Comments 446

Re: DriveClub's Getting a Free Tour as Part of a New PS4 Update


Good to hear. Look forward to the other version coming out so I can give it a whirl. Sadly with project cars around the corner, they most likely have lost my sale, and 2 others I know. But this is a great example of post launch support being good, and not money driven, and it's something that should be applauded from everyone.

Re: Review: MLB 15 The Show (PlayStation 4)


I love baseball more than any sport out there, and I love the shows depth, especially in franchise mode, but it's definitely rough for new people. Having to manage 3 franchises, fill 3 rosters, call ups/sending down, monitoring stats, injuries, lineups, then rule 5 draft, the draft, arbitration, free agency, etc. It's so deep I've noticed when I convince someone to buy it they get overwhelmed. I love it myself.

Re: Feature: Eight Things You Need to Know About Star Wars: Battlefront on PS4


Personally I'm happy about no single player campaign, it's never been dice Strongsuit, and in their games the single player feels like an afterthought, like a splashy tech demo for frostbite. The Co op has me excited though, little short missions to mess around in when your burned out on multi-player. I'm excited. Not run out and pre-order excited, but slightly less excited than I am for project cars/the witcher, but probably on part excited that I am for the God of War remaster. Somewhere in the middle there.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Time to Introduce EA Access on PS4?


I'd love the option to make the decision myself. Heck I paid for a year on my Xbox and I couldn't be happier with what I have gotten for what I paid for. With Xbox as my secondary console, and not much in terms of exclusive games I want to play on it currently thanks to the sad state of Mcc and the solid yet disappointing sunset overdrive, ea access has provided me with things to play when I'm not on my ps4 in the man cave and just sitting on my couch in the living room. There's a solid chance I would get It on ps4 as well, just because their are franchises I don't buy, but have played on Xbox because of access.

Re: Destiny's House of Wolves DLC Lands a Confirmed Release Date


Hahaha bungie your crazy. Coming from someone who was a daily player up till shortly before bloodborne came out, they are nuts. I've been telling the rest of my friends, April was the sweet spot. I guess the only good thing is my destiny addiction got broken thanks to the extensive content drought. And if they think I'm going to backlog witcher like I did with pretty much every major release I bought last year so I can stay ahead of the curve....well they are pretty damn funny.

Re: Review: Bloodborne (PlayStation 4)


I love this game so much myself. I love that it's combat is fast and fluid, I love that the difficulty straddles the line between good and unfair (generally speaking, I can Chalk my deaths up to overconfidence or stupidity), i love it's atmosphere, really just everything.

Re: Tell This Person What You Want in PS4's Next Firmware Update


I'd love to change my psn name, organize folders, share play fixed (mine worked flawless with 2.0 then hasn't worked since 2.01 despite 75mb down 10th up hardwired), download speeds need to be addressed, mine cycle between 500kb to 1-2mb randomly, a ton of saves from the cloud I've noticed are corrupted, dlna support would be nice, mp3 storage as well, I'd say appear offline but it's one of the things I love about psn is how it's not xlive, but mostly psn Id change. They do that and fix the Internet speeds which I know for a fact is not my network or ps4, and I will be happy.

Re: Did Dying Light Scare Dead Island 2 Away?


The day these open world zombie games get rid of things like durability, and just allow me to make things and enjoy them without thinking to myself I should save this weapon for stronger enemies, it the day I fully enjoy these games. Dying light was entertaining though.

Re: Tomb Raider Reboot Plunders 8.5 Million Sales


The tomb raider fan in me wants to jump for joy because this was a tremendous game, one that I greatly enjoyed. I'm going to try not to go on a tangent about the sequel being exclusive. I will say this. As an owner of all current gen consoles, as well as a pc, the exclusivity deal is such a slap in the face, strong arm marketing in my opinion, that I will not be buying it or at least not new. If I buy it it will be used, and in a manner that I know square won't get one cent of my money. We aren't talking about a reboot of a long dormant franchise, or a new ip from a 3rd party studio. We are talking about the sequel to a game that may not have happened were it not for its remastered sales numbers that sold extremely well.

