Comments 446

Re: Sony CEO Kaz Hirai Is Absolutely Raking in the Cash


That tweet is without a doubt the funniest thing I have ever seen from a companies executive even if I'm not in the habit of following executives on Twitter. Considering the enormous bonuses company execs tend to give themselves consistently this is actually a pretty small bonus here in the us at least. I constantly read of someone getting a 10-25 million dollar bonus. There is actually a story that came out a few days ago regarding the director of a non profit, focused on giving out scholarships to the underprivileged getting a bonus of around 1 million dollars or something along those lines while the non profit gave out under 700k in scholarships for the year. That story to read was just disgusting, I believe he reportedly spent an hour a week on average actually doing work for the non profit, and had multiple family members working there with the secretary taking home something like 80k a year. Again, at a non profit that had a value of 25 mil and only gave out under 700k in scholarships for the year.

When you look at something like that and then see someone who played a massive role in turning around a sinking ship I believe kaz absolutely deserved what he gets. Plus if the company was still in the red I am sure he would do what they did the past few years and forego there bonuses. Something like that would never be done here in the us or at least I have never heard of it that I can remember.

Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda Development Is 'Healthy' Says BioWare


Andromedas pretty much no show at e3 was heart breaking and almost completely ruined eas pressed for me. It's not like I want a tell all, just some concrete information and combat gameplay, along with a brief 20-30 second showing of the dialog system. What's sad I think is those of us scouring for any info that's pretty much all we want I think, just something to show us that yes it is still mass effect, and it's been improved on what made us love the first trilogy.

Re: E3 2016: Attendance Drops as E3 2017 Is Dated


@sub12 oh I know, having them move it around is realistically an absolute nightmare especially for those involved and would only have the effect of driving more companies away because of the costs. But selfishly I would love to see it closer to home, though for years now I've been attempting to get tickets to pax east only to have them sell out quickly and I'm not paying the crazy prices the secondary market gets for them. One thing they could do is to make it larger, longer, have it be a true weeklong experience and a massive celebration of the gaming industry as a whole. Get the pc market way more involved with hardware announcements and more pc gaming announcements. As stated I just love everything e3 so my bias is a bit out there.

Re: E3 2016: Attendance Drops as E3 2017 Is Dated


I think e3 will always be around, but I for one would love them to move it around the US if only for my sake an E3 in Boston would make crossing going to e3 off of my bucket list. Hell even if they held it in NYC. It ranks only behind going to Rome on my list of things to do before I die, and in my house it's widely known that the 1 or 2 days of press conferences is my 2 days of not being a husband or father (barring emergency of course) and my wife grants this usually taking my daughter to visit family those 2 days. I love everything about e3, what it celebrates and promotes, and hope it never goes away.

Re: E3 2016: PS4 Architect Mark Cerny Is Working on Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding


From the looks of it it appears they were using something from quantic dream. I may be way off base here but wasn't there a tech demo that quantic showed off called the wizard or something like that and one of the advantages was being able to utilize real people and have them rendered in real time with little input from developers? Like I said I may be way off here but it wouldn't surprise me if reedus came in, did a few days work doing the movements, and the past couple months were spent designing and building the world around him?

Re: E3 2016: PS4K Is An Addition to the Existing PS4, Says House


I firmly believe Microsoft is on a road to do something truly special behind the leadership of spencer and the windows as a platform movement. I posted on another site which I will not link to out of respect for push square a rather lengthy post about my theory on this and will try and simplify and shorten it. With the arrival of Scorpio next year I can easily see a few things happening. Microsoft figuring out a way to make not just their own published games Windows 10/ Xbox supported but also multiplats with developers being able o choose whether or not to support the play anywhere program. Microsoft convincing valve to release a Windows 10 (and by extension Xbox one/Scorpio) app in which you would have full access to your steam library. And finally (something I really hope they do regardless) announcing oem license sales of the Xbox one os so that the public would be able to create there own project Scorpio with full access to all Xbox one and scorpion games along with support for the newly announced steam app

I'm going to leave it there but any thoughts or ideas let me know.

