Comments 446

Re: Gosh Darn, The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine's PS4 Box Art Is Pure Hype


Oh the witcher. The greatest game I ever sunk 125 hours into without coming close to beating. When I saw my game time, and how little I had actually done, I felt so defeated I took a break (if I'm being honest, around that time I had sort of a mental breakdown from overworking myself which left me unable to do a lot of things for a month so that probably was the main reason I didn't continue) and have yet to be able to bring myself back. Sad though. Everything about that game was so perfect, the depth of inventory and crafting was very intimidating even after all the hours I put in being the only "downfall", that I look at the game shamefully in my collection. One day I tell myself I will finish.

Re: Bungie Really Wants You to Get Back into Destiny


Nope, they took too long with no information given, and continue to Ignor their community. They have lied about micros, over and over again, and if you think the infusion system wasn't changed to the way it will be tomorrow to increase those 3 armor sets you can buy sales well I've got this bridge for sale. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed destiny up until a few months after ttk came out. I defended it in so many ways seeing the promise that it holds, but I've given up. Sure it helps that there is something else my friends and I can enjoy together now, but we gave bungie every last opportunity to implement things it's community have been begging for since launch (except trading and matchmaking for raids, that's just daft imo for destiny). When pve suffers because of a constant imbalance in the pvp world, and they have had ample opportunity to correct that by introducing pvp specific armor and weapon sets that could be nerfed/buffedseparately, along with talent trees that could have been reworked for pvp/pve builds, it's just maddening. Before I go off on a tangent I will stop. I wish I wasn't walking away but I think it's for good. I will instead enjoy day 1 of incursions before I sink my teeth into dark souls.

Re: Uncharted 4 Has One of Naughty Dog's Best Openings, Says Dev


I seriously don't know how they can top the last of us opening. Its certainly one of the more emotional openings in gaming that I've experienced. Hell, just hearing from a friend how good it was (i didn't have a ps3 when it launched) put me on a last of us media blackout that lasted until the game came out on ps4. Being someone who reads a lot of gaming news going from the last of us lauch, to its remaster release without knowing what happened or anything about the game really is something I consider to be an achievement in itself. Just the fact that the game lived up to its hype as did it's opening is a statement to the games strength. Uncharted is going to have to really pull out all of its strengths to top that. We are so close, yet so far to seeing if the proof is in the pudding.

Re: Review: Resident Evil 6 (PS4)


Wake me up when we hit resident evil 4. At least then I can play a good resident evil (5 was a good co op game but not resident evil game imo). Is nemesis coming the month after 4 or are we getting 4 then the one they know we all are waiting for (2). Nemesis was good but it was more action oriented and in my opinion the first time we saw a crack in the resident evil franchise (even if 4s brilliance made me believe again).

Re: PS4K Would Be a Gigantic Pain in the Ass, Reckons BioWare Founder


So long as it doesn't split the library, and the ps4 is compatible with all games up until ps5 release (then the ps4k would be compatible with all game up until 5k release) and the 4k is bc with all ps4 games, and cross console gaming/interactions is a thing I fail to see the issue. Essentially so long as the ps4k is extra eye candy/4k video support I don't see the issue. My only complaint and it's a minor one, is that both sony and ms stated that ps4 and x1 would be getting 4k video support down the road and that has yet to be mentioned. I don't have a 4k tv, and won't until the end of this year so it's not a big deal for me, but I can see where some people would have an issue.

Re: Opinion: Three Basic Firmware Features That Would Make PS4 Way Better


@get2sammyb library filtering would be my most requested behind name change support. Surely you remember when you couldn't stream trailers and had to "but" and download them? Looking at my video library is an absolute mess and something that's just so unpleasant to look at. Sure I just change view to most recent purchase, but I would love to either have a separate trailer folder, or remove anything from my library that was either trailer or demo. Demos now are not that huge of a deal, but alpha/betas are littering my library as well. Its hilarious though to see which movies I had downloaded trailers for almost 10 years ago I will say that.

Re: Bethesda's Already Hyping Its E3 2016 Showing


Considering skyrim came out 11/11/11 I'm hoping for an es announcement or bust. Whether it be skyrim remaster, or es6 or maybe, just maybe an es collection (would have oblivion and skyrim but sadly no morrowind) it doesn't matter so long as I'm back in tamriel sooner rather than later. Hell at this point I could get in board skyrim being added to x1 bc list. Yes I can play it on pc with all the goodies, but it's just not the same.

