Comments 53

Re: Soapbox: I Tried So Hard to Like Elden Ring, But I Just Couldn’t Do It


I agree with a lot of the comments.

The first 60 hours or so I would have given it a solid 10/10 but as it dragged on I slowly enjoyed less and less. The end game somebody mentioned started to become tedious with constant frustrating boss fights one after another.

I ended up summoning in a co-op player to help me with the end boss for the first time in a Souls game just because I just couldn’t be bothered with it anymore.

I still gave it a solid 9/10 though but I was rarely blown away like I was playing Sekiro.

Re: HBO's The Last of Us TV Show Reveals Key Set Photos


I live in Calgary and one of the sets was literally in the alley outside my window. Was cool watching them set it all up but a few days later it was gone, didn’t even see anything get filmed there.

We also have random US mailboxes around the city which I assume they’ve forgotten to take away at one point which causes a lot of confusion

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


I went into the game completely fresh (finished TLOU1 back when it came out but played it again a couple of months ago to remember the story). I didn't watch any trailers, read any reviews or any news about the game until I finished it. I gave it a solid 10/10. One of my friends just finished it today as well and gave it a 10/10. I was well shocked when I went online and started reading TLOU2 news to see all the hate it got...I just don't understand it at all.

I think its going to go down as my third favorite PS4 game (behind Death Stranding and Sekiro). It's crazy how far video games have come in the past 20 years

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