Re: Talking Point: Can Sony Beat Microsoft's E3 2016 Briefing?


@FullbringIchigo honestly you have a point, but considering Windows 10 as a platform if ms can figure out a way to get a steam app on the Xbox which has full access to your library and monopolize the steam machine market while also unifying the pc and console market outside of Sony and Nintendo it could be a very huge advancement.

Re: E3 2016: Skyrim: Special Edition Brings Way Better Graphics to PS4 This Year


@Wazeddie22 oh my wife is more than aware. We've been together 10 years, and she's always been pretty cool with the gamer side of things, mostly because I don't usually game until both her and the kid are asleep barring a long awaited release or something that I'm playing with friends during the late afternoon/evening (Tuesday's generally for destiny reset). I wish I could give you good new on the old games coming forward but it won't happen. Even this for bethesda is an incredibly strange and rare occurrence that's makes me believe ES VI is farther away than even the skeptics among us believe.

Re: Reaction: E3 2016's Off to a Very Disappointing Start


Despite the joy I found in the skyrim remaster, I am still speechless that bioware even bothered showing up with that type of video. Last year? Sure it's completely understandable, but this year? What's the point. It completely threw the ea presser off track for me after a great titanfall 2 showing, and thankfully we were treated to a few full multiplayer battlefield 1 matches that just looks so incredibly good which lessened the sting. That 20 minutes on Fifa regardless of how fun it is would have been much better served even having the guy from the dishonored 2 showing come out and tell us about mass effect without showing anything at all and just talking against the mass effect soundtrack. I do think though that Microsoft has something big up its sleeve (outside of the slim x1) so I hope Sony is prepared to land a couple swings as well.

Re: E3 2016: Skyrim: Special Edition Brings Way Better Graphics to PS4 This Year


@Wazeddie22 absolutely agree. I have a feeling though that this version will be pretty rock solid. I probably shouldn't say how much time I've spent in skyrim between both consoles and pc though huh? Let's just say that for a wedding present my cousins pitched in and got me the collectors edition on 360 (I finally got married just over a year ago), my buddy who is a graphic designer made me a poster of dovahkin with my nickname that pretty much my entire family calls me (skyrimtim) etched into a mountainside, and my other friend got me the elder scrolls anthology for pc. Sadly It's not just skyrim that I'm like this with.

Since being introduced to daggerfall when I was a kid I've been hooked on tamriel and its lore for a long time. The elderscrolls series is the only media I get full on nerd for whether it be games, movies, or books/comics. There was a brief forgotten realms obsession thanks to balders gate 1/2 and icewind dale but morrowind snapped me away from that relatively quickly and until skyrim held my longest time spent in a game not including wow at close to 900hrs across 2 save. There is just something about the ES world that speaks to me and I wish I knew why.

Re: E3 2016: Skyrim: Special Edition Brings Way Better Graphics to PS4 This Year


@Wazeddie22 I was in I'm pretty positive an incredibly small percentage of player who experience incredibly little issues on PS3. Oddly enough I got to just over 500 hours on my PS3 save (my PS3 was the launch edition 60gb version if that matters) before I let my younger cousin borrow it. He deleted my save which to this day he has not lived down. But at that point I decided to start playing on 360 to see what all the praise was about. Went fine until my first trip to winter hold. Loaded in and I had a dragon stuck in the walls of the college. About died laughing from the absurdity that I went so many hours without noticing many glitches on PS3 only to find a major one within maybe 10 hours into the supposedly (and soundly agreed) superior version. I'm so stoked to play this on my ps4 this fall it's not even funny though.

