Comments 446

Re: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Will Hold a Hefty Hunk of Your PS4's Hard Drive Hostage


@rjejr do yourself a massive favor, buy a new hard drive for your ps4. 2.5" sata 7200rpm drive in 1 tb form will be 67$, or a 2tb for around 110$. I went with a 1tb drive myself and already am down to about 200gb free. Easy to replace, plus the hd that comes stock is 5400rpm so you shave a little bit off loading times too (tbh maybe a second at best though ive seen benchmarks for different hds that shave 3-5 seconds off)

Re: Rumour: Speculation Suggests Major PS4 Exclusives Will Be Unveiled at PlayStation Experience


Heres what i demand.
Uncharted 4 gameplay trailer
God of war trailer
Mass effect trilogy remaster
Skyrim remaster
Medievil reboot
Heavenly sword 2
Gt7 teaser
Gt6 remaster
God of war 3 remaster
Mag 2
Siphon filter reboot
An announcement that r* is becoming an in house publisher meaning all future games are exclusive to sony (not really what i want but the troll inside me wants to see what the internet would look like if only for one day if that happened)

just want to add, this is my wishlist and i dont expect any of these things. I can dream though

Re: Guide: Everything You Need to Know About PlayStation TV


I had my pre order paid off for it and was going to get it last night with evil within but cancelled it. The primary of which being that while i have a pretty large digital title library on ps4 (every major release since launch minus evil within, destiny, and madden 15) i had hopes of coming home, laying on my couch, and doing my daily and farming on destiny when i didnt have a nightfall, strike, or raid planned. Sadly, the ps tv will not play disc based games remotely according to the faq. Also, chat is only through the vita chat app, so it would require me to use the terrible bluetooth headset ive had for some time now, or move my actual px4 headset everytime i wanted to do this. Im still getting one, but it went from being something i would have used last night, to something i would use maybe 1-3 times a month. Its a great idea, a great theory, and remote play works great on the vita, but ill wait until after the onslaught of games next month to get it.

Re: Review: The Evil Within (PlayStation 4)


The king is back. Limited checkpoints, lack of resources, better to flee than fight, im loving everything im reading. Havent cranked into it, and am waiting till friday to do so (friends coming over, we all swore not to touch the game till the weekend) wife and kid going away to visit some family, 1st time in 6 years i will have a weekend off and the house to myself. Gonna set up 4 ps4s, order some pizza, and crank this game out all at once. Should be a good time.

Re: DriveClub Dev Considering Compensation Options for Disastrous Launch


Sadly, my hope for driveclub (and the $$ i had budgeted for it) have gone out the window. For me, driveclub had a perfect weeklong window to be cranked into, and as of tomorrow its over. Evil within tomorrow, followed by sunset overdrive, lbp3, halo mcc, ac unity, fc4, cars, gta v, da inquisition, and next thing u know its febuary. Starting this week its a weekly onslaught on my wallet until the end of november, and driveclub lost its opportunity. I will download the plus version, but the launch issues mean its officially fallen into the ill pick it up down the road for cheap when nothings coming out category.

Re: DLC Locations Are Already Being Discovered in Destiny


The idea that its this conspiracy in order to have more dlc? I think not. Also, i remember while leveling up my char that i thought to myself that it was small, now im 27/28 (depending on the gear im using) and have done the raid 3 times, do dailies, the nightfall, the weekly, and farm bounties/matts and i dont think the games small anymore. A quick hop on to do the daily for me turns into a 3hr journey real quick.

Re: Evolution Studios: We're As Frustrated About DriveClub Issues As You Are


Before i knew about the full game having massive server issues, i may have agreed with those who say its a ruse to get us to buy the full game first, or that its a growing problem with our rights as consumers being taken advantage of. all day tues i got more and more agrivated as we got nothing but silence, and i honestly expected to see the game pop up on psn around 2am so sony could say that it still met its ps+ release day. Then we finally got an update. And since then have been getting a steady stream of updates even if they are not ones we want to hear. Should they have had an open beta to test the servers especially considering millions of people get a full featured but track/car neutered version free? Yup. Did they lose a ton of money from impulse buyers who were going to buy the full game once they tried out the plus edition? I know of 8 myself, my cousins, and my raid team on destiny. Did the game need to be further delayed? Honestly? Yes. Sony was crazy thinking it would be done a year ago, and if given a january release date i dont think many would have been pissed.

