Comments 446

Re: Game of the Year: #10 - Destiny: The Taken King (PS4, PS3)


I don't want to agree with this, but my combined 22 days spent playing destiny this past year or so, plus the enormous backlog of "better" games it created that chances are I will never finish means I can't argue it's spot. Even though I took months off at a time, and swore never to go back, I would always get pulled back in simply because there isn't quite something like it that all of my friends play and love to hate.

Re: Store Update: 22nd December 2015 (Europe)


@get2sammyb any word on week 3 holiday sales in the us by chance? Wife gave me 100 in psn cards for the birthday, grabbed talos principle (which I'm loving at the moment) but the remaining balance is burning a hole in the wallet. Eagerly awaiting any news.

Re: Naughty Dog Really Wants You to Believe That Drake Will Die in Uncharted 4


I'd have to say it's a marketing tool. We all are being led to believe it's our final goodbye to a beloved character. Personally I'd love a more open ended did he or didn't he end. We would be able to theorize as much as we want, and ng could move on from the franchise for x amount of years leaving us to believe he's done. Then, during the ps5 announcement, BAM! Drake voiceover "they thought I was gone, that I wasn't coming back" boom, uncharted 5, launching day one with ps5.

Re: Feature: PS4 Report Card - How Has Sony's Format Fared in 2015?


As of right now I would give them a solid A-, with firmware updates being my sole realistic complaint. My other would be to open up a 2nd primary ps4 slot on my account, as I have 2 ps4s, one in the man cave, one in the living room. If internet is out, or psn is wonky, or I just want to play offline it means I have to be in the man cave unless I feel like moving that ps4 to the living room. But that's a very, very minor gripe.

I will say this, I will be holding off any firm grade until after the new year. Reason being the rumored ddos attacks. If we go another holiday with constant issues, little to no information or updates, and psn struggles to get back up in a timely manner, the grade can quickly hit a b-.

Re: Attackers Threaten to Take PSN Offline Again This Christmas


By now it's pretty common knowledge that these ddos attacks are tough to combat. The trick for sony this year is what ms does very well. Get up and running quickly. Also, when ms network starts to go haywire, different services won't work, but core mp, generally is the last thing to go. Also, sony better have someone manning the Twitter account, because their communication is laughable. So to recount.
Step 1: get up and running quickly, while keeping everyone informed as to what's going on.

That's it. If they do this, it's a successful holiday season.

Re: Sony's Showing a Brand New Uncharted 4 Trailer Before Star Wars: The Force Awakens


@get2sammyb absolutely, it's not just nostalgia, but also a ton of younger collectors who get there hands on everything they can. I know a few people I play with regularly started gaming on xbox, never had a ps1 or ps2, but through word of mouth, marketing, they are gung ho on every anniversary sony thing they can get their hands on. I got that 20th anny ds4 for my own nostalgia, 1st system was snes, but I fell in love with gaming on ps1. Sony has done a tremendous job marketing this gen, more so because I think it appeals to a much wider audience than the old marketing.

Re: Looks Like Star Wars 1313 May Happen After All


To be honest I'm surprised with the movie coming this wasn't announced sooner. It's good to hear, but I don't see how it could wind up what it could have been. Chances are they just are going to find a team to take what already was built, get the game to a competent storyline, and release it next winter.

Re: November 2015 NPD: PS4 Smashes Xbox One in Important Holiday Month


@shonenjump86 to be honest, and I say this as a massive tomb raider fan and someone who loves the direction the reboot went, I sincerely hope by the time rise hits ps4 and pc it still sells poorly. The decision to make an active, ongoing 3rd party multiplatform sequel exclusive is an act that takes buying exclusive content/timed dlc to a whole new disgusting and quite frankly disturbing level. Despite owning both systems, I refuse to buy it in protest to the practice.

I would have felt the same way If it were sony who bought the exclusive time period. Quite frankly as a whole, exclusive content tied to a manufacturer, retailer, pre order, is getting out of hand. To be clear I have no problems with the titanfall deal, or sunset overdrive, or blood borne. Those were new ips, or say the tomb raider reboot had been exclusive, I would also have been fine because prior to the reboot it was for the most part a dormant franchise. I want to go on explaining my thoughts on this but I will spare you the novel. Im just happy that the numbers hopefully showed square, and other 3rd party developers with active ips that going from multiplatform to exclusive for any amount of time is unacceptable.

I will leave like this. What if Sony retailiated, backed up the truck full of money, and bought exclusivity for the next gta. As highly unlikely, where does this practice stop. Does ms respond with getting the next elder scrolls, and before you know it, in order to play a franchise your hopping consoles to play sequels?