Re: E3 2016: Here's Your Annual Mass Effect: Andromeda PS4 No-Show


I'm still crushed by the complete lack of info we got. It's one thing for a game that's more than a year our or so, it's a complete other story for a game that was due to launch a mere few months from now until a few weeks back. There's still so incredibly little we know other than its set in the mass effect universe with species we are already familiar with and the mako is making a return. I just really thought that the 20 minutes they spent on Fifa was going to be occupied by mass effect and Fifa would get the amount of time madden or mass effect got. At least titanfall 2 and battlefield 1 showed up in strength to cover EA's behind on what was otherwise a very lackluster showing with no skate 4, fight night, or really anything of major news outside of the usual staples. Sure Star Wars made an appearance, and I'm really excited to see what visceral does with the franchise but the major selling point of their e3 conference was a potentially earth shattering mass effect andromeda reveal worthy of winning e3 and the rest of the summer along with a lost opportunity to announce the winter release day/special and collectors editions. If they had done all this today I would bet those collectors editions would already be sold out and the web would be talking about an e3 presser for the ages.

Re: Sony's Really Got E3 2016 Leaks on Lockdown


@finalstan you my friend...are no friend of mine anymore. I can take solace in knowing that as of right now my daughter is watching animaniacs which I introduced her to a week or so ago. And I made her copies of frozen (yes copies via gifts) disappear for long enough that we haven't been subjected to it In a while. First time I saw it I thought it was terrible, second time I saw some humor to it, but the following 850 times was just nauseating.

Re: Guide: What Time Do Bethesda, EA's E3 2016 Press Conferences Start?


Hoping for a mass effect andromeda gameplay segment along with plenty of juicy details, release date and collectors edition announcement to go with the trilogy remaster, fight night comeback, and....I think that really may be it with my ea wishes though wouldn't it be funny with the backlash of the cod mw remaster if ea announced a Medal of Honor, pacific assault, and allied assault full tilt remaster with multiplayer added to the allied assault with the highlight being 64 player axis vs allied storming of Normandy with "levolution"! Won't happen but it would be pretty funny and honestly I wouldn't mind seeing those 3 games completely redone and a 64 player fully destructible d day just sounds too tempting.

Re: Sony's Really Got E3 2016 Leaks on Lockdown


@themcnoisy ah the joys of parenthood! My daughter is 6 so now we have dance and whatnot to shuttle back and forth. I almost, almost had her on the sports route, she watched baseball, American football, basketball, then my mother took her to see Frozen and it's been all Disney princesses dancing and singing since. Years of sports got thrown away with one 2hr trip to the theater with her grandma. Oh well, my wife and kid know that e3 is a religious holiday for me so they will be leaving tomorrow afternoon and won't be back till tuesday. It's my early Father's Day/ 2 days off from being husband and dad for each year.

Re: Looks Like There'll Be Two Titanfall 2 Collector's Editions


@Boerewors I know so many were turned off by the price, for me it came down to my ultimate faith in the guys from respawn, and the sheer ridiculousness of the size of the statue. Plus where it sits on the top shelf of my desk the titan is aiming right at me while I'm gaming which in my own twisted way i find hilarious. I imagine the normal version will be 120, and the helmet $250.

Re: There's Mounting Speculation That Knack's Coming Back


@get2sammyb what I've noticed with knack is the vast majority of people on this board, as well as others and through talking with people in party or in person is that it's agreed to be a pretty average game, but it was undeniably fun and a lot believe it was worthy of a higher score (not by much) and doesn't deserve the lambasting it tends to get. This is also why I think a crash or Spyro reboot is tricky.

Go back and play the old ones that are looked on so fondly, I have in an effort to compare those verses knack, and you will find them to be eerily similar. Fun games, a story that tends toward who really cares, and gameplay that at times you see disconnect from what your inputs actually are (look at big knacks footwork/hands while moving or climbing).

Comparing a current game with older games is not the way to go, but just in a quick sort of overall view in what makes those game fondly looked at, and what makes knack looked at favorably by those who enjoyed it and you see a similar pattern though. All of them were questionable in story telling, input and movement gave a hint of input delay, you use the same few moves throughout with no real variety (like God of wars square square triangle pattern), but and here is the big but, they are undeniably stupid simple fun.

You start them up, go back to however old you were, and just have fun. In knacks case it was a breath of fresh air to just have something simple and fun, to play in front of my kid and not worry, to have her play it and smile and laugh. Sorry for the long post, but I firmly believe knack gets a really bad rap, even though it shares so many of the characteristics of games and characters that are looked at with rose colored glasses.