Re: DisasterClub? Sony Delays DriveClub: PS Plus Edition Due to Server Issues


Well then...this is why we have public betas for online games isnt it? I know game companies are so absurdly against demos nowadays but this all could have been addressed with a very simple "come one, come all, help us stress test our servers". Im happy that we finally know what is going on, but i went from picking it up if i enjoyed the plus edition (i had already loaded 70$ onto my wallet in preparation), to no, im not going to bother and instead used it to preorder ac unity.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V's PlayStation Store Pre-Order Bonus Is Garbage


I liked the idea of this thriving online community where you could buy stocks, do some missions with friends, rob some banks for big bucks, and mess around when not doing these things and let your money work for you. Sadly, this never happened. I had to rank up, repeatedly run the same missions over and over for barely any cash, then, when i found a way to efficiently just grind for cash, they removed a lot of the ways to do so. I then was burning money left and right having a good time with friends, in our own lobby, doing what we enjoyed, all the while losing fistfulls of cash until it got to the point where we couldnt go wild and crazy because we were out of cash. We all understood this, and have been incredibly patient waiting for heists (which lets be real, theres no way with the booming industry of shark cards anyone is walking out of a heist with more than 30k), but we all wondered why no party mode? Just straight up, run around blow things up, weapons on the ground, messing around. A simple addition that would have made us not feel like r* was really pushing thos shark cards on us. I loved the campaign, and want to replay it, so i will most likely buy it again, but online still after a year, has a lot to do to win me back over

Re: Sony Engineers Working on DriveClub, Destiny, and NBA 2K15 Connectivity Issues


I can honestly say i dont remember ever being as frustrated with sony as i am today. Its not because the driveclub + edition is missing, its the complete and utter lack of communication. If its not today, fine, but let us know and i wouldnt care. I love sony, love their gaming systems, waited in line for the ps2 as a teenager, the ps3 as a young adult, and for the ps4 as well all the while defending the majority of their issues like it was my own child. The lack of communication is really where i draw the line in the sand. They could have said hours ago "ps+ driveclub delayed x days, weeks" and i would have been fine. But the crickets are deafening.

Re: When the Heck Is PS4 Firmware Update 2.00 Deploying?


Looking forward to 2.0, and whenever it is ready i will be waiting. Mp3 support is nice, but i can count on one hand how many times i used on 360, themes are going to be nice, i want to change to a simple black backround myself, maybe even buy a ps3 dashboard theme for the ps4 (i loved the xmb). Dlna support is a nice feature, something i dont use nearly as much as i used to when i was torrenting frequently and the hard drive containing years of things kicked the bucket. My main request is simple. I want the option to change my user id. I created my id in 06/07, severely inebriated, and to this day regret the decision.

Re: Round Up: DriveClub PS4 Reviews Target Pole Position


@Demi_God igns score burned me a bit. Not because its a bad score, but because the negatives they list for the games were
Eurocentric car list
Single player exhausted after a few days
....sounds like every racer ever? And im sorry but europe gets the most bada** cars anyways other than a very small handfull of american muscle. It seriously irked me a bit.

Re: Sony: The Last Guardian Development Couldn't Be Better


In other news the medievil reboot is also making great progress, siphon filter is getting announced this year, and gt7 will be released in 2015. Stay tuned for our crash/spyro/ape escape sequels announcements, and last but not least, god of war 4 will be getting a gameplay teaser in the spring. See? I can say completely false things too shu! Seriously though, until im physically holding the last guardian disc in my hand as i put in into my ps4, i dont believe him anymore.

Re: Sony Shutting the Door on PlayStation Home Next Year


The potential of home always intrigued me. I saw this future of turning on a console, having it load straight to ps home, where my home had all your standard options (bookshelf filled with movies that you pressed x on to bring up your collection for example) then if i wanted to leave and roam the town, go to the bowling ally, movie theater, etc i could. If i wanted, i could invite friends into my home, show them my trophys, maybe watch a movie with them, play a round of cod with them not having to download it, etc. i always saw home for what it was ( a brilliant, far reaching idea that was handled poorly and ahead of its time) and it shutting down will only increase my intrigue of what could have been. Sadly, with the gaikai streaming service we are seeing, my dreams were not only not far fetched, but just a few years away from being reality. Heres to home, i barely used thee, but saw your limitless potential with wide eyes toward the future (and ms for a short while realized this too and answered with the xbox arcade and avatars that we still see today i do believe. )

Re: Poll: Are You in Tune with the PlayStation TV?


Ill be buying this day 1, cant wait for it. May even buy 2, one for the computer desk, one for the living room. But i will start with one. Im a little upset its using the vita memory card for memory, and mildly upset it doesnt support the ds4, but im pretty darn excited for it.