Re: DOOM PS4 Open Beta, Post-Release Plan Revealed


I am looking forward to doom, after playing the multiplayer beta it feels right, warpath is a blast. However, I'm still hurt by leaving out campaign co op, I know of a few people who had been looking forward to its arrival who cancelled their pre order upon hearing, and I know I may just activate my gamefly for a month to crank out the campaign because no co op takes away a play through or 2 from me. It sucks that it's not there, but it also sucks that my gaming habit the past few years has been so heavily co op based. Just got used to playing with friends, with the major exceptions being uncharted, elder scrolls, mass effect, god of war, bioshock. Single player games generally get one or two plays before they begin collecting dust. May just gamefly, beat the campaign, and wait for the goty edition with all dlc and hopefully expac.

Re: Urgh! Could There Be More Greek Mythology on the Way in God of War PS4?


As much as I love god of war. As much as I love kratos, his ending was god of war 3. I don't even look at ascension because I consider 1,2 and 3 the only games of the God of war trilogy, and among the greatest trilogy of gaming history. The way 3 ended was just so perfect. One of the finest endings for a character as I can imagine. I truly hope we get a completely different series set in different mythology. Or you know, maybe they revisit a true classic that deserves more than in got in heavenly sword.

Re: So, the PS4K Has Been Under Our Nose All Along


In defense of all this, I do remember though during e3 sony stating that 4k video support would be coming down the road in a ps4 update. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I remember both sony and ms refering to 4k video support for the current consoles. Still, both sony and ms have my money when/if they decide to go this route.

Re: Soapbox: Why I Don't Think PS4K Is Okay


I highly doubt if this is true, it would mean separating playerbases. I imagine the ps4k will be for those of us who want that added oompf, but it would not mean separate titles, games etc. Until the ps5 comes around, which I imagine would relegate the ps4k to what ps4 status would be. Because of the architecture, I believe they will be backwards/forwards compatible, and would simply have pc style graphics settings depending on which console you put the disc in. If they did split the playerbase, it would be an epic failure unless ps4k is releasing 2018 at the earliest (5yr mark)

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Final Fantasy XV?


Its going to take a miracle to get me back into ff. I've been away from the series since 10, tried a few times to get into 14 online but squares maddening login setup and not getting a confirmation email for a long long time kept me from playing. I recently finally was able to complete setting up my square account, downloaded the trial, launched the game, only to find a massive, massive in client patch that wouldn't download in the background so I said screw it. Mind you this was the 5th time I had dowloaded the trial and attempted to set up an account. I want xv to recapture the glory and bring me back, but I'm just not so sure anymore and my faith/trust has been damaged by square over the years with the final nail in the coffin being the tomb raider sequel decision.

Re: There's a Free Final Fantasy XV Demo Coming, According to Leak


@get2sammyb I was happy when I heard demo, sad when I read not in the game. Its going to take either jaw dropping reviews, or a game demo that sucks me in or most likely both to get me to buy. I just feel that this franchise has moved so far past what made vii and for me at least x so enjoyable and surprising. It could also be that because of the elder scrolls I've also just moved on completely from jrpgs, I just don't know anymore. My inner nerd wants me to get back into jrpgs when looking at the fun I had in lunar silver star, and the ff games of past, but my current gaming palate looks at the current state of them and winces.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Dark Souls III Does Massive Damage as PS4 Comes Out on Top


I've never been a huge fan of let's plays or twitch streaming, watching maybe a minute or two just to check out random games once every few months. But yesterday I found myself glued to it watching someone run through dark souls 3. The tanky style of previous souls games never suited me, but watching 3 I was pleasantly surprised. It looks like they really nailed it, and my hype meter is officially full. After a little over an hour of watching that stream I'm so ready it's not funny.

Re: Rumour: Call of Duty May Be Flying to the Moon


Ugh. If that's the case what was a 95% pass becomes a 100% pass. As it is I was passing if it was anything past modern (you know, no exo, actual guns, normal killstreaks) with a hope for a return to either ww2 or even just a simple mw collection would have a good chance to get my money. Looks like treyarch is the only one left who will get my money I guess, and even that is largely dependant on the quality of zombies.

