Comments 72

Re: Black Ops 6 Devs Walk Out, Activision Strike Makes the Local News


@HRdepartment I literally don't care what they're protesting. If it's against Activision, they're probably in the right. And I'm not in support of people being lazy, but we as a society deserve better than the working conditions demanded by these large companies. Activision notoriously treats their workforce like garbage, and they have the right to demand better. Plain and simple.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Offers $20 Premium 'Pay-to-Hear' Audio Tech


@XenonKnight Agree with the sentiment on refunding the game lol. I would too, cause this is one of the scummiest things I've seen. However, it has little to do with Phil Spencer. I highly doubt he told them to charge 20 bucks for "enhanced headphone mode." Even writing "enhanced headphone mode" is so dumb. How did we get to the point where this has happened? 20 bucks for audio? This is rediculous.

Re: Here's When to Watch the Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase Stream


@Gewertzx You can play monster hunter games entirely in single player. Many people, including myself, play that way. But you can play in multiplayer too. Coop is an option, but not the only one. Just comes down to which you prefer. But trust me, if the game looks at all fun to you, don't let the multiplayer aspect keep you away. These games are legitimately super fun, which ever way you play.

Re: Sony Wanted PS5 Exclusivity for Crimson Desert, But Dev Reportedly Declined


@Zemo55 Not really the same situation exactly. There's actually a rather weird and complicated history there. If the topic Interests you at all though, there's a really neat YT video from the channel moon channel that I would highly highly recommend. A long video, but worth the watch. But basically, it's not really the same situation at all.

Re: Sony Wanted PS5 Exclusivity for Crimson Desert, But Dev Reportedly Declined


@naruball True, but even then, I think exclusivity deals aren't the best way for indie devs to make money. Game pass and PS plus both shell out a lot of money for games to be on the services. Plus, many indie games see a lot of success from early access launches. Kickstarters are another good way. Rather that than lock it away from the majority of players.

Re: Ever-Evolving, Live Service Experiences Like Fortnite Are 'the Future of Gaming'


The one thing that actually grinds my gears are people saying single player games are "better". Do I like them better? Yes. Do you like them better? Maybe so. But there are loads of people that don't. And there's plenty that enjoy both equally. I kinda see it as a movies vs. TV series situation. I prefer watching movies more. Some others might enjoy watch a series more. But we can both enjoy our different things without one being "better". And both things can exist.

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