Re: EU PlayStation Store Launches Buy One PS4 Game, Get One Free Offer


It really depends on what you get. For instance I'm thinking of going divinity (absolutely amazing game, have it on pc as well) and farming simulator. So that would price out to be 30 each in the us, which is a savings of 25 or so based on other retailer prices. I might just wait and see what happens week 2/3 of the Xmas sales. But 60 for divinity (50 reg I think though) and farming simulator which hasn't gone on sale anywhere that I've been looking since launch isn't bad. Hell if I don't get it now, I'm still getting divinity for whatever price it is next month most likely

Re: Sony: We're Not Just Going to Reveal Everything We're Doing


I think it more comes from the studios and ips we have not heard from. We know bend is working on something, we know kratos is coming back to trigger our primal selves, and we are impatient. Like an above post, we also know how rare bethesdas fallout 4 is here! And it's a few short months away! Announcement actually is, so we expect a teaser at one conference, a full trailer at the next, a gameplay demo/ release date the one after, which quickly is putting us into fall of 2017 (likely spring of 18) for the real heavy hitters. That's 2 years away. 5 years into what hopefully by then will be the downswing of this gen, and an announcement in year 6 of ps5 with full bc in 2019. Time is flying, and the a lot of the games that capture our hearts just haven't been teased. That's where our impatience is coming from.

Re: Reaction: We Launch Our Limit Breaks on Episodic Final Fantasy VII Remake Reports


@get2sammyb This news took my excitement and squashed it in the same way the tomb raider exlusive anouncememt removed any chance of me supporting that game regardless of the fact that I own both consoles. I saw something today about square saying they wanted to get the game in people's hands as soon as possible, and it seems that was a part of the decision to move to episodic releases.

Now if this is true, and I know I'm not speaking for all when I say this. I would rather wait an extra 8-12 months for a full release. And here's an idea! And I know it's a novel concept. But maybe, just maybe, release a demo.and not a hey buy this, or pre order this, or sign up and maybe you will get it demo.

If squares other reason is also so they can get feedback on certain gameplay choices, and they can make alterations in between chapters, release multiple demos that have you fill out a survey or gives you a feedback option after completing.

Now I know companies in general seem to abhor demos nowadays, but Il tell you what I have purchased way more games due to getting into open betas than decided against because of beta impressions, and among my friends, this seems to be pretty common. Battlefront being the only game so far that got voted down due to the beta.

Re: Sony Santa Monica's Started Teasing a New Title Ahead of PlayStation Experience


Psx would have been the perfect place to launch home on ps4. So much potential. I seriously think home was meant to be a now current gen title, the connectivity is all there. Maybe there sky high promises and ideas could have been envisioned on ps4. I always envisioned home taking over as the ui of a system. Well before I go into a long post about my hype/disappointment, bring on psx!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 95


I've taken a minor break from fallout to enjoy the siege beta with a friend. The multiplayer is brutal, me and him have tried it on 3 separate occasions, only to have a teammate wipe out everyone on our team and run out and get himself killed on purpose (each...time). But we have been enjoying the hell out of terrorist hunter mode. My only gripe so far is with how renoun works, if you use what you have to unlock an operator, and someone else is using that operator, you can't use the character you unlocked. When we realized it last night, the game went from a surprising hey let's both pick this up, to a down the road deal. But overall though we have both enjoyed the hell out of the beta.

Re: PSN Down Again as Holiday Traffic Surges


Last night at midnight eastern, psn went down for about 40 minutes for me. I will say this, they have been infinitely better at getting things up and running quickly (ok so the once in the past year that it's happened to me). My first thought last night after getting booted, and seeing that the new account confirmation emails got backlogged, was damn. How many ps4 got sold black friday.

Re: PSN Feels the Stress of Black Friday as Some Users Can't Sign In


Oh dear. I hope sony knows that they really can't afford to keep having these issues. I know the last psn outtage, while a while ago, had my friends discussing dusting off their x1s. Just a week or so ago we were all hanging out, talking about xmas, and psn was brought up. Essentially the 6 or so friends agreed that if psn goes down like it did last christmas, they would be changing primary consoles. I kind of laughed, having mostly primary ps3 up until the last 3 years of last gen, but these were all xbox guys who were fed up with ms after e3, and didn't like the original interface, or controller. Now my friends could be a vast minority, and i would be willing to bet they are, but sony needs to do some serious work nonetheless. It's not the going down that bothers them, it's how long it takes sony vs ms to get back up and running that kills them.

Re: Soapbox: Why Mass Effect 2 on PlayStation Plus Deserves Your Attention


Let's start that me trilogy remaster petition right now! Sure I have them on pc, but it's not the same. Hell I even subscribed to ps4 now till I found out not all games (like mass effect) were available with the subscription, which I think is just awful, and along with myself, I know of 6 others that won't sub or rent anything from ps now because of it.

Re: Which December PlayStation Plus Games Do You Desire?