Re: Evidence for Supercharged PS4.5 Console Mounts


As I've stated before, so long as it doesn't split the generation and is instead just an upgraded ps4 with more eye candy I'm all for it. I actually hoped that with the introduction of pc architecture into this gen, this would happen on the assumption that there would be no games/feature that wasn't on either one, but instead would just give those of us who want to upgrade early the option to do so for more eye candy, higher resolution. I fail to see why this is an issue in this case, no one with a ps4 would be left behind, it's not like the differences would cause the ps4 version to be made by a port developer, like pc each disc would have the option of 2 settings depending on which console it was placed in. You could seamlessly use the same disc for ps4 as you would use in ps4k, could still play with the other console, even using shareplay. Sure the end of the generation could get murkey, but a simple "playable on ps4, optimized for ps4k" sticker on all games would easily clear up any confusion.

Re: Talking Point: What's Gone Wrong with PlayStation Plus?


I might be one of the few that's happy with the service. The reason being that I've always viewed ps plus as what I believe it's original intention and ongoing intention to be. A way to finance overhauling the backend of psn without breaking the bank on Sony's end. There is no doubt that psn since the early days of plus has gotten infinitely better with time, the store has gotten better, heck we get darn good sales it seems like twice a month that make me seriously consider breaking out the wallet. Still being so early in the generation, and not having the funds that Microsoft does to secure more popular titles, what has been made available is fine by me, mainly because of how rock solid psn has been overall.

Maybe it's because I look at ps plus the way I used to look at xbl, but anything on top of good service, a well designed and fast store, decent sales, and ongoing inovations like shareplay and psnow (which I also think plus subscribers helped finance) I consider a bonus. Sure I would wish that at least once a quarter they would release a knack or killzone, or infamous, but I would much rather more consistent psn connection, faster downloads, better sales, and ongoing inovation to how we play online than a free aaa title I either most likely own, or wasn't interested in in the first place.

Re: Soapbox: Why I Trust Sony to Do the Right Thing with PS4.5


I think the only thing I would disagree with you is sony misreading the market with ps3. It had built in Wi-Fi (100$ extra for 360), blu ray build in (200$ add-on for 360 in the form of hddvd) then it had easily swappable hd, a controller that lasted years in battery life, just overall it's price was at the time to anyone who did research an absolute steal. I think it was there lack of fully understanding what online gaming, and party chat fully meant to the generation. As a member of the blu ray conglomerate, they couldn't afford to make it optional in the ps3, especially with the early gains hddvd had over blu ray, they needed that blu ray player built in as a sort of Trojan horse in the household. Losing that battle would have cost sony and other members of that group so much money i think the losses in sales for the ps3 (which did sell out consistently, but manufacturing issues were plenty) were more than acceptable.

Overall though it seems sony and Microsoft completely flip flopped this gen verses last, especially at the start, and it cost Microsoft dearly in the states.

Re: God of War Maker Hiring for Massive PS4 Exclusive


@crazykcarter I definitely don't think it's unloved, the first 3 were absolutely brilliant and rank among the best rated trilogys ever. Not to mention God of war 3 ended on one of the best high notes I've ever seen, the perfect send off. The problem comes down to ascension, and the belief that kratos story is done (should have been after 3), and it's time to move on. I'm excited either way, I just believe 3 should have been the end for kratos story, it just ended so violently and perfectly.

Re: Rumour: Sony's Building a Supercharged PS4 Console


I've been saying for a while now the move to pc like architecture is going to change the way we think about traditional hardware cycles, with at the time (2013) my thinking being the next consoles would hit in 2018 and be fully backwards compatible, have cross console multiplayer/party chat, etc. My thought being down the road we will see on retail boxes something like "optimized for ps5, compatible with ps4" same disc, but settings change based on which console its put in. This would last for 7-8 years, until at which time game support would cease giving it a traditional lifespan, and ps6 would release.

I think with how apu, gpu, ram, etc evolve relatively quickly, you will see consoles still keep their current cycle, you will see the new gen start earlier in order to remain relatively competitive graphics wise with pc. The big thing though is that for the remaining 3-4 years of a consoles cycle, the difference between the 2 can only be non gaming differences, any perceived slight or limitation gaming wise other than graphics, frame rate, etc. Will seriously upset the balance and cause plenty of consumer confusion especially if full bc and a 3-4year full forwards compatibility does not exist. Failure to do this would drive many away from consoles and toward the pc marketplace.

Sorry for the long post, but this is something that if properly done makes a lot of sense, and I fully support a shorter life span if it means these things are implemented and done properly with the consumers in mind. The early upgrad must be seen as a voluntary choice, not something your doing because you know within the year your console you bought 4-5years ago will be more or less obsolete.