Re: Despite PS4's Success, Sony Expects to Lose a Lot of Money Again


Personally, i think sony needs to sell off their smartphone division as well as do a major restructuring with their tv's. Are their smartphones outstanding? Recently yes they are, but a lack of availability on certain carriers and weird marketing kills them. Their tvs are among the best in the business, but your average joe looks at a 1300$ 42" sony, and a 500$ 47" vizio, both 1080p, and will most likely choose the cheaper option regardless of picture quality or durability (prices based off the last time i looked around and its been a while). Other than that, they spend a ton of money on r&d on niche products (the sony smartband comes to mind), and continue to fight a losing battle in the mp3 player business. Even ms with the (in my opinion) very well done zune had the smarts to cut their losses, and they have money to burn. The overpriced factor of sonys pcs killed them, even though they were really, really well designed. Im sure the ship will be righted, its just a matter of trimming more fat.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 vs. PS3 Comparisons Reveal Stunning Improvements


The real interest for me because i pounded the singleplayer into the ground, is what improvements have been made to online. Should i expect last gen singleplayer to be the graphics for online or better? Will we have a party mode that players can have fun in without tearing through cash. Can i replay just the missions that i enjoy over and over again so effectively farm cash? Will hunting and/or wildlife be a thing in gtao? Is the fort still absurdly hard to try and get a jet? (Oh and thanks r* for disabling the 1v1 deathmatch by the fort which allowed for some really awesome jet fights) Im more concerned about the online part of this now, and will be holding off on purchasing until i know these things.

Re: Reaction: Destiny's PS4 Launch Proves PSN Isn't Tied Together with String


My buddies and i all were joking at the midnight launch about how we left our ps4s on and connected while at the launch, and that none of us expected to actually play destiny together until a day or 2 after. Some of us just went to bed, a friend and i did stay up and do the install/a few missions together. Minus a disconect from destinys server (but not psn) on my end the 2nd time we went to the tower it was flawless. Very impressed.

Re: Guide: How to Turn Off PS4 Party Notifications from Friends


I can see why people would not like it, me personally i dont even notice it anymore. Plus i kind of like it after being on 360 where a lot of the people i gamed pretty regularly with would appear offline. Nothing worse than hopping on, saying to yourself oh there not on, getting together an alternate group only to have an invite pop up ten minutes later from people you would prefer gaming with. Thank god for not being able to appear off, and party notifications i say. Now if we can get friend notifications....

Re: Poll: What Are Your First Impressions of Destiny on PS4?


Psn ran great for me last night, surprisingly had one disconnect and it was to bungie not psn. Game overall feels better, kind of wish i didnt spend hours leveling, doing as many side missions as possible etc because now i just want to get off of earth after countess hours in the beta. Everything feels improved, havent touched multi as thats not my thing.

Re: When Will Destiny's PS4 Servers Go Online?


Sadly i expect the worst when i come home at midnight. I love sony, am a huge fan and supporter, their consoles tend to be bulletproof, their network at times feels like its held together by bubble gum and duct tape and the netcode copied from netscape era. I will be keeping a 2x4 to repeatedly tap throughout the launch day right next to my recliner. I do hope that sony knows if their servers crumble, and xbl does not, there will be a lot of hoopla.

Re: Yay, PSN's Delayed Scheduled Maintenance Returns Today


Only issue i have is that because my ps4 is not activated as my primary, while i can play games online, it doesnt help me that my digital collection cannot connect to the server to verify the license so not one digital game is playable (which is every game ive ever bought for ps4). Shenanigans i guess, its my own fault for continuing not to activate my ps4 as primary.

Re: Don't Worry, Crystal Dynamics Considered Your Feelings Over the Whole Tomb Raider Ordeal


Ive got a guideline for exclusives. A long dormant, once multiplat franchise can go exclusive, a new ip from an established multiplat studio can go exclusive, but a current ip, that very recently (say the last 3-5yrs because of how bethesda/r* work) released a multiplat should not take that games sequel exclusive for any amount of time. Its just a terribly shortsighted decision in my opinion.

Re: Review: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition (PlayStation 4)


Bought pc version at launch, sunk around 140hrs into it even with all its faults, then bought 360 version, cleared 90 or so enjoyable hours, now have ps4 version. To all the naysayers, if you have friends to play this with, or enjoy co op, this is really, really good. A must have in my opinion. If you rely on single player experiences it is still a solid game, but made more enjoyable with friends. So happy this is out, and enjoying every second of it.

Re: Gamescom 2014: Sony Refuses to Rehash Previous Generation on PS4


Games i would buy a remastered version of.
God of war, mass effect trilogy, morrowind, skyrim (not happening until eso is dead if ever sadly), uncharted, gran turismo 3, twisted metal black, max payne 1/2, shadow of colossus, to name a very small few. If done done properly i see no issues with remasters, tlou was damn good, tr was outstanding. Release the remasters during gaming dry spells and i will be happy.