Re: There's Mounting Speculation That Knack's Coming Back


As someone who has beaten the game now 7 times, and bought multiple copies as gifts you could say I'm a big supporter in this. Was it average on pretty much every possible front? Absolutely. But it's a simple fun game that I support getting a sequel to rectify its reputation.

Re: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare to Get In-Depth Look During Sony's E3 Presser


If they change the stupid mw only being available in certain editions, or at least make mw able to buy separate at launch activision will have my attention. Until iw and any further money going into cod from my wallet does not happen. Heck does anyone know if the mw remaster will be a full separate game with its own folder or if it will be only accessible via the iw main menu to deter secondary sales and trade ins? My money is on the latter, when it comes to COD activision has turned over new piles of leaves in ways to milk it for every cent.

I just wish the outcry over the mw remaster and the ways of purchasing it was louder and carried significant weight, but sadly I would wager the majority of cod players are exactly that, and when you buy one maybe 3 titles a year business practices doesn't concern you much. On my end I've convinced 3 people to not buy the blops 3 dlc they hadn't already purchased because of the mw/iw tie in, as have I, and we will not be buying iw unless the options for buying mw change. Our wallets mean nothing to them, so it's pointless, but maybe we can get enough people on board to get activivision to take notice.

Then again all they would do is price mw at $39.99 despite missing countless maps (yay dlc for the dlc we bought 10 years ago) and with iw at $59.99 or the special edition containing mw is $79.99 and say see we were just trying to save you money! Really though, I'm interested to know if mw is an in iw menu option or really fully separate. The former would just be a brazen flaming middle finger to gamers.

Re: Silent Hills Inspired Survival Horror Allison Road Binned


@get2sammyb beat me to it. For some reason this seems to be a common misconception amongst many people across different articles I have read about Allison road being cancelled. Either reading comprehension is dropping like a sack of potatoes or people are not very familiar with how the Kickstarter stuff works. I only state the former because your article, like so many others clearly states the Kickstarter was cancelled when they got a publisher. I'm no fan of crowd funding, I consider the only money I've ever spent on early access games/Kickstarter to be lost to thin air especially considering the last game I supported prior to release was day z....years ago. Still feel like I was robbed. But there have been legitimate success stories and games we never would have seen without crowdfunding so that's a big plus but it's a risk.

Re: No Man's Sky UK Release Date Pushed Forward


Good do all of you in the uk, but I find it odd that where the game was made would Get it last. Even if we would no doubt be playing the game right now had the developer studio not get flooded when you all had all that absurd flooding a year or 2 ago 😂

Re: The Last Guardian's Fumito Ueda Reflects on a Decade of Development


@Royalblues at this point like ffxv there is just no way it meets the hype. It could be a great game in its own right, 8s and 7s across the board with a few 9s, and it will seem a letdown. It's sad, and I think ffxv is going to get the same treatment. Heck if half life 3 or portal 3 or team fortress 3 become a thing I would be willing to bet they get critically acclaimed due to the valve love, but fans pan it for not being the end all be all. At some point the hype fails one or the other, or in many cases both.

Not nearly as long in development but I'm hoping Andromeda is everything it can be, and they don't take too much from inquisition. Inquisition was a great game, not so much a great dragon age game, and the war table was a major sticking point for me. Just didn't like how they implemented it. But I've gone off topic sorry. Here's hoping for an ico/shadow of colossus remaster.

Re: June's PlayStation Plus Games Will Be Revealed Next Week


Would be very surprised to see 2k16, but seeing as I haven't grabbed it primarily because of the change to the my player mode I wouldn't exactly mind having it for roster updates alone. Though I did give up with 2k after my Gm got fired post back to back titles for ticking off the owner. I found that if I said the things to make him happy my team did poor, if I told him it was going to be a rough season his approval of me went down but the team won consistently. So I'm not exactly positive I would give it much play.

