Comments 955

Re: Pounce on Pre-Orders for Stray Physical Edition on PS5, PS4


I'm truly disappointed that physical isn't an option on day 1. Now I have to contemplate signing up for Sony's GamePass clone, or wait a few months for a hard copy. Let me guide my fluffy orange kitty back home now, not later! 🐈😫

@Lovespuds That's exactly what they do, though. Stray is an exception where it is getting a standard retail release as well. The whole business model is trash.

Re: Last Year, Free-to-Play Games Accounted for a Quarter of Total PS Store Spend on PS4


@LiamCroft Maybe not today, but this is a shockingly high number. One that will likely only increase in the future. Once Upon a Time, digital downloads were the minority, now they're the majority of sales. How do you miss the obvious that this can potentially set a bad precedence going forward? Less incentive to invest in a traditional consumer-friendly gaming model, so hey let's load our games up with even more DLC, in-game paid currencies, and invasive micro transactions.

I proudly spent $0 on F2P last year.

Re: Preview: New Saints Row Looks Like Fantastic Fun, But It's Also Distinctly Last-Gen


It's not a problem, PS. More Saints Row is all I'm asking for. It's such a fun, ridiculous series. 😂 SR4 really went too far with the OP god-like powers, so toning it down is actually welcomed. We'll have a reason to drive cars again. They were useless in SR4.

@jFug You don't see it because it's not there. It's a purely aesthetic dislike from some of these individuals, nothing more. An aesthetic critique is perfectly reasonable. Same reason Metroid Prime Federation Force got obliterated online was its chibi style, yet the game was actually awesome.

The internet caused that word to lose all meaning. It's like calling something "gay" as a universal insult if one doesn't like/doesn't understand X topic or issue at hand. So nauseating...

Re: Sony Is Still Gaming's Second Biggest Money Maker, But Looks Set to Be Overtaken


@lolwhatno You can't generalize fans of one platform as being some kind of hive mind. I own every platform and use them for different reasons; with regard to Xbox specifically, while GamePass is great, I don't intentionally subscribe to it as a rule, unless I find a promo or discount on it. Since I don't have a lot of free time for gaming, I would rather just buy the games that I'm most interested in, (and often physically at that 😉) and play them on my own time, not when a service tells me I have to play now, or else it may be gone next week.

I also did buy Xbox for some exclusives, such as Halo infinite, Gears 6, potential exclusives like Doom, Wolfenstein, and my absolute #1 most desired exclusive, the reimagined (and hopefully not trash) Perfect Dark. Some Xbox digital titles are Play Anywhere, which gives you the PC version as well for free.

I got a lot of my multiplatform releases for Series X because it's the most powerful console of the three, PS5 for Sony exclusives, and Switch for 1st party, most retro/indie titles, or if I want portability.

Re: PS Vita the Only Console Snubbed in Sony's New PS Plus Premium Subscription


It's sad because the Vita did have some great titles and was very technically impressive for the time. I've always had a soft spot for handhelds, but Sony acted like the Vita was dead by 2014, and it limped along for years after without Sony. Plus It'd be challenging to adapt some of those titles for a non-touch interface. Sony still demonstrating they never believed in Vita, not then and not now. 😔

Re: UK Sales Charts: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Settles for Second as Kirby Conquers


If it wasn't for Ikumi Nakamura's E3 presentation, GWT would've had even less attention paid to it. The game never looked very good, and that recent gameplay trailer was an absolute snoozefest. "Let's take a great ghost finding concept like Fatal Frame, and suck all the fun and intrigue out of it! Brilliant!". 🤦‍♂️

At least Kirby's doing well.

Re: Full Crossplay Support for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Confirmed


@Cutmastavictory Yeah, which I even acknowledged FF14 was cross-play, if you'd bothered to read my response. I also said the odd titles that were, were all coincidently MMOs. Cross-play was an exception that generation, not the rule.

You, however, are choosing the ignore the network-wide crossplay issue; an entirely separate matter. The FF14 matter is done. It was crossplay. I admit it. TWICE. Yet you're still unsatisfied.

However, I'm not wrong that Sony is still causing issues for some publishers. You're the one who refuses to accept that Sony was causing issue, at least as far as Gearbox is concerned. Borderlands 3 still doesn't support cross-play. They had to remove it for certification by Sony. This is well documented, which I cited. You're choosing to ignore the words of Pitchford, not me.

Re: Full Crossplay Support for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Confirmed


@Cutmastavictory They allowed it, than rescinded, then reverted back after pressure. I'm no fan of Gearbox, but even they are citing issues with Sony at this very moment.
You think Sony can do no wrong, I get it. I'm happy to admit when I'm wrong, but the evidence counters your claims. Sorry to hurt your ego. Personal feelings =/= evidence.

Re: Full Crossplay Support for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Confirmed


@Floki So, basically some MMOs are the exception. The Dust and EVE examples are titled completely differently, talk about obscure. 😳

@Cutmastavictory Yes, FF14, an MMO. Fine. To which those old Live policies have been removed.

There's no question Sony was the last to budge when XB/Switch/PC players began playing together. I love how you can't explain why TTWL's and Borderlands 3 is only again hung up on Sony's systems now. 🤔
As a bonus, as of October 2021, the director still suggests FF14 will release on Xbox.

I have no horse in this race. I don't play nor couldn't care less about what platforms FF14 is on. What I will say though is what you call regurgitating, I call citing evidence and data. Try it some time. Personal feelings =/= evidence.

Ah yeah I forgot FF11. (Not an MMO/FF fan) It's always MMOs, never something like a racer or FPS. 😋
I completely agree with your theory, as it's logical if you're on top, you want to retain everyone and their friends on the same platform. MS has removed those old policies, to their credit, and Sony did relinquish too, and I'm genuinely surprised BL3 is having issues still.
It's definitely hard to implement, but also it's a natural evolution of the industry, and it prolongs a game's lifespan. Thus setting the stage for further DLCs and expansions.

We could even go a step further and mention how even Sony is releasing a lot of their first-party titles on PC now, as is MS, because they know where the rest of the money is. Interesting times.

Re: Full Crossplay Support for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Confirmed


@Cutmastavictory Crossplay as we define it today, playing against rival systems, did not exist on PS3.

There were a few games that could be played across PS3/4/Vita, but that's still within PSN. That doesn't count within the modern context of cross-play, nor within the citied information from that article which I posted.

Sony was the last holdout on crossplay. That is undeniable. Honestly, I'm surprised the issue is still persisting into the PS5 era, but apparently so.