Comments 446

Re: Sony Admits PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn Was a Sleeper Hit


Finished it a couple days after i bought it, livestreaming to friends where we took votes on decisions when not timed because of the delay. Then the very next day we all started a second playthrough. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though we all agreed, the first half, was way better than the second due to...well i wont spoil it for anyone. Do yourselves a favor, dont read any spoilers, play itblindly. It will not dissapoint.

Re: Opinion: PS4 Firmware Update 3.00 Is One Step Forward, Two Steps Back


3.0 fixed my horrendous download speeds and shareplay that had been broken since 2.01. Thus, best update. Ever. Imo. I had tried everything, new modem, router, faster int, new cable lines, replaced hd/os twice, spoke with sony, spoke with my provider, had a 3 way phone call with sony and my provider, everything. Downloads were 500kb a sec, shareplay nonexistent but i could stream to twitch in highest quality. My internet is 75/15 hardwired. Worked fine wwith the launch of shareplay, then the update that fixed shareplay for others broke mine. As of last night/this am, downloads are holding strong at 10mb jumps a sec, and shareplay is full bar testing. Thanks 3.0 update.

Re: BioWare Shares More Mass Effect News That You Probably Don't Care About


Id pre order even a straight port, no enhancements other than loadtimes, fps, and all dlc. Heck i would pay the full price right off the bat for a remaster on ps4. Sorta like skyrim. They do a real remaster of skyrim, with all dlc, they can charge me 100$ and im buying 3 copies and a 2nd ps4. My top 2 requested remasters. Hell i win powerball im calling bethesda and just asking them what the price would be to get a morrowind, oblivion, skyrim remaster going. Il foot the bill.

Re: Poll: Do You Actually Use the PS4's Social Features?


I would use shareplay at least twice a week if it still worked. Ive gone up down over and around everything and shareplay does not work for me despite 75/15 connection hardwired. Worked when it came out perfectly, then the patch to fix peoples shareplay who didnt work came out and i havent been able to use it since. Ive talked to sony, my internet, ive had them both talk to each other, ive replaced hd, rewired, new router, modem, had cable company replace older wiring, nothing. But i still stream games for my friends, though there are a ton of games i would have bought had shareplay worked that i did not buy.

Re: London Is Full of Evil Cockneys According to Assassin's Creed Syndicate's Story Trailer


If im being honest, i wont be buying an ac until they wow me. I felt so lost after 3, then was unimpressed with black flag till i got about 20hrs in, at which point i got more addicted to ac than i ever have been. Black flag renewed my faith in ac and unity just crushed it. Unless the reviews and friends opinions who get it are staggering, im done with ac for a while. Not sure i can ever get truly back into it unless they did another black flag and went to the old movement from black flag.

Re: Fallout 4's Original Soundtrack Should Be Fantastic


@ShogunRok thank you sir. In my mind the only studio that compares in terms of getting that kind of seamless blend into their soundtracks is bioware. Just hearing the mass effect galaxy hub music will result in this pavlovian thirst to replay the trilogy. I know bungie with halo is a legendary score, and ive got all the respect in the world for what that composer does, but its never been my cup of tea.

Re: Poll: Has Destiny Won You Back With The Taken King?


I vowed i was done with destiny, even though my friends and i felt like ttk was going to give us more of what we imagined destiny would be. Then the day before launch a friend broke down and bought it, which in turn caused me to buy it, and a 3rd, and 4th, and before you knew it, our fledgling 20 man clan had all bought it after the majority had sworn it off. I must say its been phenominal, averaging 4-6hrs a night, ive only got one character through it, and did not finish the raid last night. First time i havent finished a raid launch week in destiny.

Re: Rumour: BioShock Collection Steps into PS4's Bathysphere


@WARDIE yea, irrational for the most part shut its doorsdown, sad as they were one of the very few major developers in my neck of the woods. But 2k owns the bioshock ip, so we will have more. 2k marin were behind bioshock 2 if im not mistaken, as it was actually not an irrational games bioshock.

Re: Despite Rumours, Grand Theft Auto V Story DLC Isn't in the Works Right Now


Until they add a gta iv like party mode where i can just mess around with my buddies without worry of how much cash we are burning through on our crime sprees ive officially taken a permanent break from gta. My last good. Time with friends cost each of us almost half a million in ammo, vests, food, car costs, etc and this was a private session with 5-6 friends, which has since 360 been the norm. Im glad they are focusing on online, i just hope a true party mode gets thrown in there at some point. But i guess that would just defeat the purpose of,shark cards huh?

