Comments 955

Re: Microsoft's $69 Billion Activision Deal Approved by the EU Commission


@RonnieL Its all the exact same money at the end of the day, which is all these companies care about. They don't differentiate between who made what, who purchased whom, etc... Leave that for gamers and fanboys alike to scream at each other about online. You may be shocked to learn this, but Sony nor any other firm doesnt give an eff about you.

Re: Most PlayStation Fans Aren't At All Sold on a PS5 Remote Play Handheld


@TrillionTears Sony would drop this thing faster than the Vita. It's an objectively awful idea. They can't even get the psvr2 off to a strong start. This has nothing to do with Xbox, either. The derangement from Sony fans is ridiculous. If PlayStation is so perfect, why do so many Sony fans care what the competition is doing? Talk about an insecure mindset.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: PS5 Sales Beaten by Switch But Remain Steady


@Neverwild That's much too general of a statement. Many individuals have issues with large companies like MS buying studios out directly to secure exclusives. While I far prefer the Xbox platform nowadays, I am very wary of these large buyouts. If Sony buys out Square (whom I typically can't stand 90% of their games but that's just me) I will not be jumping for joy, nor was I at MS buying Bethesda (and seemingly Activision).

Re: You May Be Able to Take The Last of Us on a Roadtrip Soon


@nomither6 You sure love the word over-rated a lot. I guarantee if it was the Sony Switch, you would love it. In 2017, the Switch was very capable. You're looking at it with 2023 eyes. I remember how absolutely awful the Vita ports of Borderlands 2 and RE Revelations 2 are, but on Switch they played great, as just two examples. Why does the Steamdeck get a free pass when it is "underpowered", compared to a decent gaming laptop, yet Switch is somehow so terrible and awful, deserving no credit for any of its capabilities?

Wasn't the Wii U already bare-bones in terms of library and features? So then how is the Switch also barebones? Wasn't the Wii U basically a living room DS conceptually, a handheld you claim to love? The DS too was also "underpowered" at the time, yet it's one of the greatest, coolest handhelds ever.

Your logic makes no sense.

Now you're arguing personal preferences between devices. Controller shape, library, button layout, etc... You're not right or wrong, it's just individual preference. Nothing here is constructive at all.

Re: You May Be Able to Take The Last of Us on a Roadtrip Soon


@nomither6 You can doubt all you want, but while the Vita was a complete embarrassment from a 1st party software perspective, the Switch was everything and more than Sony was ever able to deliver on.
PSP, meh, I never owned one. Granted it did a lot of cool stuff at the time, but I personally never found the games appealing enough, and why buy a watered down port with 1 analog stick, when the PS2 version was the full experience. And those memory sticks...ouch... a pricy problem that plagued both Sony handhelds.

You can thank the existence of the very awesome Steamdeck (its literally the same design as Switch, sans joycons), and the explosion of other powerful, console-quality handhelds, to the proven appeal, incredible software library. smashing sales success, and highly rated consumer reception, to the Switch's existence.

Re: Silent Hill 2's PS5 Remake Is Close to Completion


@Deoxyr1bose Konami is only hated so much because they've turned their backs on their classic IPs (and most gaming in general) in recent years.

Now, if gamers want to prove that they themselves are not hypocrites, if Silent Hill 2's remake is really good, shouldn't they put their hatred aside and pick up the game and support it, which in turn would generate profit and show Konami "Oh, people actually want this, let's make more"?

OT: Barring it being a total disaster, inject this into me on day one, please. Can't wait. SH2 is the best. ❤

Re: PS Plus Premium's Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Ape Academy 2 Have Trophies


Finally something I can credit Sony for. I like the fact that at least with some of these retro games like Syphon Filter, you can buy them outright (like the old PS3 store) and not have to rely on a subscription. I should give siphon filter a try as I like spy games, and there's a disturbing lack of them in the modern era.

The addition of the first party trophies is also nice, if you care about those things.