I feel like they are trying to force those who don't already own both consoles to buy it so they can play their game. That's the way I'm taking it. And I don't agree with it. Sunset overdrive being x1 exclusive bothered me not one bit, why? It's a new ip, and actually was the reason I bought my x1 at launch. We should all be equally upset about this no matter what platform you pledge allegiance to because it's just bad practice on the developers side. Sorry, wound up on a tangent. This just really gets to me. I also feel the same about timed Dlc, exclusive Dlc content etc as well. I play destiny on my ps4 but find it absurd that us ps owners get more content for spending the same money as x1 players.

Re: Bloodborne Gets an Unintended Easy Mode


Wonder if that's why cleric beast was so easy for me. I just attributed it to the fact I didn't run into him till after father g and spending pretty close to 10hrs leveling, grinding, and repeating until everything in the starter area was a 3 hit maximum. But the beast jumped a few times, got a good couple shots in, and otherwise was spank, tank, and roll to his backside.

Re: Ratchet & Clank PS4's Looking and Playing Great, Enthuses Insomniac


@get2sammyb this gen I use knack as my example of how review scored can be deeply flawed. Is knack a decidingly average game? Yes. But like a lot of Nintendo games it's "fun" factor is off the charts. Yes it lacks the Nintendo polish, but like Mario, or Kong, I can sit down and beat knack for a 6th time any time I want and enjoy every moment. Some games just don't review well but speak to an individual. Knack is my current gen game that way, defiance was my previous gen game that way.

Re: Weirdness: This Copy of Bloodborne Is Getting Panned


Not too difficult, some shrink wrap and a heat gun will fool pretty much anyone. Feel bad for the guy but unless he opened it in the store, there's no real way to prove it wasn't him. Can't trust anyone these days with these things sadly. Heck I've spent well over 5k at my local game store over the years and know all employees, managers on a first name basis and if this happened to me I wouldn't hold it against them for saying sorry but we can't.

Re: Feature: There Was No Place Quite Like PlayStation Home


I will always hold a special place for the idea that was ps home. I always envisioned a future where instead of the os, your PlayStation would load into this world where you could launch all your games, meet with friends, go to a movie theater to browse the ps store, and invite your friends back to your house to watch the movie you rented with them while in party chat. Yea it would have made the console require online, and they would have needed to make drastic improvements, but I always loved home for what it could have been. Rip home, you were bizarrely both ahead, and behind the times.

Re: Talking Point: What One Game Do You Always Come Back To?


Elder scrolls. Always elder scrolls. Before elder scrolls it was balders gate. But until the next elder scrolls comes out, I always play the last one over and over. Heck, between pc, ps3, Xbox, I have bought 6 copies for myself. The launch of each, then down the road the collectors edition, then the legendary edition for pc and ps3, and have bought another 4 copies as gifts. Now a lot of these I bought on sale so I'm not completely crazy, but it's always elder scrolls. And when the next one comes out I will do the same most likely. Mass effect run s a close 2nd,every few months I just have to play through the trilogy.

Re: Some UK Schools Are Cracking Down on Children Playing More Mature Games


If their playing on school grounds I could understand letting the parents know it's inappropriate material and that it should be left at home. This is going a bit far. Though I do think parents need to be more aware of what exactly their kids are playing. I remember growing up resident evil, mk, your more fictional gore was ok, but my parents drew the line on gta 3. I wasn't allowed to play it, and out of respect for how they felt about the game i never brought a single gta into the house even when I was 18. On college break I wouldn't play it at home either. It was the only game they put their foot down on so I figured I could respect that without issues. My friends laughed, but it wasn't a huge deal for me.

Now here's my thing though. I kid shouldn't be playing gta till 15 or so, depending on their maturity. My favorite situation I've seen was during the gta v midnight release. A mother, with a 12-13yr old kid was there, and buying her kid gta. OK, to each their own I thought, not my kid so who am I to say something. Then, when gamestop had us all line up, people were swearing, talking amongst themselves about some things, and this kids mother asked not to have to stand in line. Why? She didn't want her kid exposed to the conversations being had in line (mind you, none that you won't see or hear in gta). I overheard this and thought to myself what? Your buying your kid gta, but you won't let him stand in line because people were swearing? Yes. Because that makes sense.

Re: Guide: How to Beat the Blood-Starved Beast in Bloodborne on PS4


Because of the absolute brutality of father g, I've sadly over leveled myself for the last few boss fights. Oh they can still mess me up good if I'm being stupid, but spank, tank, roll, hide, repeat has gotten me far. I've died more from brutes with cleavers than from the last few bosses I tangled with. My insight is getting up there though and whoa does that make a difference even on "trash" mobs. Starting to hurt.