Re: Want a 20th Anniversary PS4 Console Signed by Naughty Dog? Here's How


If I had that kind of funds I would be pleased to. Goes toward a good cause, and is one neck of a piece of memorabilia. I mean, if I bought it I would never turn it on, instead I would build a plexiglass wall frame for it and sneak in a line of the ps4 blue led (the pulsing blue light which should be the on color but anyways...) at the bottom to light it in a nice soft blue. Sadly I like so many others missed out on the 20th anny console, but I guess I will make do with the 2 20th anny controllers I have. Oh well. First world problems.

Re: Would You Kindly Feast Your Eyes on BioShock PS4's Pretty Box Art?


My hope rises, and that cover art. Please let there be a steelbook edition of that cover art. My final 2 remaster requests? Me trilogy, Skyrim remastered (won't happen, and I can live I guess...) that games got to be the worst kept secret ever, 2k please make it official, the sooner the better. Though right now litterally all my gaming time is wrapped up in the division which is my personal game of the year at this early point.

Re: PlayStation VR Can Act as a Screen for All of Your PS4 Games


When I original heard about this feature it became the selling point. Movies, fps games, racers with or without support, pt, outlast, etc. All would get an incredible amount of use from me. Now that it's been confirmed I'm really excited about it. Going to keep it from being a seldom used accessory imo, but they need to make sure they market this aspect as well as the vr stuff, because I think this could move just as many, if not more people to buy it.

Re: Guide: The Division PS4 - Skills, Talents, Stats, and Perks Explained


The real trouble comes once you start gearing up to for your playstyle, certain traits on weapons require x number of points in different stats in order to activate, then gear has modifiers that give you things like extra damage/protection from elites, increased haste to shorten cooldowns, and your higher gear will have perks associated with specific abilitys, say longer pulse, wider aoe on c4, more hp for riotshield, etc. Combining all these to create a specific build for how you play can be very time consuming, with a lot more depth than a simple red/green numbers in the big 3 stats. My first to yellows were armor pieces I got last night and today, was excited till I saw not only lower armor, and 1 green vs 2 red, but it's modifiers had no help to either of my main playstyle (healing or tank like role depending).

So far my personal very early vote for goty. Just a ton of fun, and I'm hopelessly addicted already.

Re: PlayStation Vue Begins Broadcasting Nationwide in USA


@Cowboysfan-22 be careful, streaming using a ton of bandwidtth, make sure where you move (if possible) the provider does not have a data cap. My provider isn't the most reliable, but the have good speeds 115/15 for 70 and no cap.

I signed up for it last night, have been waiting for it to come to my area (new england) for a while now. I got the highest tier for now, but will be changing to the middle tier after the trial. So far I'm pretty impressed, I really like that you can watch the last episode or 2 that aired. For 35 or 39 or whatever it is Its 2/3 of the price of basic cable with no dvr, in demand, etc. And I can do vue, with netflix and hulu and HBO now for around 65 a month. Not bad at all considering my basic cable was around 100 with no extras or even the majority of channels I watched. Good move by sony, I hope it really catches on.

Re: Apollo 11 Takes One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind on PlayStation VR


Something like this could open an entirely new way of looking at things. Imagine being able via vr to walk around dealy plaza during the JFK parade, to be at pearl harbor or d day, to storm normandy, so many crucial parts of history that one could experience, maybe not be particularly interactive, but to get the closest sense of being there, to see it, is a truly powerful thing.

Re: The Division Is Ubisoft's Fastest Selling Game of All Time


@Midzark thank you, I was on the destiny forums earlier answering some questions for people who were on the fence about buying it, and one of the common statements was shooting was subpar and enemies were bullet sponges. As far as a 3rd person shooter goes, there's only varying degrees of acceptable shooting mechanics, which this game feels not much different than a tomb raider, uncharted, gears, or gta. I got some serious hate mail over the gears reference, but Imo it's very similar minus a tank like movement system, visceral combat, and satisfying melee.

Re: The Division Is Ubisoft's Fastest Selling Game of All Time


As I put in another article, I am loving the game. After 20hrs on each beta, up to 22 on the game. Its safe to say the hype is real for me. Funny considering until the first closed beta the game Had zero interest from my friends and I due to ubisofts paltry titles post black flag. Only reason why we even did the Amazon pre order for the code was to kill a weekend playing something that wasmt destiny whose content and complete lack of communication had become very old. After that weekend though it was 8 gold editions preordered. Funny how things work out.