Re: Review: Madden NFL 16 (PS4)


Best madden in years. Draft champions got me hooked, then my buddy finally got me into mut, and franchise mode (the only reason i buy any sports title) is pretty decent. Outside of the spectacular catch being very doable for any player, and seems to be the crutch every online player uses, im quite enjoying this years version.

Re: Fallout 4 Features More Voiced Dialogue Than Any Other Bethesda Game


@Splat i feel like i was in rare air with skyrim on ps3, on a 600hr save i never once noticed anything crazy other than that time i decided to tangle with a giant and got sent flying across the map. In contrast, i was only 15 or so hours into a 360 save i had beforei encountered a dragon stuck in a wall in winterhold. To this day, some 4-500 hours on that save the skeleton still ragdolls around inside that wall, tail waving about to and fro. My cousin had a hilarious glitch involving a dragon skeleton that would follow him from area to area, loading in with him into dungeons. Buildings. Etc. Long story short, i still cant wait for fallout, i got lucky and was able to preorder the pip boy edition. So stoked.

Re: Gran Turismo 6 Sales Linger at the Back of the Pack


I surprised we havent gotten a gt prologue again for ps4 just to tide us over. Then again i found it to be the height of stupidity that gt released so late on ps3. It takes poly so long to make those games (the good gts at least) that winter of 2017 is the earliest im even dreaming of a gt on ps4. In the meantime, project cars will hold me over quite nicely. If they would just get some more cars and patch in online 24hr lemans support. Thats all i want really, a real time lemans i can challenge my buddy in to see which one of us makes it.

Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided May Have the Worst Pre-Order Strategy Yet

BigDaddyT0101 How about I buy the game new at some point and all the bonuses are in the case? No? Ok, Il pass on the game then, Il have plenty else to play square. I'm just getting real tired of pre order dlc, exclusive dlc, etc. Square over the years has gone from all time favorite to EA/activision status. They officially lost what was remaining of my faith with the tomb raider nonsense. Since then, and for a long time, they won't be seeing a dime from me.

Re: First Impressions: Is Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain on PS4 the Best Entry Yet?


It feels really weird saying this, but I'm passing on the game for now. Il grab it in the dead of winter most likely unless fallout has taken complete control of my life like most Bethesda games, but for some reason I'm not feeling that itch. Seems weird considering how many countless hours of my youth were spent with metal gear. I'm glad it's turning out to be something special, but that's just not there. Yet.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 3's Beta Is Live Now Exclusively on PS4


I've played a few rounds, and I can safely say it's turned me away from buying it. It's not terrible, but I have a hard time with future shooters in general, feels like codcrysis, I mean one specialist is even named prophet. Unless zombies is truly ba, this will be the 499th year in a row cod wasn't in my rotation.

Re: Opinion: What the Hell Is Everybody's Gone to the Rapture About?


Honestly I think you hit pretty much the same marks and more that I was thinking. I felt really torn by this game. I know there was things I missed only because of the painful walking speed, and how long/selective the run button was to get functioning. There were a lot of areas that I wanted to go back to, especially when I found the back entries and shortcuts, but chose to move on instead of spending an additional hour just walking to and from. I don't mind walking simulators, and the storyline, music, atmosphere, everything just was great, minus the walking/Sprint speed which for me, took my interest, immersion out of the game and really ruined the pacing. There were massive, key story's that I would get this beautiful swelling music on my way to the next light or radio or phone only to have the music cut into silence while I was a minute or 2 away, which with proper pacing and speed I could have hit that point while the music hit its high note, furthering the immersion and emotional response.

Overall I hope they patch in a real Sprint or speed increase, because I'd love to delve into what I missed, and really debate the story, but I have no interest in dealing with the excruciating walking and running speeds again.

Re: The PSN Is Undergoing Scheduled Maintenance Next Week


One of these days i look forward to a "psn 2.0" type of announcement. A sort of hey we changed our servers, revamped the interface, increased download speeds, improved the experience between the services we offer style announcement. Theyve gotten infinitely better over the years, but so much of the overall experience feels early 360 xbox live in a lot of ways. My biggest issue i have other than download/upload speeds, is the advertisements in the psstore. You know, those trailers you click to watch but no button on the controller makes it full screen. That drives me absolutely batty.

