Comments 446

Re: January 2015 NPD: PS4 Soars Back to US Hardware Sales Summit


@get2sammyb while I agree, I will say this in regards to vg charts the past year or so. I've checked in on them pretty frequently, and they have always been in the ballpark of what the manufacturers announced and they've had those numbers a few days before the manufacturers stated them. Now I agree there's no way they are 100% accurate, but they have been pretty darn close and I don't think they are a bad reference if your giving a ballpark estimate and clarify it as such. And to clarify I consider general sales numbers, I would never go by vgchartz if your trying to prove monthly numbers. It's impossible that those are even within a few thousand sales accurate. I/e 18.5mil sales to 10mil sales is about as ballpark as I would confidently quote charts.

Re: Look, The Order: 1886 Isn't All Corridors and Cobbles


This game went the opposite of evolve for me. Evolve I wanted badly until the delay/more news came out, now it's a no buy for me. The order was off my radar until about 2 months ago, my only worry being the gears of War game play isn't my cup of tea. By that I mean slow moving, feeling like everything is stuck in mud mechanics. Il be getting this because it's only looked better and better every time i see it. Hopefully I'm not disappointed.

Re: Round Up: Dying Light's PS4 Reviews Try Not to Decay


Got about 6hrs into it so far, it's a very solid game, and a nice change of pace. Be a zombie mode is really fun especially when invading your friends game. Definitely something I don't regret buying. Now if only I could break myself away from destiny long enough to get through my backlog.

Re: Preview: The PS4 Exclusives of 2015 - The Order: 1886


Destiny is creating such an unfair backlog it's not fair. I've got 30hrs in inquisition, another 15 in far cry 4, I've to even restart gta v campaign though I did beat it twice on 360, then there's dying light, games I need to crank out with my psnow sub, I should finish watch dogs and Thief just for finishing sake, resident evil remastered as well... Gotta Lotta gaming to do before this comes out.

Re: Hardware Review: PlayStation TV - Turn Off


Had one per ordered, found out no Netflix support, and cancelled. Took another look a week or so ago because I won a 55" lg TV from a work party but it isn't a smart TV, still no Netflix support so I went a different route. Sadly I can say in all honesty not having Netflix support has to my knowledge cost them 5 sales from people I know, then another 2 because I would have gotten one for my living room, and one for the bedroom when I wound up with the extra TV. Oh well, I still have my launch ps3, Xbox 360 set up but I really wanted to take advantage of the ps4 remote play.

Re: It's a Downhill Jam in PS4 Racer DriveClub's New Japan Track


Almost pocked this up last week, but decided I will be holding off supporting them until the ps plus edition releases. On that day I will buy the entire game. I understand they have been working non stop on the game, and it's been vastly improved, and everyone with it says it's brilliant, but I'm tired of broken games. Halo Mcc was the last straw for me, I'm no longer supporting a game until it's stable and properly polished.

Re: Rumour: Destiny to Explore the Plague of Darkness in September


I myself have played entirely too much destiny, but I will say this, shadows of mordor wasn't my cup of tea. I bought it digitally, so I may go back to it, but it just never grabbed me. I put maybe 6-7hrs in it, and spent all that time hunting down captains and whatnot. That system was easily the greatest part of that game. To each their own I say.
As far as the planned dlc goes, good. There's no way they could keep a 10yr plan without constant content updates, and I look forward to what's next. I don't think anything after the dark below content was left intentionally out of they game, and also believe if gamers were more receptive to a traditional sub fee mmo we wouldn't get high priced dlc shoved out every few months. But that's for another forum.

Re: PSN Down for Some Another Day as High Volume Prompts Connection Problems


Won't lie these issues have been testing my patience. By coincidence my ps+ ran up the 23rd and haven't bothered renewing primarily because I haven't been able to connect. I love Sony, have defended them for years since the ps3 launch price fiasco (I still maintain it was a better value than buying everything piecemeal for the 360) but...I'm getting tired of these issues. Sony's great console has a great foundation and the network is causing major issues.

Re: Don't Panic, The Elder Scrolls Online's PS4 Port Definitely Still Exists


Its weird, i have it on pc and stopped playing primarily due to the game just feeling like it was built for a controller. Then theres the sub fee. Dont get me wrong when it comes to mmos im about as strongly against microtransactions as everybody, and have no issues paying a sub fee but for the game i saw? Im good. It feels like it should be buy to play.

Re: Feature: What Will Sony Announce at PlayStation Experience?


I would do dirty things for a god of war announcment, an uncharted trailer/trilogy remaster, ea surprising us with an me4 teaser, and on my list of no chance in hell would be crash, any bethesda, medievil reboot, siphon filter, gt7, twisted metal, and the last but not least guardian. Any of those no chance things happen, and i will most likely cry.

Re: You Should Expect 12 World Premieres at The Game Awards This Week


I know 3-4 years ago i enjoyed watching the show simply because of the premiers, and would set time away for it. I think it was last year they changed the format and found it unwatchable. Its nice having a gaming event with world premiers in the winter, it makes e3 a little nicer to look forward to, and splits the year in half for those of us who enjoy those types of things. Then again on my bucket list for the last 14years is to go to e3 (ive got very serious plans for 2016) and have been attempting to get to pax east for the last 3 years as well.