Re: GameStop's Anticipating New Console Reveals at E3 2016


My friends and I are all stoked. Our launch ps4s are at varying levels of having fulfilled there purpose. Mine less so than there's because I put a 1tb sshd in it and thanks to no bandwidth cap from my isp do a yearly reformat along with a weekly full dust clearing (my house has so much dust it's insane). But they have refused to get larger hard drives and rarely if ever clean them so when I go over they sound like a launch 360 and never do any maintenance on them. I just can't wait to replace my man cave versions of each console and sell them to fund the incoming game/psvr/new console wallet crunch this fall.

I personally figured (and hoped) once we heard this gen would be more pc based architecture wise that this gen console life would be much much smaller than the last even if the ps4k if this year would be a year earlier than my original estimate. Let's not forget both versions should have no truly significant differences other than eye candy and HD size, and have full bc/cross "gen" capabilities so its not like anyone who buys a ps4/x1 even going forward are not getting hung out to dry. Of course if that's not true and there are actual barriers between the versions more than eye candy in terms of games released then my opinion will change drastically.

Re: Rumour: Titanfall 2 Will Rope in PS4 Players with Grappling Hook, Bigger Maps


@Cron_13 I'm right along with you. Sunset overdrive and titan fall justified my x1 purchase since I'm not a particularly big halo/gears/forza fan. But the guys at respawn had created some of my favorite titles of all time so I even bought the super ridiculous collectors edition of titanfall. The game was a ton of fun, gunplay and controls were spot on, everything really just felt so good except the laughably small amount of unlocks and the really weird resolution burned the heck out of my eyes if I played it more than an hour or 2 at a time.

No matter how much I'm looking forward to battlefield 1, titanfall 2 will easily get my money first if they launch within say 60 days of one another because after bf3 and bf4 I won't be touching a bf game until at least 2 months after release.

Re: Talking Point: What June PlayStation Plus Free Games Do You Want?


I would like to see firewatch and one of the games that were recently on flash sale for $5, like killzone, golf club, or my own wish I really want because I can never justify buying it is farming simulator 15. Reason for the latter is my friends and I have jokingly talked about buying it forever, just because it seems so pointless and monotonous that we probably would get way too much time out of it. For my own wants a firewatch/alienation duo would be sweet.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport Looks Much Better Than You Think on PS4


I've always wondered though how much the actual racing physics (in terms of what makes gt more of a racing sim than forza) takes away from the ability to give gt more eye candy. I've personally since after a spec thought forza does better in the presentation aspect, while gt feels like a much better sim while forzas steering always felt a bit like driving a car in mud. I just wonder how much if any at all does poly sacrifice due to the absurd amount of numbers being crunched behind the scenes to make gt feel like a more true driver.

Re: Now Ubisoft's Saying Consoles Like PS4 will Be Replaced by Streaming Services


Streaming won't work unless Internet speedservice vastly improve along with bandwidth caps being removed, then since we no longer can own a disc or download the game prices would need to be drastically altered and we would need a written and valid guarantee that in 20 years if we want to resist a game we would still have that ability regardless of a game company going under. The day I can only stream something I own (I won't buy a digital movie unless I can download it as well) with no real rights to play it however long down the road is the day I move to whatever service does allow it. Whether it be a competing console or pc. Too many roadblocks at this time and with the rise of streaming video options I highly doubt Internet providers that also provide cable are going to have any incentive to remove data caps.

Re: Is PS4K Scheduled to Launch Before October?


I'm still not exactly sure how people could be against this. No exclusive games, no separate network, backwards compatible with performance increases should the developer patch in a "neo" mode, and we will officially know we won't be looking at the same system under our tvs for a decade again. Essentially all it means Is those who haven't who don't mind spending the extra money, or those who do that want the latest and greatest, and those who haven't because of pricing can buy some form of the ps4. I've got 2 ps4, and I know I will be buying one ps4.5 as well as whatever xbox has cooking for the x1 so long as it's not a proprietary add on (I really hate clutter and add ons drive me absolutely nuts). Now if the rumors are false, and there's a distinction in any way other than eye candy between the ps4 and 4.5, then my tune will change.

