Comments 928

Re: Mini Review: Creed Rise to Glory: Championship Edition (PSVR2) - Boxing Upgrade Bests Predecessor


No, I want a 3rd person view of cartoonish boxing / kickboxing games like K-1 World Grand Prix style with fighters on left & right side.
I don't like Punch Out style where you just only punch and dodge.
Clearly you have no idea what I want to see from boxing / kickboxing games.
I want to see cartoonish boxing / kickboxing games like these.

Why the developers don't make boxing / kickboxing games like those anymore ? 😩
Call me and I will tell them my ideas.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 467


Well, island maintenance on ACNH I meant was say hello to my villagers, checking the seasonal items from Supermarket, weeding the weeds, getting more materials, selling the crops to get more money, etc.

About Adam's Venture PS4, I found that game when I was browsing games catalogue from SOEDESCO and I found adventure game with realistic looking peoples but still safe for kids.
The game was really like PS3 style with pretty terrible graphic as you will see some textures changes when you walk through the places, the voice acting was quite terrible as the speaking volume was pretty quiet even I have set on maximum, but the gameplay was pretty chills, mostly like walking simulator with Math puzzles to continue the game.
I think I can finish Adam's Venture in 3 - 4 days.

Also, the Math puzzle from Adam's Venture PS4 I can apply for my Math Club extra curricular as the puzzle level was not too hard for grade 2 or 3 to solve. It was about counting the numbers and logical patterns.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 461


I played Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Switch. 🙂

Hooray...! 😄
I have defeated and obtained the last Esper Zodiark after used Berserk mode to defeat Zodiark. It was pretty fast and I didn't even get another Darkja from Zodiark.
Also, I finished the story line of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age just now.
It was long time ago I have ever finished FF XII PS2 version.
Now I can continue the Mob Quest and do other things in FF XII TZA.