Re: Gamescom 2014: Microsoft All But Confirms That Rise of the Tomb Raider Will Release on PS4


Heres my issue. SE came out talking about underperforming sales, and then released the next gen/pc versions if i remember correctly. Then because in part of how well it sold on ps4 especially compared to x1, well they had a surprisingly good quarter they did not expect. Not to mention, tomb raider was imo a damn good game. Not tomb raider, but as an uncharted with laura instead of drake very good game. Im flabbergasted in many ways right now. I will not be buying this on my x1 (at least not new) and instead will wait 3 days after the release and buy a used copy if i choose to buy it. I think its a terrible decision by se, a showboating dont forget about us move by ms, and i dont support it one bit. A new ip, or long dormant/ rebooting series you can buy exclusivity and im fine, an ongoing, beloved franchise? Thats wrong imo. To me it would be like if sony came out yesterday and said "gta v dlc, heists, and remastered version available FIRST on ps4". Oh well. One less game im not playing next year

Re: Yes, The Last of Us Is Set to Stumble onto PS4 This Year


Havent played it yet, still have successfully avoided any and all apoilers, was looking forward to psnow because of the game, now im even happier. If bethesda does skyrim with a remaster, that would be the cherry on top/dream scenario (they wont, because it will take away sales of teso, but i can dream)

Re: Talking Point: Are We Starting to Expect Too Much from PlayStation Plus?


I think anyone with a ps4 expecting second son on ps+ within even the 8months is crazy. For aaa big budget titles i see driveclub, followed a month or 2 after by thief, then 2 months later nfs rivals. I think once the catalog is more fleshed out we will see ps+ move from what we see now on ps3, to a 1 aaa title every other month, with indies providing the filler between months. Even at the rate its going, with no aaa titles on ps4, ps+ is still worth its weight in gold, and will continue to be so. Remember folks, your paying what you pay for xbox live, and getting in the least a new indie game every month, as opposed to 4-6 year old aaa titles on 360. Appreciate what you have, because sony has every right to pull the service out from under us.

Re: Sony Is Thinking About a Pre-Loading Feature for Digital PS4 Games


Decided that with ps4 i would go with a mostly digital collection minus annual sports games, games im not sold on, and games im not interested in, this is music to my ears. Im hoping with this we will have the option to just download the full game with no play as you download feature. While it doesnt affect me due to download speeds i pay heartily for, it does effect friends, relatives, and other gamers who think "wow my games done" only to play an hour and see "downloading remaining files". Hopefully preload is done right, with a way for sony to unlock the game at midnight of release in that ps4s time zone and we wont have to wait till the annual 3am update here on the east coast. I will say this, the ps4, and the x1 were not shipped with hard drives equiped to handle a digital only atmosphere, and if your looking at doing the same as I, do yourself a massive favor and shell the 100$ or so for a 2tb drive.

Re: Review: inFAMOUS: Second Son (PlayStation 4)


8 is still a darn good score, i gave up trusting reviews a long time ago and now just use them as a quick spoiler free snippet of whether or not the game suits my taste. Hell, my favorite gaming experience on this new gen for wither console was knack, simple, fun, a little difficult, and ok to play in front of the daughter, and that game got absolutely slaughtered by critics. Ac4 was beautiful but flawed, thief was well..not thief, bf4 was/is an unfulfilled promise, titanfall is good but not a gamechanger, dead rising was..dissapointing. That is all, cant wait to play infamous later tonight/ tomorrow

Re: Rumour: Titanfall 2 Takes One Robotic Stride Closer to PS4


As someone who has an x1 for titanfall, sunset overdrive, and quantum break pretty much, i can say this. Titanfall is great, but anyone who remembers that addicting cod4 "one more round" will still be turning it off after 3-4 rounds and playing something else. Mind you, ps4 is my main, and the console roles have flipped in my house based on last gen, which is a huge relief to me as i spent the most of last gen having to defend my ps3 launch purchase/price to anyone with a 360. But anyways, titanfall 2 should be coming to ps4, as without the exclusivity titanfall could have easily doubled its sales (not to mention imagine the ps4 numbers if titanfall was a ps4 exclusive) and while titanfall isnt the second coming of cod4, its also a better than good game that currently stands out as the leader of a broken and fractured pack what with bf4 still not what it should be and cod going the tony hawk route. I foresee titanfall 2 spring 2015 (no way activision lets respawn sit) and a ps4 copy will be in my hands.