Comments 70

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Hype Already Rising Thanks to Ambitious Job Listings


I didn't really enjoy Cyberpunk after the first few hours.

The world, story, characters, graphics etc. were all 10/10 but I felt like the gameplay was quite poor.

I started off playing a stealthy spy type character, sneaking into areas unseen and taking down enemies quietly to finish the missions but then I realised that it was so much easier (even on the hardest difficulty) to just run in with an assault rifle and kill everybody.

Kind of took the fun out of it for me.

Re: Soapbox: I Tried So Hard to Like Elden Ring, But I Just Couldn’t Do It


I agree with a lot of the comments.

The first 60 hours or so I would have given it a solid 10/10 but as it dragged on I slowly enjoyed less and less. The end game somebody mentioned started to become tedious with constant frustrating boss fights one after another.

I ended up summoning in a co-op player to help me with the end boss for the first time in a Souls game just because I just couldn’t be bothered with it anymore.

I still gave it a solid 9/10 though but I was rarely blown away like I was playing Sekiro.

Re: HBO's The Last of Us TV Show Reveals Key Set Photos


I live in Calgary and one of the sets was literally in the alley outside my window. Was cool watching them set it all up but a few days later it was gone, didn’t even see anything get filmed there.

We also have random US mailboxes around the city which I assume they’ve forgotten to take away at one point which causes a lot of confusion

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