Re: Blimey, You Can Grab a PlayStation TV for Just £45 in the UK


I really wanted one when it came out, then found out no Netflix, and said no thanks. Was going to use it to remote play ps4 in my bedroom, with the occasional Netflix duties, now I think I'm all set. Though if it's 50$ here in the US, I could justify having it sit in my living room so long as I can use a ds4 and not a ds3.

Re: PS4 Firmware Update 2.50 Will Deploy Tomorrow


Here's hoping it fixes my download speeds that never recovered after the 2.0 update. Firmware reinstall, hard drive wipe and reinstall, new router, new modem, Google dns fix, none of them have fixed my issue. Before 2.0 my speeds were 9-12mb per second on the downloads, since then I get 300kb. Hardwired, wireless, nothing fixes it. With the majority of my collection being digital, it's brutal. My speeds are 75/5

Re: Guide: How to Kill the Cleric Beast in Bloodborne on PS4


Strangely enough I ran into him after I took down the g man and was just farming before entering the Cathedral. Had no problems with the cleric, but earlier in the game I may have hated my life. This game. Man is it good. Played till 4am last night, then from 3:30 or so till now and didn't even notice it. I died... A lot. Including a particularly brutal time when I was hammering the g man for a few hours while level 12-13. Didn't realize so much of this game until 6 or 7 tonight because I refused to read anything. Read a quick top 15 tips and it made all the difference between ramming my head against a brick wall, and a slightly more forgivable 2 by 4.

Re: Soapbox: Has It Just Been a Bad Week for Games, Or Is This Simply a Sign of the Times?


Bad week? Bad few months really. I keep buying games I enjoyed either the previous installment of, or look like something I would enjoy. Granted, destiny occupies a lot of my time undeserved or not, but the shadows of mordor "brilliance" never hit me, just felt like a knock off of ac albeit with a slight twist, and in the lotr world. Thief was... Well Thief, far cry 4 decided to cram so much in the world that if you spent a few days exploring with a friend when you went back to your own game you found yourself overwhelmed and not remembering where to start. Dying light was fun, until the community figured out duping weapons. Watch dogs was at least creative, but annoying at the same time, hardline felt so generic it's the first battlefield I didn't buy at launch, and there's a good chance I won't buy it at all. I'm not even mentioning how awful unity was, or how sunset overdrive failed to justify my decision to buy an x1, or how I've gotten more time out of knack and it's terribly reviewed self that I did out of all of the above mentioned games. Combined.

Knack was a breath of fresh air to me, it was simple, uncomplicated, decently difficult, and easy to play mindlessly. I have run through it I think 6 times now, and have never watched a cutscene, so to me it's got ad much a story as destiny, it's repetitive as hell, it's a throwback in for the most part an unapologetic way, and it's a decidingly average game, but I love it. I tell everyone to buy it, and when they do, I haven't heard a single person who played it say it was awful. Sorry for the long post, this article struck me very deep, something I've been feeling time.

Re: God of War III Remastered's PS4 Price May Make Olympus Mad


I don't get the remaster complaints. I've bought exactly 3.last of us, which I had performed a self imposed media blackout since it had launched until I was able to play it, tomb raider which I hadn't played yet, and halo Mcc which shipped in such a horrid condition I gave them 2 months to fix and when they hadn't I traded it in. I'm all over a God of War remaster, and would have paid 60$ for it if that's what it cost. Yea it doesn't have ascension, but I played that via psnow and my god that game just felt wrong. While their at it, IL take an uncharted trilogy remaster, Mass effect trilogy remaster, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim remaster to hold me over while companies are diligently working on sequels. Heck most of those games I own on pc as well. I like my games, and being able to play them without having to keep, or re buy my old consoles that I usually sell for a very solid amount to play is beautiful to me. Yea you could argue backwards compatibility, but next gen they have no excuse, this gen they have very solid reasons.