Re: PS4 Loses Black Friday Battle, Research Firm Claims


Own both, there are both good consoles in their own right, however the x1s ui and controller drive me insane, and the ui in particular is just convoluted and ticks me off. Even the improvements they have made to make it better are interesting in terms of how they did it. My favorite was the update that enabled shortcuts via double tapping the xbox button. I watched the new features video for that twice to get down how to do it. Meanwhile, ive never had to watch any video to learn how to use my ps4s ui, its simple, streamlined, and the controller is rock solid. That simple opinion of mine keeps my ps4 as my primary for multiplats, while my x1 is used primarily as a tv box/media box via xbox media remote which has been the best accessory i have ever bought for a console. Game wise, im not a forza fan, but was less than impressed with it, dr3 was a disapointment, titanfall was fun for 30hrs or so, sunset overdrive which was the game that convinced me to get a x1 at launch was ok, not great, but ok. Then you have the mcc, which launched so broken i never would recomend it to anyone who wanted to do any co op, or multiplayer. The co op was laggy, severe input lag, just awful experience. I have a friend who has a gamerscore over 200k, who loves halo, gears, forza, and i actually have to convince him we should do an xbox session and even then it will only last an hour or so before he rages against being on it and hops back on ps4. These people buying them i feel like are swayed by not its superiority, but because of its price (tbh the white sunset bundle had me tempted to get rid of my day one but thats because im obsessed with white consoles).

Re: MLB 15: The Show to Hit a Homerun at PlayStation Experience


My wish for 2015? Fix online franchise mode. That is all. I traded it in for my ps4 because my buddy and i both picked up a copy for franchise mode. It was lacking to put it mildly so we both wound up trading in our copies(i still play my vita copy pretty regularly though) that said, 20$ on ps4 today? Download has begun. Man i need to order a 2tb hd.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Patch Deployed to Address Online Connectivity Errors


Strange, my buddy somehow was given the patch yesterday afternoon so was unable to join anyones online session because of missing content or something like that, then i was given the patch around 1am this morning and we were able to play again. In both instances the patch was in excess of 1gb. Is this a 3rd patch? We both already had the day one patch originally.

Re: Video: How's the Latest Beta for The Crew Faring on PS4?


Played the beta on pc a few weeks back. I was moderately impressed with how my pc ran it (500$ custom build that gets a 150-200$ renovation every 2-3years) but pretty uninspired by the actual game. As with ubi games it felt convoluted and not particularly interesting, ui was a sloppy mess, the driving felt ok for an arcade racer, very similar to your horizon 2 or rivals handling. Enough for me to say no thanks to trying it out on ps4.

Re: First Impressions: How Well Does Assassin's Creed Unity Actually Run on PS4?


Reading these things is only reinforcing my decision to buy the mcc over this sadly. After ac3, which had everything going for it but needed at least a 6month delay i was hesitant on continuing my ac purchases. Then i played black flag on ps4, and i completely fell in love again. Not in the story which was paltry at best, but in the gameplay and the world. Unity was a day 1 buy after that in my opinion, but everything i saw of it just slowly whittled away at my interest. Ill be picking it up via black friday buy 2 get one deals but im hoping these issues are resolved by then.

Re: Ask Shuhei Yoshida Anything in Special PlayStation Experience Panel


My question? Why vegas? If it was boston, nyc, id be there i a flash with about 4 people in tow. Unfortunately i was the only one who could justify the flight, hotel, etc to go of my friends because ive got 4 weeks of vaca time to use ip by dec 31 or lose it. Other than that i would ask where last guardian is, whats the word on god of war, any chance of heavenly sword or medievil reboot, and finally the biggest question of all. How does it feel knowing you made the psx years ago, and your competitor is touting a modern day version of it?

Re: Rumour: Sony Plotting 'Massive' PS4 Black Friday Bundle at 'Competitive MSRP'


@TOMBOY25 knack imo was muc better than the hate it received. Im on my 6th playthrough now, and not from a lack of games either. I havent met a single person who played who didnt say they enjoyed it, and hope it doesnt get the heavenly sword treatment. Ill defend knack till im blue in the face but can acknowledge it definitely had its shortcomings, but was a better game than killzone, and much better than dr3 imo.

Re: Why Is Share Play Blocked in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on PS4?


I really wish i had known this was going to happen, i had read about it working on ghosts prior to picking up aw so i figured it would be fine. Its a feature i would have used 1-2 times max for trying out offline co op, and common sense would tell you not to even bother trying the online portion. Out of princible, and my belief this has nothing to do with presenting a subpar experience and more to do with $$ i would have not bought it, which in turn would have been enough to stop 3 other separate sales. Shame because ive enjoyed this one the most since the first blops, and it is a decent game for once.

