Comments 955

Re: Only Sony Will Allow Crazy PS5, PS4 Indie Horror Christmas Massacre


@thefourfoldroot1 It's like having a store and deciding what to sell in your store. I'm all for price caps on rent, energy, medicine, etc.., but I am also fine with stores deciding to not sell certain items if they feel they don't want to be associated with it. I wouldn't walk into Toys R Us and expect to find sex toys for sale, just like I wouldn't walk into a bakery and expect to find guns for sale, nor should those stores be forced to sell those items if they don't want to.
Just like I don't want certain people in my home that I don't wish to enter. And I think my positions are perfectly reasonable.
But now we're getting into apples vs. oranges.

Re: Only Sony Will Allow Crazy PS5, PS4 Indie Horror Christmas Massacre


While the game doesn't look very good, it still is attention-grabbing, lol. To quote Robocop; I'd buy that for a dollar. 😋

@thefourfoldroot1 It's literally the platform holders platform, rofl. They have the final say.

Imagine if random people could come into your house any time they wanted, stay as long as they wanted and did whatever they wished, etc.. It's the same idea. Ridiculous.

Re: Ubisoft Exec Says Physical Sales Slowing, But They're Not Going Away


@zupertramp Firstly, since when is "kneecapping" an elitist term? I think you've been online too long. Would you prefer downgrade?

Secondly, and this was addressed at Waveboy originally, for someone to throw away their perfectly good and functional PS5, for a new model that has LESS features, while overall spending MORE money? How on earth is advocating for the opposite elitist? I suggested to waveboy to save that money and keep the device they already have, that happens to have more features. And yet somehow, that's elitism..?
A true elitist consumes every new thing, even if it's downgraded just to be cool and current, while spending the most money. I advocated the complete opposite philosophy.
Mother of god... You missed the plot completely. 🤦‍♂️

Re: Who Is PlayStation's New CEO, Hiroki Totoki?


@Oz_Momotaro Well, if it wasn't clear by now, media industries feed on nostalgia. To abandon one's entire legacy is how you lose your original fans, and your relevancy fades. Imagine if Mario, Zelda and Pokemon suddenly ended, Nintendo would be a world of trouble. You're unreasonable to say "Sony, throw all your old IPs away, only make new stuff every new generation". Completely unrealistic.

Re: Who Is PlayStation's New CEO, Hiroki Totoki?


@Oz_Momotaro Reinventing some old IPs would inject some lifeblood into these states of play snoozefests. Look at Capcom, literally remaking their entire RE series, continuing Street Fighter, innovating with Monster Hunter, brought Mega Man back, continuing AA, and their profits, stock and popularity have skyrocketed in recent years.

Nintendo continuously reinvents Mario, with 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, Odyssey, NSMB, and now Wonder. They reinvented Zelda with OOT, WW, and BOTW. Both IPs are just as relevant today as they were back in the 80s, perhaps moreso (Mario film made 1B+)

Sony keeps a few old IPs around like God of War and Gran Turismo, but they're sitting on an enormous wealth of old IP that they just don't seem to want to use. The notion that there's millions of loyal PlayStation Gamers that have been gaming with them for over 20 years, to also say that 70 to 80% of those PS players have never played any of those old IPs, doesn't add up. Sony is having an identity crisis, and they seem clueless as to what to do about it. VR is and will remain a niche for quite some time, so they can't bet on that to be the huge breakthrough that they need. They had a good thing going with The Last of Us, until they decided to pour tons of resources into a stupid multiplayer game; MP is not what TLOU is about. Let's continue Uncharted with Drake's daughter, but they don't seem to be doing that.
Splinter Cell is dead. Metal Gear is dead. Perfect Dark is years away. This is the perfect time to bring back Syphon Filter; can't tell you how much I'm craving a big-Budget, decent third person stealth action game.

These are just a few ideas off the top of my head that would make PlayStation more exciting again. Ryan personified the abandonment of the company's roots, and while Sony is in the unique position of also being a hardware maker, we've seen time and time again what often happens to companies that completely abandon what made them successful in the first place.

Re: Who Is PlayStation's New CEO, Hiroki Totoki?


I'm thrilled Ryan is leaving. Although this Hiroko is the "infinite growth obsession" dude, the worst element of capitalism, so that's not great...

Sony is losing touch with the fan base. There's nothing on the horizon that I get excited for when I think of PlayStation, at least from a 1st party perspective. These State of play showings are snoozefests. Sure, Spider-Man 2 will be fun, but it's hardly original. I want Sony to turn it around, make some more quirkier titles, revive some old IPS like Infamous or Warhawk or Syphon Filter, stuff like that.

Re: Jim Ryan Retires as PlayStation Boss in March 2024


@AhmadSumadi After Don Matrick took a steaming, big massive dump on Xbox gamers and the platform's legacy, Phil's oversight has been a complete 180. You can't deny the brand is in better (not perfect) shape overall compared to 8-9 years ago.
Ryan, and Sony in general, has shown little regard in recent years for PS's legacy, with Ryan doing nothing to remedy that. That's one big reason why he needed to go. The closure of Japan Studio and shift away from unique, quirkier titles are others.

Re: Xbox Documents Reveal Staggering Cost of Bringing Games to Game Pass, PS Plus


@RedShirtRod And that's why so many users online, who don't know fk all about what they're talking about, cry and whine about how terrible GP and PS+ subs are; if it was losing colossal amounts of money, MS and Sony wouldn't be doing it. The business model is cleary making them both money. I'm not even defending the prominence of TV/gaming/music etc. subscription models, as I like owning my media, but it's not going away, and it clearly brings in big bucks.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PlayStation Portal?


@lolwhatno I'm no stranger to criticizing Sony, esp. as of recent, but users like that person just descend gaming/insert topic here into a hateful, toxic mess that benefits no one. I too was the ultimate blind fanboy as a teenager, and I'm truly embarrassed by that when I reflect back.

Re: PlayStation and Other Gaming Titans Flock to Twitter Rival Threads


@Impossibilium All very valid points. These days I just use Muskrat Central to follow gaming deals. My FB account is still open, but I never post anything and rarely check it after realizing that it's just a giant waste of time and I don't care about who went on vacation to wherever with their spouse, or where someone went for lunch. 🤦‍♂️

Re: PlayStation and Other Gaming Titans Flock to Twitter Rival Threads


@Ravix The post was deleted but thank you, I appreciate it.

Someone has to stand up and point out the ridiculous behaviors and hypocracy of Musk, and those labeling everything "Marxism" when that stems purely from an economic political theory; it's just spreading more disinformation and nonsense.

Despite all the problems of Twitter's previous management, at least it was publicly traded, now it's literally just 1 billionaires tyrannical fantasy come true. It's even less Democratic than it was, but that irony is lost on certain people in this thread.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox



Oh look at that, Sony has acquired 22 game studios since the year 2000 alone. Totally fine when Sony buys out studios, yet MS doing it is the biggest crime ever.

"Organically grown". If you mean "Let's buy X studio today, develop a new I. P. with them for tomorrow", then duh, of course. The only other option is to continue an already established series with the acquired studio, like COD for example, and/or a successful studio with a popular track record, like Bethesda. OR SONY WITH INSOMNIAC, as another example. A close relationship for years, finally leading to a purchase in 2019. That's fine for Sony, but not MS? Nonsense. This is about money at the end of the day, not you and your favourite plastic box.

Essentially, "Sony good Xbox bad!!!". Such a hypocrite.