Re: Wow, the Overwatch Beta was Stupidly Popular


I only played a few rounds due to being busy with family staying at my house before moving down to sc, I only have a 2 bedroom condo so had an aunt/uncle in the man cave, and a grandmother in the living room while my little brother and daughter shared a room. But of the rounds I played it felt great, but I'm still hesitant on dropping $60 on it.

Re: Competition: Win a Limited Edition Uncharted 4 PS4 Console


@Tasuki hope my comment didn't come off that way, it's a great promotion and I wasn't trying to come off in that sort of way if I did. As it is this being primarily an overseas based site I really wouldn't expect you guys to run one for the US because of shipping alone. All I know is I'm happy for the lucky winner, like I said that's one beautiful console.

Re: Consoles Like PS4 Will Die Out Sooner or Later, Reckons EA's Peter Moore


Well sure consoles as we now know them will change, but I don't believe streaming will eventually take over if only for one major reason. Bandwidth caps. I am fortunate not to have one, but so many are not. Until those are significantly raised (my provider does monitor bandwidth, on a normal month I'm around 1.2 tb of data with no cable, using Netflix, hulu, hbo) I just don't see how regardless of speeds streaming can take over. Smartphones and tablets at this point have power issues, not to mention screen size, and interface.

I can definitely see ms bringing the Xbox one ui to pc as an overlay, for those who want to put an htpc in the living room but don't want to deal with the current os layout like myself. This, if done properly would be huge, and I would very likely be back to pc primary gaming. That to go along with Ms eventually moving all exclusives to pc and x1 would really leave my ps4 by itself and quite possibly seldom used. Sure though, eventually things will change. I mean I'm writing on a phone that has more power than the pc I built to max doom 3 10 years ago. At that time we thought the future of cell phones was smaller, not larger, and being portable meant lugging a laptop around. Now 99% of what I need to do I can do on my phone, my laptop has become a 3rd or 4th tier electronic in my house.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Battleborn Reaches Number One, But...


@BLPs I think the sales of battleborn, the relative success of smite and paragon (my friends list is littered with people playing these at various times) shows that people are trying to broaden what types of games you would play on console. They see the spike of popularity in mobas, and want to try it on console since the learning curve on pc is quite drastic in terms of player difficulty I imagine at this point. I never thought I would be a walking sim fan, but over the years and my fondness of single player experiences has driven me to try, and wind up enjoying them greatly.

For me, it just seems like they have been the place for the best narration, and stories barring certain aaa titles. That, combined with my increased amount of time spent Co op, means these walking simulators are the perfect combination of length and story. It helps that my first one was telltale walking dead, 2 years after its release (I avoided spoilers), and it just blew me away. In the end I think the sales are showing people's desire to stray from the norm, to find that hidden gem which may give them a completely different experience. Even if the reviewsare not exactly stellar.

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Won't Be Sold Separately on PS4


I think we all saw this coming a mile away. What I do wonder is will access to the remaster require the infinite warfare disc? Because if not I will bemail buying a remaster code via eBay. Though it wouldn't be Activision like to allow this, so I fully expect mw4 4emastered to be menu item in infinite warfare. So far though the amount of people who are going to buy the $80 edition just for cod 4 that I have seen on various gaming boards is quite alarming. I know I just want cod4, and was willing to spend 60 on it with a game I have no intention of playing barring a co op campaign night with a friend or 2 for trophies but at 80? No thanks. Mw2 a few years down the road if they handle the remaster right might be a different story.

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered All Ghillied Up on PS4 with Improved Sound, Textures, and Lighting


Saw this coming, and in terms of buying it separate lol. It's Activision so either pony up the extra $20 to prop up the sales of what would be (at least for me) a complete pass otherwise, or wait for the standalone which I can only assume will be $30 minimum. Heck they know a traditional mw collection is what we really want, but by doing mw this game, and mw2 the next infinity ward Cod release they can ensure great sales numbers for at least those 2 releases regardless of the main games quality.