Re: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Cracks Down on PS4 Share Play


My buddy and i were looking forward to trying exo survival on shareplay while his copy downloaded. Shame such a great feature is getting this treatment. Id understand online multiplayer, and even campaign, but local co op or local multi is a serious let down. Not to be that guy or anything but should i email activision and ask if its ok if we play when he visits while using just one copy? Its essentially the same thing in my opinion, difference is i can have someone come over, spend the day at my house, and play the entire campaign and a few hrs of multiplayer without buying it using his own profile even....

Re: Out This Week: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, and More


@get2sammyb any chance you can look into the shareplay issue with aw? Crickets on my end, and seems odd its not working. More odd that the 2 games that ive found not working are cod and minecraft. Not a conspiracy theorist or anything, and hope its just a didnt expect 2.0 patch thing, but was really looking forward to really giving shareplay a run for its money with a buddy of mine while he waited for his copy to download.

Re: Dragon Age: Inquisition's Producer Reckons Skyrim Changed the RPG Genre Completely


Ive got a cousin of mine, only really played cod and halo. One day i sat him down and told him to give skyrim a fair shake. Fast forward 2 years, and he had a save with well over 400hrs, and had not even thought about cod or halo. Skyrim was special in how accessable it was. It wasnt morrowind no. And frankly as an es lover it wasnt even oblivion. But it was outstanding enough to still be played constantly, for me to buy it 5 times (1 copy each console/pc and 2 gifts) along with the collectors edition, and i will whole heartedly agree with him.

Re: PS4 Rest Mode Boot Problems Prompt the Strangest Fixes


Happened to me once, before i had read of any issues. Power button was unresponsive so had to pull the plug. Since then no further issues, and shareplay has been a ton of fun with my friends, whether it be taking down legendary ships in black flag, doing the co op knack, letting a friend play an hour or 2 of second son, or the always interesting octodad co op but with roullet mode activated. Outside of my one issue, 2.0 has been a great update.

Re: Feature: How Has the PS4 Fared in Its First Year?


Id give it a solid B+. I bought mine knowing that unlike last gen, id be using my ps4 for multiplats as well as exclusives, and thanks to the impeccable controller, the general psn stability, the interface being simple and intuitive, the steady stream of games, and gameplay recording/upload, i have enjoyed every moment of my ps4. Does psn need improving? Absolutely. Do they need to better layout firmware updates, server maint days, etc? Yes. Do i want to be able to change the name i picked out inebriated in 07? That would be outstanding. Meanwhile i give my x1 a solid c+. Works great as an all in one, love watching cable with the xbox media remote (best peripheral possibly ever for me), the exlusive so far minus sunset overdrive were incredibly meh but again, minus second son ps4 has had the same problem. The ui is...awful imo, i really hate that as of now ive watched upwards of 30 minutes of tutorials on how to do things in the ui which ive never had to do for a single product. Ever. Its only a year folks. Ps3 didnt hit its stride till 08/09, and 360 was falling apart (i know mine spent 3 months in a microsoft repair shop the first 15 months i had it) until the slimline came out. This year will be better regardless of the console.

Re: Round Up: Your Ultimate Guide to PS4 Firmware Update 2.00


Voted good, i like the major additions, and really like the little touches as well. What kept it from being very good was pretty simple stuff that i wont use but know many are waiting for. Mp3 to hard drive support, we only have 2 usbs sony, and mine is occupied by a charging cable and headset cable. Dlna support, because people want to stream their family videos . An ability to appear offline, or set your status to private, some of us have had our friends list explode from destiny raids, and have guilty conscience when we ignor an invite to help someone in a raid. Oh and can i change my name please without saying goodbye to my trophies and digital games? That would also be nice.

Re: These Are the Things You'll Be Able to Do in Grand Theft Auto V PS4 That You Can't on PS3


Ive got one question. Exactly what is being added to the online portion. I know most of this stuff is single player only, but im hoping the vehicles, stock car missions, the plethora of wildlife, are confirmed as being added to online as well. Ill only be buying it if my buddies and i can do new things together, otherwise, well it is coming out the same day as dragon age and far cry.

Re: Talking Point: How Does Sony Solve a Problem Like Xbox One Price Cuts?


Time for sony to go for the knockout in my humble opinion. Drop it to 299.99$ through jan first, then 349$ regular. Heres a scary thought though. Could MS strategy be to strong arm sony out of the race by price drops, throwing its $$ at exclusives, and just in general using its cash to dominate the ecosystem? I seem to remember a similar fate happening to the dreamcast. Its my biggest fear, and a day that would surely send me back to my keyboard and mouse, but its something ive always got in the back of my head

Re: Ratchet & Clank's PS4 Remake Will Include All New Assets


@jmburks my xbox one has been a glorified cable box since launch, with the selling factor being sunset overdrive. Wishing i had held out though, that white one is a beaut. Cant complain tho, because of the x1 i was able to get rid of my 10$ a month cable box and downgrade to an hddtu instead free of charge. So as of next month, ive saved 120$ over the year in cable bills thanks to my x1! Meanwhile the ps4 sits happily in the man cave, played daily with no violation of its rights by having the frozen blu ray stuck in it once a week so i know its happy there.