Re: Valheim Could Potentially Come to PS5 in Six Months


@naruball 3DS is/was a hell of a lot cheaper than a PS5. That says something. A 3DS was borderline impulse-buy. I think little of Sony nowadays (for various reasons); as a company they're insufferable and fandom hypocracy is pure toxicity, but I own it for the desirable exclusives, cause at the end of the day I'm a gamer. Fanboys suck across the board, don't GAF about any of them.

Re: Funko Pop Tossing Over $30 Million Worth of Stock into a Landfill


A perfect analogy of capitalism; harm the environment to seek profit, over-produce stuff that is no longer wanted nor profitable, and then don't even donate them for free when no one wants the excess, just shove it underground, consequences be damned. Its not even these toys specifically, it's the entire mindset that leads to this waste. Shameful to all involved.

Re: PS5 Finally Starts Shifting Software in Japan on Back of Stock Rebound


@zebric21 Overpay? Are you serious? That's your best counter to me spending my own money on things I like? I buy these devices because I'm a gamer, genius. Shocking revelation, I'm sure. 🙃

If anything, your post reeks of jealousy. Or you think everything else is beneath Emperor God King PlayStation. Or both. Whatever. 😂

Re: PS5 Finally Starts Shifting Software in Japan on Back of Stock Rebound


@zebric21 LOL, all platforms are my platforms. Playing Metroid Dread on Switch, GoldenEye on Xbox and Metro Exodus on PS5. I'm not a fanboy. 😉

Also, last I checked, Xbox has plenty of so-called "AAA" titles. I don't know what sadder, your ignorance or that you still use that antiquated, subjective, meaningless descriptor. 😂

Re: Sony Must Share Details of Exclusivity Deals with Microsoft in FTC's Court Hearing


I've been dying to see for years the money Sony has paid for exclusive games and other content deals. Remember Soul Caliber 3 being a PS2 exclusive, despite 2 selling best on Gamecube?

Then there's the COD exclusive stuff.

Edit: Street Fighter 5, same deal. Randomly (console) exclusive for seemingly no reason.

FF16 being exclusive has been incredibly suspect since day 1, as well as Silent Hill 2's ambiguous situation at the moment.

Sony has a lot of secrets to answer for. They have a stellar track record of seemingly trying to buy exclusive content. Pushsquare, its hyper-partisan cringworthy staff, and the vocal hardcore base here say nothing, yet when M$ does it, suddenly it's evil, terrible and wrong? GMAFB. And keep in mind, I generally dislike massive corporate takeovers, but if its going to happen, at least apply a consistent ideological position, regardless of who's acting suspect.

Re: PS5 Sales Increased 202% in Europe Year-over-Year, Xbox and Nintendo Switch Both Down


@Green-Bandit Haha, thanks again for that, Bandit. I saw your previous message at me a couple weeks ago touching on a somewhat similarly-related topic. XD
I'm sure Starfield will do well, but as it's a 1st party release, it is listed as a GP title. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about how GP is effecting sales of certain games. I admit I recently used GP to complete both Plague Tale Requiem and As Dusk Falls (both excellent games, btw) during my 1-month sub.
It's perfectly fair to report on the facts as they are, although why the Eff PushSquare is reporting this Xbox story, as it has nothing to do with Sony at all, really reeks of pettiness and insecurity on both PS's staff part, and on the part of a large chunk of the PS users here (which as you say, the majority likely don't even own an Xbox, yet crap on it constantly). GP is excellent for the end user, so for however long it lasts, I'm going to say to everyone; enjoy it. i've got plenty of my own criticisms of Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo/Switch, but as I too own all 3, and all 3 give me different things I enjoy, I want all 3 brands to perform well. I also like seeing some type of uniqueness between them as well, which is becoming more of a rarity with each new generation. Xbox has GP/Bethesda, Sony has TLoU, Marvel and deep connections to Japanese studios, and Nintendo has their incredible IP catalogue like Zelda and Metroid plus their innovative hardware designs. There's enough there from all 3 for one to appreciate their strengths, rather than only focusing on their negatives and take the "I dont own it so I have to bash it" tribalism mentality.