Comments 234

Re: PS5's Commanding Console Position Is Seemingly Insurmountable


This will be my last gen of gaming for a bit. Think I'll skip ps6 and any next box and pick up a ps7.

I'm just so disappointed with the games and state of gaming in general this generation.

We're heading into year 5 of this gen and my God where are the games Sony?

Price hikes, GAAS lack of 1st party games, most games still being created with ps4 in mind instead of moving on to current gen to push things forward.

It's just the way I feel. I've been a gamer all my life so this is a real shame for me personally. 😕

Re: Concord Devs Maintain Radio Silence, Which Isn't Helping Matters


I'm not one for multilayer games myself. But they cancelled Factions. The one multilayer game. With a huge amount of positive buzz from the community. And carried on to launch a new ip that no-one was interested in.

I'm just baffled at the state of Playstation at the moment.

Trouble is the main person who should be blamed is no longer at Playstation 'cough Jim'

So the only people who will really suffer is the devs which is such a shame. You can bet they put their everything into this game.

I don't know what could have been done differently. Whether better marketing would have helped. I don't know.

Re: Oh Right, We Need to Write About Sea of Thieves Now


@HonestHick I understand what you're saying about releasing older games later down the line. Makes sense.

But if that wasn't the case and all games released on all consoles day and date. How would we decide on which console to buy.

I guess it would all be down to unique features each console had and not the actual games.

Re: PS5 Is Entering the 'Latter Half of Its Life Cycle', Says Sony


For me I feel like I'll just keep my ps 5 until ps7 is released. I just don't see any point in my buying a ps6.

I'll be able to play most ps6 games on my ps5 until about half way through the life cycle.

Then when the ps7 is released I'll only have a handful of proper ps6 exclusives to catch up on.

Re: PS Portal Sells Out In Just a Couple of Days


I may get one in the future. I tried out streaming to my Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra phone the other day. It worked really well.

I connected a controller and of I went. I tried indies and big games but found. I ended up playing smaller indie games more. I think I enjoyed those more due to the smaller screen.

There's definitely a market for Portal. Enjoy your gaming guys and gals ☺️