.

Re: Mini Review: Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line (PS5) – Mediocre Future Fighting Is Still One for the Fans


@PegasusActual93 Titanfall 2 had a very decent campaign too. I agree with your comment, Metro and Bioshock had good narratives and excellent immersion which almost put them in a category of their own but they are still FPS games in my opinion. I wouldn't say we've been spoiled for choice though. COD etc definitely do more harm to the genre than good with very little evolution between iterations and a heavy reliance on multiplayer to sell. I will admit Warzone was a revelation during the early days of the pandemic however!

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


You could certainly argue well received/reviewed games that have at minimum 10 hours of single player content are still worth $70. Multiplayer games or any you play for countless hours over months or years are certainly worth $70. Am I paying that much though? Nope. Patience is a virtue, especially with a backlog! I've had the PS5 since day one. My only purchase has been Disco Elysium. Looking forward to Returnal, Miles Morales, Rift Apart etc but I can wait.