Re: You've All Spent Far Too Much Time Playing Destiny, Some Would Argue


I set it down maybe the second week after how, i had gone flawless, done every poe, and experienced the greatness that was upgrading my voc to 365. Once that was done (max took 2 days, mayybe 8hrs total playtime) and i had gotten rid of my chest keys i was done. Moved onto a backlog that included finishing watchdogs, shadows, far cry, dying light, inquisition, then eso and the witcher that had largely been created by destiny and the raid grind. Not having a raid is pretty much the only reason i was able to kick the addiction. Its also led the 20-30 members of my clan to for the most part take in the least a break, and for my core raiding team 4 of us are not getting ttk. Once the habit was broke, it was like the sun started shining on us and we saw the light. Theres a combined 5-6thousand hours (one teamate is at 1500hrs....) among us that are walking. Its an ok game, but getting a team of 6 together, matched with pinpoint brilliantly done controls was the addiction. I get why people get hopelessly hooked, but ive got fallout coming, and there will be no keeping me away from that game (work, family excluded).

Re: Square Enix Knew Rise of the Tomb Raider's Timed Exclusivity Would P*** Off PS4 Players


Wothout knowing how big that truckload of cash was, we will never truly understand the entire story. I do find it strange that before the remaster, all we heard was how disapointed square was with its sales, then the remaster sold better on ps4 than x1 (i remember reading thigs like 2-1 but i would be surprised if it was that much) and made the sequel a viable aaa project. Its a business practice i loath, there should be no "console exclusives", no exlusive time period, but last gen with cod they opened that bag of worms and barely anyone batted an eye. Now its commonplace, and it drives me nuts. I for one will buy the game used, in a way that square sees no money at all from me, if i decide to grab it on my x1 at all.

Re: Talking Point: What August PlayStation Plus Freebies Do You Desire?


@Ewflex I think it comes down to one of my favorite sayings. "to each their own". There have been highly reviewed games that I have bought only to find it complete trash, or a solid 6 at best, or in knacks case it got 3's/4's and I would have given it a solid 7. I'm looking forward to the next ratchet, would love a crash/spyro revival. My ultimate "days of gaming past" revival would be medieval. If I happened to run across a kickstarter, not only would it be only the first game I would support, but there is a solid chance I would go to that $1-200 range pledge. I miss Sir Daniel that much.

Re: Talking Point: What August PlayStation Plus Freebies Do You Desire?


I own knack and vote for knack. Its repetitive, no clue the story i skipped every cutscene, but it is fun. Im through my 6th play through right now. When im not in the mood to expend brain power, or really even focus much but want to game, maybe hang out in party chat knacks my game. I understand its reviews, but it reminds me of being a kid playing games for the first time, it reminds me of games that many hold in high regard so i will not mention them and start a war. But for me personally, and the 4 copies i bought for relatives for xmas, weve all gotten great entertainment over who could collect everything first. If not knack then killzone, another launch title but one that has vastly underrated multiplayer, or infamous.

Re: Review: Journey (PS4)


@ShogunRok That I can understand. I would hope that at some point these remasters would support the option if you had purchased the title digitally, but from a business standpoint the cost of the remaster especially for your larger titles I can sort of understand the reasoning for not doing it. For your smaller indie titles, Cross buy is a great decision, it lets your original supporters continue to support your game and policies, and also provides a little more good favor to those who never bought it or experienced it. Plus for your smaller studios, the renewed interest in your back catalog can represent real value for your company, while the larger studios can unfortunately afford the take it or leave it mentality. Either way, I do wish remaster reviews (not only on your site) would post their original score when the game launched, and an updated score to reflect the state of the remaster, and its overall value. For instance at its worst I would imagine most would give GOW3 an 8 originally, and unless you have never touched a GOW game, the remaster didn't really provide value as it is pretty much the original game. Thank you for the reply, it was something I noticed and couldn't help but voice my opinion. As always, your site is still wonderful, over the past 2 years its been my go to site after consulting google news for ps4 stories when I wake up taking the throne from that site which will not be mentioned.

Re: Review: Journey (PS4)


Journey is a brilliant game that i look forward to enjoying again. I do have to ask though. This was a remaster, and nothing was really added or changed from its original. A similar course was taken with god of war 3, which was at its time and still is a brilliant game. Yet it got a 7 because of not much changing, and its price. If at launch you gave gow3 a 7 then i get it, but i sense a bit of a double standard there.