Re: Feature: The Seven Deadly Sins of Game Design


Escorts quests for me. Ac kills me with them, and usually cause me to put down an ac game for months at a time. Did the first eavesdrop in black flag, wound up not touching the game for 6 months after,now it did redeem itself, and my faith in ac (that is until unity) but still. And those eagle eyed enemies are fine if it's hard mode, but the other day I was doing heists in gta online, was in a heli protecting a plane, plane took off, and out of nowhere I took one shot from ground fire, wiped out my health, and heavy vest,killed me. Or just messing around in gta online, get in a heli with 3 stars and get sniped by a cop with a pistol. Grrrr

Re: Stay Tuned for DLNA News on PS4, Says Sony


With dlna support, id like them to adjust the mp3 to allow streaming from my external HD which is plugged into my router. Also, appear off would be nice, name change would be better, other than that I'm pretty happy. If they add rear USB inputs to the ps4 slim il be even happier.

Re: PlayStation Vue to Stream Officially to Three US Cities Imminently


In my area I pay 78$ a month for standard, no on demand, basic cable with limited HD channels, no dvr, heck I use an HDdtu which I run into my x1 just so I have an interactive TV Guide. They offer this at 50$ a month I will sacrifice espn to save 30-35$ a month after taxes and whatnot. It's not the ala carte option a lot of us would prefer, and I think the cable companies are purposely offering different channels with different channels to make cable look more appetizing but at least something is finally happening

Re: Grand Theft Auto V's Online Heists May Steal a Chunk of Your PS4's Hard Drive Space


Honestly thought I was done with gta. The wait, the fun, everything just felt sucked out of the game knowing that a few hours of fun with friends routinely would set me back a hundred grand or so. Then I found myself going around this week, stealing helpful vehicles and upgrading them in preparation for heists. I did this alone, and now all my friends have been logging time, doing similar things. Silently and unconsciously we all are looking forward to tomorrow.
just want to add, this will all change tomorrow if after completing a heist, the reward is like all other missions. A slap in the face, and a reminder that shark cards exist. Let's hope r doesn't disappoint.

Re: For the Love of God, Don't Let Your PS4 Controller Die While You're Playing Helldivers


Absolutely love the game, however online is very buggy, my friends and I have stopped playing until the disconnect after completing a mission resulting in no xp for whoever disconnects is fixed. Happened to us 4 games in a row and after that my buddy was level 13, and I was level 9. It's not our Internet, it's the game. Sucks, but that's how things seem to be going nowadays. Because of these issues with online I've stopped pre-ordering games with a heavy multi-player component unless the developer has an open beta or 2.made an exception with helldivers because it's an indie.

Re: Don't Rule Out Dead Space for the PS4 Just Yet


While the 3rd one lacked the oh crap moments of the other 2,it still holds a special place for my buddy and I. The Co op we thought was done wonderfully especially the whole each seeing something else stuff. Some great moments of asking each other if the other was seeing this or that. As a dead space game it wasn't great, but just as Co op it was wonderful imo.

Re: Talking Point: Is This the End for the PlayStation 3?


Yea, the battery backup was both a surge protector and battery backup. Something happened and my house took a massive power spike. Somehow my pc which was the most heavily protected took the biggest hit. Still, with your build, I highly recommend a strong battery backup. Mine was 200$ 2-3 years ago and every build I buy a new one. I believe the backup company guarantees this type of thing won't happen and if it does they will replace the part but I have to do more looking into it.

Re: Talking Point: Is This the End for the PlayStation 3?


Personally I actually went and picked one up a few weeks ago for skyrim purposes as my pc took a large electrical hit which fried a battery backup, psu, mobo, cpu, and gpu. I just couldn't bring myself to spend 5-600 rebuilding when the majority of my gaming happens via ps4/x1. This all said I am in the belief that old gen support should cease after one year of new gen launch. Sequels, new ip should be reserved for the new consoles, so they can get up and running faster. Sports titles I don't mind, and your more kid friendly games wouldn't bother me as well if they continued to span generations for up to 3 years after. In short, it's sad, but it's time. These consoles gave us so many great memories, it's time to allow our shiny new ones to take over.

Re: We Hope You're Not Expecting DriveClub PS Plus Edition Anytime Soon


I've almost bought it a few times because I have been craving a racer and forza has never been my cup of tea. Never bought it out of principle that I had said I would buy it once the plus edition came out, and with project cars coming out next month that should satisfy my hunger for a racer hopefully. The time it's taken them to get the plus version Going has cost them 3 sales just in people I know. Glad they are working on it and it's getting there, but open betas could have helped... A lot.