Re: Live: Watch As We Go Hands On with The Division on PS4


Taking a break after pulling my first all nighter since skyrim, man am I enjoying the game. Had some friends up with me till around 5:30, then was playing solo for about an hour until some other friends hopped on who called it a night when the servers went down. I've got the day off, getting the kid off to school, it's going to be a turn the clock back kind of day for me.

Re: The Division's Servers Are Up Earlier than Expected


I haven't been lucky enough to get a game early since the Amazon shipping fiasco with mw2 where I had the game accidentally shipped to me 2 whole weeks prior to launch. One of the downfalls of digital, there's no way to unlock the game prior to its unlock time. Another downfall to digital is no secondary market to sell licenses but maybe someday relatively soon that will change. After all of a digital Marketplace is the future, developers have got to realize until selling, trading in licenses is a reality brick and mortar will always exist.

Re: Soapbox: Why Do We Treat Gaming Like a Chore?


For me it all comes down to enjoyment. I will give a game a certain period of time to get into, and if I wind up playing something else, I won't touch it for months, then one day I will look at it and say I've got to finish this. Shadows of mordor, far cry 4, dying light, were all well received but for each ones individual reason I just couldn't do it. Far cry was ruined launch day when I spent 6 or so hours doing a ton of stuff with a friend, then finding out I had to do it all over again in my own save. Shadows combat just always rubbed me the wrong way, even if the nemesis system was something that was absolutely brilliant. Dying light really came down to my friends and I got it to play together and by luck I wound up putting in a couple weeks where I was unable to play because of a crazy work schedule. Then there is the witcher. Man I loved that game, but one day I saw my gameplay time (over 6 days) and looked at my level and the map, and just felt this rush of defeat. I had not even made a dent.

Each game had its own reason for getting waitlisted, and each time I look at one I look at it in shame, knowing that I could finish it, but restarting is such a chore, and continuing the save is very disrupting after months of walking away. Its a combination of wasted $$, that drive to beat a game, a like for a series, and competition with friends that generally drives me.

Re: The Uncharted 4 Beta Is Now Live on PS4


Well, same issue I had last beta, game won't even let me into the menu because of nat type issue? Mine is type 2, never have any issues in multiplayer with any games, the beta even states to make sure nat type is 1,2 or 3...anybody know of a fix?

Re: PlayStation Vue Price Cuts May Convince You to Cut the Cable


The moment it's in my area I will finally have cable again. Tried (and I'm drawing a blank along tv?) on my x1, it was rather painful a lot of times, especially for any live sporting event, and the past few years I've just gone with netflix, hulu, prime, and now hbo now the past year. Got rid of cable because even basic hd cable with no dvr in my area added $88 a month, 119 if I got digital plus that had channels I actually watched.

Re: Naughty Dog Started Uncharted 4's Story Again


I still think the games going to end on a drake being presumed dead moment. Come ps5 announcement we will get a teaser, "they said I was dead, that I wasn't coming back" and boom. Uncharted 5, launching exclusively with the ps5. The big problem nowadays is they could never keep it a secret long enough for it to be the Mic drop moment at the end of the show. Either way, if this is really the end I will be happy, after all kratos deserved the God of war 3 sendoff that should have ended his story even if I'm salivating for God of war 4.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Fast Travel in Open World Games?


Il use it from time to time, but this is also why games with plenty of sidequests is a must. Its also how on some games I will burn myself out however, with the sound track being very important in keeping me immersed. The witcher for example has a great soundtrack, but some of it is jarring enough that I will stop straying off the beaten path and instead just start fast travelling. This I think is where the elder scrolls series shines, it's soundtrack through and through makes me lose complete track of time, thus I wind up just wandering aimlessly for hours and hours.

**just also wanted to throw mass effect in there as well, not open world, but there is no way I spend hours probing planets without that music.**

Re: PS4 Remains the Best Place to Play, Says Sony


No complaints here, just wish they would make a few firmware changes and change how the library sorting works. I have to browse through so many trailers while also looking for my owned movies and the same goes when looking at my owned games list. Other than that my friends and I all made a change in primary console this gen (though I've always banged the ps drum, party chat kept my friends on xbox) and we haven't had regrets.

Re: Ubisoft Really Is Desperate to Break Records with The Division


@LieutenantFatman the game definitely seems to be weighted towards those types of weapons, but I will say yesterday one of the dz checkpoints sold a modified smg (uzi I just can't remember it's exact name) that pushed the yellow liberator to secondary position. With my build it had over 5600 dps and just decimated everything. My friends and I absolutely loved both betas, can't wait for the 8th.