I could see driveclub full edition, minus the bikes update, knack, killzone, ac black flag, something like that. While I own 95% of these digital, i still would love to see knack get listed, just because of how much I do support that game. I've yet to talk to anyone who owns it that didn't enjoy playing it. Sure after 6 playthroughs I couldn't tell you anything about the story, but gameplay wise every time I play it I just have fun. It reminds me a lot of growing up playing donkey kong or spyro or crash and just having fun.

Re: Feature: 25 Games That Will Make PS4's 2016 Insane


Mass effect is my top, then uncharted, followed by no mans sky, the witness, and maybe the division. My only concern with mass effect is how little we really know. And I'm deeply concerned they may bring inquisitions war table to mass effect, which for me was a jarring minus to an otherwise splendid game. I just want mass effect to be what we know, on steroids with a few pleasant surprises mixed in, like fallouts settlements. Hell they can delay it a year, or even 2, provide me with the trilogy remastered (most notably update 1 controls) and I won't be barking for another mass effect for a minimum of a year. 2016 could be monstrous for sure, but there's a lot of question marks on the list imo. I'm mostly looking forward to e3 more than anything. Just to see what's next. In the meantime, fallout is going to take me through till the spring.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Build an Elite DualShock 4 Controller for PS4?


Minus the rubber on the analog sticks issue, the ds4 in my opinion is still a superior controller to the x1 controller. The elite is nice, but didnt fix the fundamental flaws that the normal controller has. I still cant believe how xbox had a near perfect controller last gen, and managed to make it worse in new gen. Its uncomfortable, the triggers on mine with very minor use are squeeky, bumper buttons still have the 360 issue of failing to register clicks a fair amount of the time. The elite paddles is however a nice addition.

Re: Guide: What Are the Best Perks to Take in Fallout 4?


Im using a pretty even setup across the board, i sacrifice a little to spec into the luck tree, random 5x xp is very nice. Though it doesnt mean i sacrifice intelligence too much. My only gripe, is the lockpicking. Let me break all my bobby pins if i want that master lock. But that 15hrs in is my one and only gripe.

Re: Review: Fallout 4 (PS4)


@ShogunRok not sure if you have gotten this far, i will be honest i usually skip reading the actual reviewsto go in as blind as possible. My question is, is it true you can do the main story first, then go off and hammer out sidequests etc like skyrim? And also if so, does the game level with you or is it set levels for enemies which sort of forces you to do side quests along the way to stay leveled eith the game. Thank you, and if you answered this in the review i apologize.

Re: How Does the Call of Duty: Black Ops III PS4 Look in the Flesh?


@Gamer83 agreed, the halo 4 360, or currently halo one, and the super duper limited skyrim 360 are a great example of how ms does custom consoles brilliantly. Sony on the other hand can do great controllers, is getting better with the consoles. Then again, that fallout 4 x1 controller is a beaut. But i rather like my 20th anni ds4.

Re: Review: MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore (PS4)


I havent bought one since offroad fury, which was so much fun just roaming around on an (at the time) massive map, with forrest, train tracks, craters, observation areas on the top of cliff sides, etc. With friends. I must have spent countless hours with my buddy just roaming around, finding big jumps and impossible things to try.

Re: Just Cause 3 Studio Suffers Job Cuts


Sadly not unexpected, im pretty sure this happens at a fair amount of studios once a game goes gold, but sucks for those affected nonetheless. I was looking forward to this until i heard there would be no mp. The multiplayer mod on just cause 2 got me to buy the game and get a ton of time out of it, but whats the point of blowing stuff up in crazy ways if you cant share it with a friend.

Re: Insane PS4 Sales Power Sony to Profitability


@get2sammyb exactly. Sony has always had a stranglehold in europe, while ms had the north american hold. Ms blunder cost them north america for the most part, which is a large reason why the ps4 is cranking out sales. North america kept the xbox 360 sales looking very good, all the meanwhile ps3 was staying neck and neck due to its popularity overseas.

Re: Sony Unsure Whether You'll Ever Be Able to Change Your PSN Name


Sounds like never then. I have a feeling they would need to implement "psn 2.0" a new network built from the ground up, and migrate all users who have logged in in the past x years to the new network. Would cost sony an absolute bundle, but in an increasingly digital world, honestly may not be that bad of an idea in the long run.

Re: Sony Knows Exactly What PS4 Firmware Update Features You Want


All i want is pretty simple really. Id like to be able to delete movie trailers from my video library, along with demos, and to change my psn id. I have the name on hold so id have to delete that account thats not used, ive thought of just starting over, but sadly didnt think of it before id already purchased the majority of last years titles digitally on my primary account. Also, and i know its a long shot, but let me activate more than one ps4 as my primary, i have 2 consoles, let me activate them both for offline play of my titles please.