Comments 224

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Another PS5, PS4 Exclusive Using Tons of SSD Space


@Elodin yeah, I suppose it would depend how many multiplayer games you play and how often you switch games up. I've got MLB:TS and FIFA 22 downloaded on mine, but then the rest of the space just goes on whatever single player game I'm currently playing, then when I complete it the space gets recycled for whatever is next. Even when GT7 comes, I'll have space for that to stay as well as the story based single player that I'm playing through

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Another PS5, PS4 Exclusive Using Tons of SSD Space


I've never understood the issue with file sizes. Why can't you delete the games you aren't playing and then reinstall them if you ever need them again? They stay in your library after all, and you won't have to buy them again. So what am I missing?

I don't know, maybe i'm the weird one in the sense that I don't ever play more than one game at once. I like to fully concentrate on a game, try to complete and platinum it, then I move on to a new game. If I have to delete the one I just beat platinum on then so be it.

I'm being serious here, not trying to be controversial. I'd love some genuine insight on why it's a big deal.

Re: Reaction: Activision Blizzard Buyout Is Devastating for PS5, PS4


Doesn't bother me on a gaming scale. I've never been a big multiplayer fan (stopped buying FIFA because of their greed. GTA Online is as multiplayer as I get) and have always been a huge admirer for solid storytelling you find with single player games.

I would be happy if PlayStation became the Single Player console, to be honest. As long as MS don't buy SE, EA/Bioware, Atlus etc then I still have no reason to turn my back on PlayStation. Maybe Sony should buy those to retaliate!

Been a PS owner and lover since the original PlayStation. And fingers crossed that doesn't need to change.

Re: Stranger of Paradise Brings Chaos to PS5 SSDs


@AndyKazama I think we're in for a surprise with how the game looms overall. They've been extremely quiet nor for a while probably doing some major polishing. Remember the difference between first demo and second? They could easily get it looking beautiful between then and release

Re: Poll: How Long Should Games Be?


See, it's a funny one. Because I like a game to end when I want it to end...

So for example if I'm enjoying it immensely, then I can explore, do the side quests, roam around, find collectables etc etc before finishing the story.

But at the same time, if I'm doing all that and I then get bored, or it gets repetitive, then I can just drop all of the side stuff and just fly through the main story.

It all depends on the genre and how much control you have over the game. A massive open world, 100 hours? Sure. A linear, leveled platform game, 100 hours? Hell no.

I think what I'm trying to say is it's not something you can really answer, because it's all dependant on what it is your playing on. What I can say is my preferred games are RPGs, so I guess I like games that take 40+ hours, I guess 🤷🏻

Re: Feature: 15 PS5, PS4 Predictions for 2022


My 3 predictions:

Year of the Square Enix : Stranger of Paradise massively surprises and makes it in to the GotY catagory. We also get confirmation of a second FF remake either VI or IX, and a first solid trailer for DQXII.

Re: PlayStation Direct Online Store Finally Coming to Europe


@TheDudeElDuderino it's crazy really because I had two friends who got from Game, I got mine from Smyth's and another friend from Amazon with absolutely no struggle when pre-orders went live. Usually it's the other way around but this year pre ordering was a breeze if you was online on time. Anything after that though, a whole different story!

Re: Poll: Vote For the Best Final Fantasy Game on PlayStation


Final Fantasy IX for me is not just my favourite FF game, but pretty much my favourite game of all time. It is absolutely beautiful in my eyes. The characters, the towns, the music. I love everything about it. The moment where Vivi walks out of the Black Mage Village Inn and he's looking up at the sky, whilst Zidane is telling Garnet that he is looking for a place to call home is just... It turns my heart to butter. It overwhelms me. Nothing short of magical storytelling. Vivi and his storyline and the way his character grows throughout the game is a pure master stroke. My all time favourite FF Character.

Re: Feature: Our PS5, PS4 Predictions for PlayStation Showcase 2021


My predictions: no FFXVI, but we get another Stranger of Paradise trailer and release date.

GTAV for PS5 new changes info/release date. Announcement that GTAVI is in the works but just a title teaser.

A Kena reminder.

Gran Tourismo release date.

GoW in game footage.

NBA 2k22 & FIFA 22 trailers.

TLoU multiplayer.

Forespoken, Hogwarts, solar ash, ghostwire Tokyo and Pragmata updates.

PS+ Updates

3hours of new Deathloop footage